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* This file ("") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft.
* It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed
* under the Actually Additions License to be found at
* View the source code at
2017-01-01 16:23:26 +01:00
* © 2015-2017 Ellpeck
package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.inventory.gui;
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack;
2021-11-14 00:20:29 +01:00
2023-12-20 22:02:25 +01:00
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.inventory.SackContainer;
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.AssetUtil;
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.button.Button;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
2023-12-20 22:02:25 +01:00
public class SackGui extends AAScreen<SackContainer> {
2016-11-19 23:12:22 +01:00
private static final ResourceLocation RES_LOC = AssetUtil.getGuiLocation("gui_bag");
private static final ResourceLocation RES_LOC_VOID = AssetUtil.getGuiLocation("gui_void_bag");
2023-12-20 22:02:25 +01:00
private final SackContainer container;
private final boolean isVoid;
2016-09-12 20:45:29 +02:00
private FilterSettingsGui filter;
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
private Button buttonAutoInsert;
2023-12-20 22:02:25 +01:00
public SackGui(SackContainer container, PlayerInventory inventory, ITextComponent title) {
super(container, inventory, title);
this.imageWidth = 176;
this.imageHeight = 90 + 86;
2023-03-16 00:17:57 +01:00
this.isVoid = false; //TODO fix later
this.container = container;
2021-03-01 20:14:50 +01:00
public void init() {
2023-03-16 00:17:57 +01:00
this.filter = new FilterSettingsGui(this.container.filter, this.leftPos + 138, this.topPos + 10, this.buttons);
2021-11-21 17:31:57 +01:00
// this.buttonAutoInsert = new Button(0, this.leftPos - 21, this.topPos + 8, 20, 20, (this.container.autoInsert
// ? TextFormatting.DARK_GREEN
// : TextFormatting.RED) + "I");
2023-03-16 00:17:57 +01:00
2021-11-21 17:31:57 +01:00
// @Override
// protected void actionPerformed(Button button) throws IOException {
// CompoundNBT data = new CompoundNBT();
// data.putInt("ButtonID",;
// data.putInt("PlayerID", Minecraft.getInstance().player.getId());
// data.putInt("WorldID", Minecraft.getInstance().level.provider.getDimension());
// PacketHandler.THE_NETWORK.sendToServer(new PacketClientToServer(data, PacketHandler.GUI_BUTTON_TO_CONTAINER_HANDLER));
// }
2021-11-14 00:20:29 +01:00
public void tick() {
2021-03-01 20:55:50 +01:00
2021-11-14 00:20:29 +01:00
//this.buttonAutoInsert.displayString = (this.container.autoInsert
// ? TextFormatting.DARK_GREEN
// : TextFormatting.RED) + "I";
2021-11-21 17:31:57 +01:00
/* @Override
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
public void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int x, int y) {
AssetUtil.displayNameString(this.font, this.imageWidth, -10, StringUtil.localize("container." + ActuallyAdditions.MODID + "." + (this.isVoid
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
? "voidBag"
: "bag") + ".name"));
2021-11-21 17:31:57 +01:00
public void render(@Nonnull MatrixStack stack, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
super.render(stack, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
2023-03-16 00:17:57 +01:00
this.filter.drawHover(stack, mouseX, mouseY);
2021-11-21 17:31:57 +01:00
/* if (this.buttonAutoInsert.isMouseOver()) {
2019-02-27 19:53:05 +01:00
List<String> text = new ArrayList<>();
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
text.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + "Auto-Insert " + (this.container.autoInsert
? "On"
: "Off"));
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
text.addAll(this.font.listFormattedStringToWidth("Turn this on to make items that get picked up automatically go into the bag.", 200));
text.addAll(this.font.listFormattedStringToWidth(TextFormatting.GRAY + "" + TextFormatting.ITALIC + "Note that this WON'T work when you are holding the bag in your hand.", 200));
this.renderToolTip(stack, text, mouseX, mouseY, this.getMinecraft().font);
2021-11-21 17:31:57 +01:00
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
protected void renderBg(MatrixStack matrixStack, float partialTicks, int x, int y) {
2021-03-01 20:55:50 +01:00
RenderSystem.color4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
this.blit(matrixStack, this.leftPos, this.topPos + 90, 0, 0, 176, 86);
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
this.blit(matrixStack, this.leftPos, this.topPos, 0, 0, 176, 90);
2021-02-27 21:24:26 +01:00
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00