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2015-03-07 12:51:28 +01:00
package ellpeck.actuallyadditions.config;
2015-03-07 12:51:28 +01:00
import ellpeck.actuallyadditions.items.metalists.TheFoods;
import ellpeck.actuallyadditions.items.metalists.TheMiscItems;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
public class ConfigValues{
public static boolean[] enabledFoodRecipes = new boolean[TheFoods.values().length];
public static boolean[] enabledMiscRecipes = new boolean[TheMiscItems.values().length];
public static boolean enableCompostRecipe;
public static boolean enableKnifeRecipe;
public static boolean enableCrusherRecipe;
public static boolean enableCrusherDoubleRecipe;
public static boolean enableFurnaceDoubleRecipe;
public static boolean enableGiantChestRecipe;
public static boolean enableFeederRecipe;
public static boolean enableCrafterRecipe;
2015-03-21 16:11:22 +01:00
public static boolean enableInputterRecipe;
public static int tileEntityCompostAmountNeededToConvert;
public static int tileEntityCompostConversionTimeNeeded;
public static int tileEntityFeederReach;
public static int tileEntityFeederTimeNeeded;
public static int tileEntityFeederThreshold;
public static int itemKnifeMaxDamage;
public static int toolEmeraldHarvestLevel;
public static int toolEmeraldMaxUses;
public static float toolEmeraldEfficiency;
public static float toolEmeraldDamage;
public static int toolEmeraldEnchantability;
public static boolean enableToolEmeraldRecipe;
public static int toolObsidianHarvestLevel;
public static int toolObsidianMaxUses;
public static float toolObsidianEfficiency;
public static float toolObsidianDamage;
public static int toolObsidianEnchantability;
public static boolean enableToolObsidianRecipe;
public static int furnaceDoubleSmeltTime;
public static int grinderDoubleCrushTime;
public static int grinderCrushTime;
public static boolean enableExperienceDrop;
public static boolean enableBloodDrop;
public static boolean enableHeartDrop;
public static boolean enableSubstanceDrop;
public static boolean enablePearlShardDrop;
public static boolean enableEmeraldShardDrop;
2015-03-08 14:58:26 +01:00
public static boolean generateBlackQuartz;
public static int blackQuartzBaseAmount;
public static int blackQuartzAdditionalChance;
public static int blackQuartzChance;
public static int blackQuartzMinHeight;
public static int blackQuartzMaxHeight;
public static void defineConfigValues(Configuration config){
for(int i = 0; i < enabledFoodRecipes.length; i++){
enabledFoodRecipes[i] = config.getBoolean(TheFoods.values()[i].name, ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_FOOD_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for " + TheFoods.values()[i].name + " is Enabled");
for(int i = 0; i < enabledMiscRecipes.length; i++){
2015-03-08 14:58:26 +01:00
enabledMiscRecipes[i] = config.getBoolean(TheMiscItems.values()[i].name, ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MISC_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for " + TheMiscItems.values()[i].name + " is Enabled");
2015-03-08 14:58:26 +01:00
generateBlackQuartz = config.getBoolean("Black Quartz", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_WORLD_GEN, true, "If the Black Quartz generates in the world");
blackQuartzBaseAmount = config.getInt("Black Quartz Amount", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_WORLD_GEN, 3, 1, 50, "How big a Black Quartz Vein is at least");
blackQuartzAdditionalChance = config.getInt("Black Quartz Additional Chance", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_WORLD_GEN, 3, 0, 50, "How much bigger than the Base Amount a Black Quartz Vein can get");
blackQuartzChance = config.getInt("Black Quartz Chance", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_WORLD_GEN, 25, 1, 150, "How often the Black Quartz tries to generate");
blackQuartzMinHeight = config.getInt("Black Quartz Min Height", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_WORLD_GEN, 0, 0, 256, "How high the Black Quartz starts to generate");
blackQuartzMaxHeight = config.getInt("Black Quartz Max Height", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_WORLD_GEN, 25, 0, 256, "How high the Black Quartz stops to generate at");
enableExperienceDrop = config.getBoolean("Solidified Experience", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MOB_DROPS, false, "If the Solidified Experience drops from Mobs");
enableBloodDrop = config.getBoolean("Blood Fragments", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MOB_DROPS, false, "If the Blood Fragments drop from Mobs");
enableHeartDrop = config.getBoolean("Heart Parts", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MOB_DROPS, false, "If the Heart Parts drop from Mobs");
enableSubstanceDrop = config.getBoolean("Unknown Substance", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MOB_DROPS, false, "If the Unknown Substance drops from Mobs");
enablePearlShardDrop = config.getBoolean("Ender Pearl Shard", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MOB_DROPS, false, "If the Ender Pearl Shard drops from Mobs");
enableEmeraldShardDrop = config.getBoolean("Emerald Shard", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MOB_DROPS, false, "If the Emerald Shard drops from Mobs");
enableCompostRecipe = config.getBoolean("Compost", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_BLOCKS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Compost is Enabled");
enableKnifeRecipe = config.getBoolean("Knife", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_ITEMS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Knife is Enabled");
enableCrusherDoubleRecipe = config.getBoolean("Double Crusher", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_BLOCKS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Double Crusher is Enabled");
enableCrusherRecipe = config.getBoolean("Crusher", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_BLOCKS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Crusher is Enabled");
enableFurnaceDoubleRecipe = config.getBoolean("Double Furnace", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_BLOCKS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Double Furnace is Enabled");
enableGiantChestRecipe = config.getBoolean("Giant Chest", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_BLOCKS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Giant Chest is Enabled");
2015-03-21 16:11:22 +01:00
enableInputterRecipe = config.getBoolean("ESD", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_BLOCKS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the ESD is Enabled");
enableFeederRecipe = config.getBoolean("Feeder", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_BLOCKS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Feeder is Enabled");
enableCrafterRecipe = config.getBoolean("Crafting Table On A Stick", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_ITEMS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for the Crafting Table On A Stick is Enabled");
tileEntityCompostAmountNeededToConvert = config.getInt("Compost: Amount Needed To Convert", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 10, 1, 64, "How many items are needed in the Compost to convert to Fertilizer");
tileEntityCompostConversionTimeNeeded = config.getInt("Compost: Conversion Time Needed", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 1000, 30, 10000, "How long the Compost needs to convert to Fertilizer");
tileEntityFeederReach = config.getInt("Feeder: Reach", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 5, 1, 20, "The Radius of Action of the Feeder");
tileEntityFeederTimeNeeded = config.getInt("Feeder: Time Needed", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 100, 50, 5000, "The time spent between feeding animals with the Feeder");
tileEntityFeederThreshold = config.getInt("Feeder: Threshold", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 30, 3, 500, "How many animals need to be in the area for the Feeder to stop");
itemKnifeMaxDamage = config.getInt("Knife: Max Uses", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 100, 5, 5000, "How often the Knife can be crafted with");
toolEmeraldHarvestLevel = config.getInt("Emerald: Harvest Level", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 3, 0, 3, "What Harvest Level Emerald Tools have (0 = Wood, 1 = Stone, 2 = Iron, 3 = Diamond)");
toolEmeraldMaxUses = config.getInt("Emerald: Max Uses", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 2000, 50, 10000, "How often Emerald Tools can be used");
toolEmeraldEfficiency = config.getFloat("Emerald: Efficiency", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 9.0F, 1.0F, 20.0F, "How fast Emerald Tools are");
toolEmeraldDamage = config.getFloat("Emerald: Damage", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 5.0F, 0.1F, 50.0F, "How much damage an Emerald Tool deals");
toolEmeraldEnchantability = config.getInt("Emerald: Enchantability", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 15, 1, 30, "How enchantable an Emerald Tool is");
enableToolEmeraldRecipe = config.getBoolean("Emerald Tools", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_ITEMS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for Emerald Tools is Enabled");
toolObsidianHarvestLevel = config.getInt("Obsidian: Harvest Level", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 3, 0, 3, "What Harvest Level Obsidian Tools have (0 = Wood, 1 = Stone, 2 = Iron, 3 = Diamond)");
toolObsidianMaxUses = config.getInt("Obsidian: Max Uses", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 8000, 50, 20000, "How often Obsidian Tools can be used");
toolObsidianEfficiency = config.getFloat("Obsidian: Efficiency", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 4.0F, 1.0F, 20.0F, "How fast Obsidian Tools are");
toolObsidianDamage = config.getFloat("Obsidian: Damage", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 2.0F, 0.1F, 50.0F, "How much damage an Obsidian Tool deals");
toolObsidianEnchantability = config.getInt("Obsidian: Enchantability", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_TOOL_VALUES, 15, 1, 30, "How enchantable an Obsidian Tool is");
enableToolObsidianRecipe = config.getBoolean("Obsidian Tools", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_ITEMS_CRAFTING, true, "If the Crafting Recipe for Obsidian Tools is Enabled");
grinderCrushTime = config.getInt("Crusher: Crush Time", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 200, 10, 1000, "How long the Crusher takes to crush an item");
grinderDoubleCrushTime = config.getInt("Double Crusher: Crush Time", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 300, 10, 1000, "How long the Double Crusher takes to crush an item");
furnaceDoubleSmeltTime = config.getInt("Double Furnace: Smelt Time", ConfigurationHandler.CATEGORY_MACHINE_VALUES, 300, 10, 1000, "How long the Double Furnace takes to crush an item");