
1082 lines
129 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"_comment": "General",
"itemGroup.actuallyadditions": "Actually Additions",
"": "Actually Additions",
"actuallyadditions.lolWutHowUDoDis": "This is bugged. Throw it away. Please.",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.disabled": "Disabled Object",
"actuallyadditions.fet": "FE/t",
"actuallyadditions.fe": "FE",
"actuallyadditions.felong": "Forge Energy",
"misc.actuallyadditions.power_long": "%s/%s Crystal Flux",
"misc.actuallyadditions.power_single": "%s Crystal Flux",
"misc.actuallyadditions.power_single_short": "%s CF",
"misc.actuallyadditions.power_double": "%s / %s Crystal Flux",
"misc.actuallyadditions.power_double_short": "%s / %s CF",
"misc.actuallyadditions.power_name_long": "Crystal Flux",
"misc.actuallyadditions.power_name_short": "CF",
"_comment": "Fluids",
"fluid.actuallyadditions.refinedcanolaoil": "Refined Canola Oil",
"fluid.actuallyadditions.canolaoil": "Canola Oil",
"fluid.actuallyadditions.crystaloil": "Crystallized Oil",
"fluid.actuallyadditions.empoweredoil": "Empowered Oil",
"_comment": "Entities",
"entity.Villager.actuallyadditions.jammer": "Jam Guy",
"entity.Villager.actuallyadditions.crystallizer": "Crystallizer",
"": "Engineer",
"_comment": "Banners",
"": "Black Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"": "Red Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"": "Green Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.brown": "Brown Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"": "Blue Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.purple": "Purple Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.cyan": "Cyan Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.silver": "Silver Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.gray": "Gray Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"": "Pink Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.lime": "Lime Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.yellow": "Yellow Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.lightBlue": "LightBlue Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.magenta": "Magenta Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"": "Orange Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsBook.white": "White Actually Additions Manual Pattern",
"": "Black Phantom Connector Pattern",
"": "Red Phantom Connector Pattern",
"": "Green Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.brown": "Brown Phantom Connector Pattern",
"": "Blue Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.purple": "Purple Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.cyan": "Cyan Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.silver": "Silver Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.gray": "Gray Phantom Connector Pattern",
"": "Pink Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.lime": "Lime Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.yellow": "Yellow Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.lightBlue": "LightBlue Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.magenta": "Magenta Phantom Connector Pattern",
"": "Orange Phantom Connector Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsPhanCon.white": "White Phantom Connector Pattern",
"": "Black Leaf Blower Pattern",
"": "Red Leaf Blower Pattern",
"": "Green Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.brown": "Brown Leaf Blower Pattern",
"": "Blue Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.purple": "Purple Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.cyan": "Cyan Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.silver": "Silver Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.gray": "Gray Leaf Blower Pattern",
"": "Pink Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.lime": "Lime Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.yellow": "Yellow Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.lightBlue": "LightBlue Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.magenta": "Magenta Leaf Blower Pattern",
"": "Orange Leaf Blower Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsLeafBlo.white": "White Leaf Blower Pattern",
"": "Black Drill Pattern",
"": "Red Drill Pattern",
"": "Green Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.brown": "Brown Drill Pattern",
"": "Blue Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.purple": "Purple Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.cyan": "Cyan Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.silver": "Silver Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.gray": "Gray Drill Pattern",
"": "Pink Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.lime": "Lime Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.yellow": "Yellow Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.lightBlue": "LightBlue Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.magenta": "Magenta Drill Pattern",
"": "Orange Drill Pattern",
"item.banner.actuallyadditionsDrill.white": "White Drill Pattern",
"_comment": "Damage Sources",
"death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.1": "%s got atomically reconstructed.",
"death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.2": "The Atomic Reconstructor caught %s in its sight.",
"death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.3": "Atomically reconstructing people like %s doesn't appear to work.",
"death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.4": "%s shouldn't have ate that Reconstructor!",
"death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.5": "%s should have used some re-construction foam.",
"_comment": "Blocks",
2021-11-26 00:55:54 +01:00
"block.actuallyadditions.compost": "Compost",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_ore_black_quartz": "Black Quartz Ore",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_black_quartz": "Block of Black Quartz",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_black_quartz_chiseled": "Chiseled Block of Black Quartz",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_black_quartz_pillar": "Pillar of Black Quartz",
"block.actuallyadditions.feeder": "Automatic Feeder",
"block.actuallyadditions.giant_chest": "Small Storage Crate",
"block.actuallyadditions.giant_chest_medium": "Medium Storage Crate",
"block.actuallyadditions.giant_chest_large": "Large Storage Crate",
2021-12-30 18:30:01 +01:00
"block.actuallyadditions.crusher": "Crusher",
"block.actuallyadditions.double_crusher": "Double Crusher",
2022-01-02 17:58:59 +01:00
"block.actuallyadditions.powered_furnace": "Powered Furnace",
2021-11-26 00:55:54 +01:00
"block.actuallyadditions.fishing_net": "Fishing Net",
"block.actuallyadditions.furnace_solar": "Solar Panel",
"block.actuallyadditions.heat_collector": "Heat Collector",
"block.actuallyadditions.item_repairer": "Item Repairer",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_wood_casing": "Wood Casing",
"block.actuallyadditions.greenhouse_glass": "Greenhouse Glass",
"block.actuallyadditions.energizer": "Energizer",
"block.actuallyadditions.enervator": "Enervator",
"block.actuallyadditions.rice": "Rice Plant",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_charcoal": "Block of Charcoal",
"block.actuallyadditions.coal_generator": "Coal Generator",
"block.actuallyadditions.lamp_powerer": "Lamp Controller",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_white": "White Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_orange": "Orange Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_magenta": "Magenta Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_yellow": "Yellow Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_light_blue": "Light Blue Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_blue": "Blue Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_gray": "Gray Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_light_gray": "Light Gray Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_green": "Green Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_black": "Black Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_brown": "Brown Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_red": "Red Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_lime": "Lime Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_pink": "Pink Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_cyan": "Cyan Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.colored_lamp_purple": "Purple Lamp",
"block.actuallyadditions.phantomface": "Phantomface",
"block.actuallyadditions.player_interface": "Player Interface",
"block.actuallyadditions.phantom_energyface": "Phantom Energyface",
"block.actuallyadditions.phantom_redstoneface": "Phantom Redstoneface",
"block.actuallyadditions.phantom_liquiface": "Phantom Liquiface",
"block.actuallyadditions.phantom_placer": "Phantom Placer",
"block.actuallyadditions.phantom_breaker": "Phantom Breaker",
"block.actuallyadditions.lava_factory_controller": "Lava Factory Controller",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_lava_factory_case": "Casing",
"block.actuallyadditions.fluid_placer": "Fluid Placer",
"block.actuallyadditions.fluid_collector": "Fluid Collector",
"block.actuallyadditions.phantom_booster": "Phantom Booster",
"": "Coffee Plant",
"block.actuallyadditions.wild_canola": "Wild Canola",
"block.actuallyadditions.wild_rice": "Wild Rice",
"block.actuallyadditions.wild_coffee": "Wild Coffee",
"block.actuallyadditions.wild_flax": "Wild Flax",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_green_wall": "Ethetic Green Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_white_wall": "Ethetic Quartz",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_green_stairs": "Ethetic Green Stairs",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_white_stairs": "Ethetic Quartz Stairs",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_green_slab": "Ethetic Green Slab",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_white_slab": "Ethetic Quartz Slab",
"block.actuallyadditions.canola": "Canola Plant",
"block.actuallyadditions.treasure_chest": "Treasure Chest",
"block.actuallyadditions.canola_press": "Canola Press",
"block.actuallyadditions.fermenting_barrel": "Fermenting Barrel",
"block.actuallyadditions.canola_oil": "Canola Oil",
"block.actuallyadditions.refined_canola_oil": "Refined Canola Oil",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_oil": "Crystallized Oil",
"block.actuallyadditions.empowered_oil": "Empowered Oil",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_enderpearl": "Block of Enderpearl",
"block.actuallyadditions.oil_generator": "Oil Generator",
"block.actuallyadditions.breaker": "Auto-Breaker",
"block.actuallyadditions.placer": "Auto-Placer",
"block.actuallyadditions.dropper": "Automatic Precision Dropper",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_ender_casing": "Ender Casing",
"block.actuallyadditions.flax": "Flax Plant",
"block.actuallyadditions.coffee_machine": "Coffee Maker",
"block.actuallyadditions.xp_solidifier": "Experience Solidifier",
"block.actuallyadditions.smiley_cloud": "Smiley Cloud",
"block.actuallyadditions.leaf_generator": "Leaf-Eating Generator",
"block.actuallyadditions.directional_breaker": "Long-Range Breaker",
"block.actuallyadditions.ranged_collector": "Ranged Collector",
"block.actuallyadditions.laser_relay": "Energy Laser Relay",
"block.actuallyadditions.laser_relay_advanced": "Advanced Energy Laser Relay",
"block.actuallyadditions.laser_relay_extreme": "Extreme Energy Laser Relay",
"block.actuallyadditions.laser_relay_fluids": "Fluid Laser Relay",
"block.actuallyadditions.misc_iron_casing": "Iron Casing",
"block.actuallyadditions.black_lotus": "Black Lotus",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_white_fence": "Ethetic Quartz Wall",
"block.actuallyadditions.testifi_bucks_green_fence": "Ethetic Green Wall",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_black": "Void Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_red": "Empowered Restonia Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_blue": "Empowered Palis Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_light_blue": "Empowered Diamatine Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_green": "Empowered Emeradic Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_black": "Empowered Void Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_white": "Empowered Enori Crystal Block",
"block.actuallyadditions.miner": "Vertical Digger",
"block.actuallyadditions.firework_box": "Firework Box",
"block.actuallyadditions.quartz_wall": "Black Quartz Wall",
"block.actuallyadditions.quartz_stair": "Black Quartz Stairs",
"block.actuallyadditions.quartz_slab": "Black Quartz Slab",
"block.actuallyadditions.chiseled_quartz_wall": "Chiseled Black Quartz Wall",
"block.actuallyadditions.chiseled_quartz_stair": "Chiseled Black Quartz Stairs",
"block.actuallyadditions.chiseled_quartz_slab": "Chiseled Black Quartz Slab",
"block.actuallyadditions.pillar_quartz_wall": "Black Quartz Pillar Wall",
"block.actuallyadditions.pillar_quartz_stair": "Black Quartz Pillar Stairs",
"block.actuallyadditions.pillar_quartz_slab": "Black Quartz Pillar Slab",
"block.actuallyadditions.laser_relay_item": "Item Laser Relay",
"block.actuallyadditions.laser_relay_item_whitelist": "Advanced Item Laser Relay",
"block.actuallyadditions.item_viewer": "Item Interface",
"block.actuallyadditions.item_viewer_hopping": "Hopping Item Interface",
"block.actuallyadditions.impure_iron": "Impure Iron",
"block.actuallyadditions.booklet_stand": "Wall-Mount Manual",
"block.actuallyadditions.display_stand": "Display Stand",
"block.actuallyadditions.shock_suppressor": "Shock Absorber",
"block.actuallyadditions.tiny_torch": "Tiny Torch",
"block.actuallyadditions.empowerer": "Empowerer",
"block.actuallyadditions.distributor_item": "Item Distributor",
"block.actuallyadditions.bio_reactor": "Bio Reactor",
"block.actuallyadditions.farmer": "Farmer",
"block.actuallyadditions.battery_box": "Battery Box",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_cluster_redstone": "Red Crystal Cluster",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_cluster_lapis": "Blue Crystal Cluster",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_cluster_diamond": "Light Blue Crystal Cluster",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_cluster_coal": "Black Crystal Cluster",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_cluster_emerald": "Green Crystal Cluster",
"block.actuallyadditions.crystal_cluster_iron": "White Crystal Cluster",
"_comment": "Reconstructor",
2021-11-26 00:55:54 +01:00
"block.actuallyadditions.atomic_reconstructor": "Atomic Reconstructor",
"": "Molecular",
"": "Material",
"": "Quarkal",
"": "Atomatic",
"": "Tiny Bit",
"": "Component",
"": "Vittle",
"": "Transmaterial",
"": "Partial",
"": "Spatial",
"": "Stuffy",
"": "Interdimensional",
"": "Recombobulizer",
"": "Shiftulator",
"": "Recombinator",
"": "Modulator",
"": "Moleculizer",
"": "Modificulator",
"": "Changer",
"": "Atomizer",
"": "Makerator",
"": "Swapper",
"": "Exchanger",
"": "Replacer",
"": "Differentiator",
"": "Receiver",
"_comment": "Items",
2021-11-26 00:55:54 +01:00
"item.actuallyadditions.drill": "Drill",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_rice": "Rice",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_doughnut": "Doughnut",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_rice_dough": "Rice Dough",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_rice_bread": "Rice Bread",
"item.actuallyadditions.rice_seed": "Rice Seeds",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_tiny_coal": "Tiny Coal",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_tiny_charcoal": "Tiny Charcoal",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_rice_slime": "Rice Slimeball",
"item.actuallyadditions.battery": "Single Battery",
"item.actuallyadditions.battery_double": "Double Battery",
"item.actuallyadditions.battery_triple": "Triple Battery",
"item.actuallyadditions.battery_quadruple": "Quadruple Battery",
"item.actuallyadditions.battery_quintuple": "Quintuple Battery",
"item.actuallyadditions.growth_ring": "Ring of Growth",
"item.actuallyadditions.water_removal_ring": "Ring of Liquid Banning",
"item.actuallyadditions.suction_ring": "Ring of Magnetizing",
"item.actuallyadditions.bucket_canola_oil": "Canola Oil Bucket",
"item.actuallyadditions.bucket_oil": "Oil Bucket",
"item.actuallyadditions.wings_of_the_bats": "Wings Of The Bats",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_bat_wing": "Bat's Wing",
"item.actuallyadditions.wooden_paxel": "Wooden AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.stone_paxel": "Stone AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.iron_paxel": "Iron AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.gold_paxel": "Golden AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.diamond_paxel": "Diamond AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.emerald_paxel": "Emerald AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.obsidian_paxel": "Obsidian AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.quartz_paxel": "Black Quartz AIOT",
2021-11-26 00:55:54 +01:00
"item.actuallyadditions.phantom_connector": "Phantom Connector",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_cup": "Empty Cup",
"": "Cup with Coffee",
"item.actuallyadditions.coffee_seed": "Coffee Seeds",
"item.actuallyadditions.coffee_beans": "Coffee Beans",
"item.actuallyadditions.canola_seed": "Canola Seeds",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_canola": "Canola",
"item.actuallyadditions.resonant_rice": "Resonant Rice",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_speed": "Drill Speed Augment I",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_speed_ii": "Drill Speed Augment II",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_speed_iii": "Drill Speed Augment III",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_silk_touch": "Drill Silk Touch Augment",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_fortune": "Drill Fortune Augment I",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_fortune_ii": "Drill Fortune Augment II (Gives Fortune III!)",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_block_placing": "Drill Block Placing Augment",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_three_by_three": "Drill Mining Augment I",
"item.actuallyadditions.drill_upgrade_five_by_five": "Drill Mining Augment II",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_mashed_food": "Bio-Mash",
"item.actuallyadditions.fertilizer": "Fertilizer",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_dough": "Dough",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_paper_cone": "Paper Cone",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_knife_blade": "Knife Blade",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_knife_handle": "Knife Handle",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_black_quartz": "Black Quartz",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_ring": "Ring",
"": "Blaze Stored",
"item.actuallyadditions.tele_staff": "Teleport Staff",
"item.actuallyadditions.jam_cu_ba_ra": "CuBaRa-Jam",
"item.actuallyadditions.jam_gra_ki_ba": "GraKiBa-Jam",
"item.actuallyadditions.jam_pl_ap_le": "PlApLe-Jam",
"item.actuallyadditions.jam_ch_ap_ci": "ChApCi-Jam",
"item.actuallyadditions.jam_ho_me_ki": "HoMeKi-Jam",
"item.actuallyadditions.jam_ho_me_co": "HoMeCo-Jam",
"item.actuallyadditions.jam_pi_co": "PiCo-Jam",
"item.actuallyadditions.hairy_ball": "Ball of Fur",
"item.actuallyadditions.leaf_blower": "Leaf Blower",
"item.actuallyadditions.leaf_blower_advanced": "Advanced Leaf Blower",
"item.actuallyadditions.knife": "Knife",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_emerald": "Emerald Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_emerald": "Emerald Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_emerald": "Emerald Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_emerald": "Emerald Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_emerald": "Emerald Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_quartz": "Black Quartz Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_quartz": "Black Quartz Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_quartz": "Black Quartz Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_quartz": "Black Quartz Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_quartz": "Black Quartz Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_obsidian": "Obsidian Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_obsidian": "Obsidian Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_obsidian": "Obsidian Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_obsidian": "Obsidian Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_obsidian": "Obsidian Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.crafter_on_a_stick": "Crafting Table On A Stick",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_baguette": "Baguette",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_pizza": "Pizza",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_hamburger": "Hamburger",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_big_cookie": "Big Cookie",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_submarine_sandwich": "Submarine Sandwich",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_toast": "Toast",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_chocolate_toast": "Toast o' Chocolate",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_chocolate": "Chocolate",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_chocolate_cake": "Chocolate Cake",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_noodle": "Noodle",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_spaghetti": "Spaghetti",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_french_fry": "French Fry",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_french_fries": "French Fries",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_fish_n_chips": "Fish 'N' Chips",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_carrot_juice": "Carrot Juice",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_pumpkin_stew": "Pumpkin Stew",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_cheese": "Cheese",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_coil": "Basic Coil",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_coil_advanced": "Advanced Coil",
"item.actuallyadditions.potion_ring": "Ring of",
"item.actuallyadditions.potion_ring_advanced": "Advanced Ring of",
"item.actuallyadditions.solidified_experience": "Solidified Experience",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_iron": "Crushed Iron",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_gold": "Crushed Gold",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_diamond": "Crushed Diamond",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_lapis": "Crushed Lapis",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_emerald": "Crushed Emerald",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_quartz": "Crushed Quartz",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_coal": "Crushed Coal",
"item.actuallyadditions.dust_quartz_black": "Crushed Black Quartz",
"item.actuallyadditions.flax_seed": "Flax Seeds",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_obsidian": "Obsidian Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_obsidian": "Obsidian Chestplate",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_obsidian": "Obsidian Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_obsidian": "Obsidian Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_emerald": "Emerald Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_emerald": "Emerald Chestplate",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_emerald": "Emerald Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_emerald": "Emerald Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_quartz": "Black Quartz Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_quartz": "Black Quartz Chestplate",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_quartz": "Black Quartz Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_quartz": "Black Quartz Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.booklet": "Actually Additions Manual",
"item.actuallyadditions.rarmor_module_reconstructor": "Reconstruction Module",
"item.actuallyadditions.laser_wrench": "Laser Wrench",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_to_crate_upgrade": "Chest To Storage Crate Upgrade",
"item.actuallyadditions.small_to_medium_crate_upgrade": "Small To Medium Storage Crate Upgrade",
"item.actuallyadditions.medium_to_large_crate_upgrade": "Medium To Large Storage Crate Upgrade",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_drill_core": "Drill Core",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_black_dye": "Black Dye",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_black": "Void Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_white": "Enori Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_red": "Empowered Restonia Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_blue": "Empowered Palis Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_light_blue": "Empowered Diamatine Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_green": "Empowered Emeradic Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_black": "Empowered Void Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_empowered_white": "Empowered Enori Crystal",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_lens": "Lens",
"item.actuallyadditions.color_lens": "Lens of Color",
"item.actuallyadditions.explosion_lens": "Lens of Detonation",
"item.actuallyadditions.damage_lens": "Lens of Certain Death",
"item.actuallyadditions.disenchanting_lens": "Lens of Disenchanting",
"item.actuallyadditions.crate_keeper": "Storage Crate Keeper",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Chestplate",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Chestplate",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Chestplate",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Chestplate",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_crystal_black": "Void Crystal Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Chest",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.pickaxe_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Pickaxe",
"item.actuallyadditions.axe_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Axe",
"item.actuallyadditions.shovel_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Shovel",
"item.actuallyadditions.sword_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Sword",
"item.actuallyadditions.hoe_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Hoe",
"item.actuallyadditions.helm_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Helmet",
"item.actuallyadditions.chest_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Chest",
"item.actuallyadditions.pants_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Pants",
"item.actuallyadditions.boots_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal Boots",
"item.actuallyadditions.paxel_crystal_red": "Restonia Crystal AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.paxel_crystal_blue": "Palis Crystal AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.paxel_crystal_light_blue": "Diamatine Crystal AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.paxel_crystal_black": "Void Crystal AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.paxel_crystal_white": "Enori Crystal AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.paxel_crystal_green": "Emeradic Crystal AIOT",
"item.actuallyadditions.food_bacon": "Bacon",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_ender_star": "Ender Star",
"item.actuallyadditions.spawner_changer": "Spawner Changer",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_spawner_shard": "Spawner Shards",
"item.actuallyadditions.minecart_firework_box": "Firework Box Cart",
"item.actuallyadditions.water_bowl": "Bowl of Water",
"item.actuallyadditions.filter": "Item Filter",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_biomass": "Biomass",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_biocoal": "Bio Coal",
"item.actuallyadditions.player_probe": "Player Probe",
"item.actuallyadditions.worm": "Worm",
"item.actuallyadditions.bag": "Traveler's Sack",
"": "filled slots",
"item.actuallyadditions.void_bag": "Void Sack",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_crystallized_canola_seed": "Crystallized Canola Seed",
"item.actuallyadditions.misc_empowered_canola_seed": "Empowered Canola Seed",
"item.actuallyadditions.mining_lens": "Lens of the Miner",
"item.actuallyadditions.more_damage_lens": "Lens of the Killer",
"item.actuallyadditions.filling_wand": "Handheld Filler",
"item.actuallyadditions.laser_upgrade_invisibility": "Laser Relay Modifier: Invisibility",
"item.actuallyadditions.engineer_goggles": "Engineer's Goggles",
"item.actuallyadditions.engineer_goggles_advanced": "Engineer's Infrared Goggles",
"item.actuallyadditions.laser_upgrade_range": "Laser Relay Modifier: Range",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_shard_red": "Red Crystal Shard",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_shard_blue": "Blue Crystal Shard",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_shard_light_blue": "Light Blue Crystal Shard",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_shard_black": "Black Crystal Shard",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_shard_green": "Green Crystal Shard",
"item.actuallyadditions.crystal_shard_white": "White Crystal Shard",
"_comment": "Tooltips",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.onSuffix.desc": "On",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.connected.desc": "<Block connected!>",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.stored.desc": "<Block stored to this Connector!>",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.unbound.desc": "The Connection was cleared!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.boundTo.desc": "Bound to",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.clearStorage.desc": "Place in Crafting Grid to clear storage!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.connectedRange.desc": "The Connection is fine and working.",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.connectedNoRange.desc": "The Connection is obstructed: It is either not in Range, not in loaded Chunks or not the right type of Block for this Phantom Device.",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.notConnected.desc": "This isn't connected to anything!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.blockInfo.desc": "The connected Block is %s at %s, %s, %s that is %s Blocks away.",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.factory.notPart.desc": "The Controller isn't part of the right Multi-Block! Look at the Controller's Description!",
"": "This Lava Factory is complete and can produce Lava!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.oredictName.desc": "OreDictionary Entries",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.noOredictNameAvail.desc": "None",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.codeName.desc": "Code Name",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.baseUnlocName.desc": "Item's Unlocalized Name",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.meta.desc": "Metadata",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.nbt.desc": "NBT",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.unlocName.desc": "Meta's Unlocalized Name",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.pressShift.desc": "Press Shift",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.disablingInfo.desc": "If you don't want this Information to appear, disable it in the Actually Additions Config!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.ctrlForMoreInfo.desc": "Press CTRL for Advanced Info",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.extraInfo.desc": "Advanced Info",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.blockPhantomRange.desc": "Range",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.laser.stored.desc": "<Laser stored!>",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.laser.connected.desc": "<Laser connection modified!>",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.laser.cantConnect.desc": "Can't connect: The relays are either part of the same network, the stored relay isn't the same type or doesn't exist anymore or it is too far away!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.item_booklet.desc": "Or \"Booklet\", if you will",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.item_booklet.sub.1": "This book guides you through all of",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.item_booklet.sub.2": "the features that Actually Additions",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.item_booklet.sub.3": "has to offer.",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.item_booklet.sub.4": "Use while holding to open.",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.playerProbe.disconnect.1": "The player you were probing has broken the connection before you could strap them to the Player Interface! Data will be cleared!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.playerProbe.disconnect.2": "The player you were probing has disconnected before you could strap them to the Player Interface! Data will be cleared!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.playerProbe.probing": "Probing",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.playerProbe.notice": "Look out! Someone tried to probe you and strap you to a Player Interface, but they failed!",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.battery.discharge": "Charging other items in inventory",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.battery.noDischarge": "Not charging other items in inventory",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.battery.changeMode": "Sneak-right-click to toggle.",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.previouslyDoubleFurnace": "Previously \"Double Furnace\"",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.previouslyBag": "Previously \"Bag\"",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.previouslyVoidBag": "Previously \"Void Bag\"",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.item_filling_wand.selectedBlock": "Selected Block:",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.item_filling_wand.selectedBlock.none": "None",
"tooltip.actuallyadditions.coffeeCup.noEffect": "No Effects",
"_comment": "Gui Information",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.animals": "Animals",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.enoughToBreed": "Enough to breed!",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.tooMany": "Too many to breed!",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.notEnough": "Not enough to breed!",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.disabled": "Disabled",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.up": "Up",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.down": "Down",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.north": "North",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.east": "East",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.south": "South",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.west": "West",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.all": "All",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.put": "Put",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.pull": "Pull",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.whitelist": "Whitelist",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.blacklist": "Blacklist",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.whitelistInfo": "To let all items through, an empty blacklist can be used, to let no items through, an empty whitelist can be used. To configure certain items, place them or configured Item Filters in the slots.",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.respectMeta": "Respecting Metadata",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.ignoreMeta": "Ignoring Metadata",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.respectNBT": "Respecting NBT",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.ignoreNBT": "Ignoring NBT",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.ignoreMod": "Mod Mode Off",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.respectMod": "Mod Mode On",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.respectModInfo": "If this is enabled, the filter will compare the mods items come from §cinstead of comparing the items themselves§r. This can be useful for storage systems with mod-based chests. Can also be combined with the other options, but that normally isn't very useful.",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.ignoreOredict": "Ignoring OreDictionary",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.respectOredictSoft": "Soft Respecting OreDictionary",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.respectOredictHard": "Hard Respecting OreDictionary",
"": "The item being passed only has to contain §2only one§r of the OreDictionary tags of the item in the filter.",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.respectOredictInfo.all": "The item being passed has to contain §2all§r of the OreDictionary tags of the item in the filter.",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.autoSplitItems.on": "Auto-Split Items On",
"": "Auto-Split Items Off",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.inbound": "INBOUND",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.outbound": "OUTBOUND",
"": "Coffee",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.ok": "Ok",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.the": "the",
"": "Smart Whitelist",
"info.actuallyadditions.gui.smartInfo": "When pressing this, all items from inventories adjacent to this relay will be added to this part of the white- or blacklist. Adding Item Filters to the list before will cause them to also be filled.",
"": "This is the first Slot in the connected Inventory to <p> at.",
"": "This is the slot after the last Slot in the connected Inventory to <p> at. What that means: If you, for example, write 2 in the field to the left and 5 in this one, it will <p> at Slot 2, 3, and 4.",
"info.actuallyadditions.noLens": "No Lens",
"info.actuallyadditions.noItem": "No Items in Buffer",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.1.1": "Actually Additions",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.1.2": "Actual Additions",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.1.3": "Actually Addiction",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.1.4": "Actual Edition",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.1.5": "Actual Addition",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.1.6": "Actually Addons",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.1.7": "Additional Addons",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.manualName.2": "Manual",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.edition": "Edition",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.searchField": "Click to search...",
"": "Page",
"": "Right-Click to open...",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.hudDisplay.noInfo": "No Info available! Sorry :(",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.hudDisplay.noInfo.desc.1": "Sneak while looking at an Actually Additions",
"info.actuallyadditions.booklet.hudDisplay.noInfo.desc.2": "block to see more information about it!",
"info.actuallyadditions.deathRecorded": "Your death has been recorded. Use a Death Tracker to find the death location!",
"info.actuallyadditions.placer.sides.1": "Placement Sides",
"info.actuallyadditions.placer.sides.2": "Usually when placing down blocks, they are placed towards the side of another block that you are looking at. Because the Phantom Placer can place blocks in mid-air, it doesn't know that. Usually you should just set it to a solid side.",
"info.actuallyadditions.machineBroke": "The block shattered as you tried to break it. Maybe it wasn't sturdy enough to be broken?",
"info.actuallyadditions.redstoneMode": "Redstone Mode",
"info.actuallyadditions.redstoneMode.pulse": "Pulse",
"info.actuallyadditions.redstoneMode.deactivation": "Deactivation",
"info.actuallyadditions.redstoneMode.invalidItem": "Hold a %s to toggle!",
"info.actuallyadditions.redstoneMode.validItem": "Right-Click to toggle!",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.item.extra": "Priority",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.item.display.1": "Right-Click to increase!",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.item.display.2": "Sneak-Right-Click to decrease!",
"": "Energy Flow",
"": "Right-Click to change!",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.fluid.extra": "Fluid Flow",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.mode.both": "Both Directions",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.mode.outputOnly": "Only into adjacent Blocks",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.mode.inputOnly": "Only out of adjacent Blocks",
"info.actuallyadditions.laserRelay.mode.noCompasss": "Hold a %s to modify!",
"_comment": "Container Names",
"container.actuallyadditions.inputter": "ESD",
"container.actuallyadditions.inputterAdvanced": "Advanced ESD",
2021-12-30 18:30:01 +01:00
"container.actuallyadditions.crusher": "Crusher",
"container.actuallyadditions.double_crusher": "Double Crusher",
2022-01-02 17:58:59 +01:00
"container.actuallyadditions.powered_furnace": "Powered Furnace",
"container.actuallyadditions.feeder": "Feeder",
"container.actuallyadditions.giantChest": "Small Storage Crate",
"container.actuallyadditions.giantChest.desc": "'Small'",
"container.actuallyadditions.giantChestMedium": "Medium Storage Crate",
"container.actuallyadditions.giantChestLarge": "Large Storage Crate",
"container.actuallyadditions.giantChestLarge.desc": "Supersolid",
"container.actuallyadditions.repairer": "Repairer",
"container.actuallyadditions.placer": "Placer",
"container.actuallyadditions.breaker": "Breaker",
"container.actuallyadditions.dropper": "Precision Dropper",
"container.actuallyadditions.crafting": "Crafting Table On A Stick",
"container.actuallyadditions.canolaPress": "Canola Press",
"container.actuallyadditions.fermentingBarrel": "Fermenting Barrel",
"container.actuallyadditions.coalGenerator": "Coal Generator",
"container.actuallyadditions.oilGenerator": "Oil Generator",
"container.actuallyadditions.phantomPlacer": "Phantom Placer",
"container.actuallyadditions.phantomBreaker": "Phantom Breaker",
"container.actuallyadditions.phantomface": "Phantomface",
"container.actuallyadditions.liquiface": "Liquiface",
"container.actuallyadditions.energyface": "Energyface",
"container.actuallyadditions.fluidPlacer": "Fluid Placer",
"container.actuallyadditions.fluidCollector": "Fluid Collector",
"container.actuallyadditions.coffeeMachine": "Coffee Maker",
"container.actuallyadditions.drill": "Drill",
"container.actuallyadditions.energizer": "Energizer",
"container.actuallyadditions.enervator": "Enervator",
"container.actuallyadditions.xpSolidifier": "Experience Solidifier",
"": "Smiley Cloud",
"container.actuallyadditions.directionalBreaker": "Long-Range Breaker",
"container.actuallyadditions.rangedCollector": "Ranged Collector",
"container.actuallyadditions.miner": "Vertical Digger",
"container.actuallyadditions.laserRelayItemWhitelist": "Laser Relay",
"container.actuallyadditions.filter": "Item Filter",
"container.actuallyadditions.bag": "Traveler's Sack",
"container.actuallyadditions.voidBag": "Void Sack",
"container.actuallyadditions.bioReactor": "Bio Reactor",
"container.actuallyadditions.farmer": "Farmer",
"container.actuallyadditions.compost": "Compost",
"container.actuallyadditions.fishingNet": "Fishing Net",
"container.actuallyadditions.solarPanel": "Solar Panel",
"container.actuallyadditions.heatCollector": "Heat Collector",
"container.actuallyadditions.greenhouseGlass": "Greenhouse Glass",
"container.actuallyadditions.playerInterface": "Player Interface",
"container.actuallyadditions.lavaFactory": "Lava Factory Controller",
"container.actuallyadditions.phantomBooster": "Phantom Booster",
"container.actuallyadditions.smileyCloud": "Smiley Cloud",
"container.actuallyadditions.leafGenerator": "Not a Munchdew",
"container.actuallyadditions.reconstructor": "Atomic Reconstructor",
"container.actuallyadditions.redstoneface": "Phantom Redstoneface",
"container.actuallyadditions.laserRelayItem": "Item Laser Relay",
"container.actuallyadditions.laserRelay": "Laser Relay",
"container.actuallyadditions.laserRelayAdvanced": "Advanced Laser Relay",
"container.actuallyadditions.laserRelayExtreme": "Extreme Laser Relay",
"container.actuallyadditions.itemViewer": "Item Interface",
"container.actuallyadditions.displayStand": "Display Stand",
"container.actuallyadditions.shockSuppressor": "Shock Suppressor",
"container.actuallyadditions.empowerer": "Empowerer",
"container.actuallyadditions.laserRelayFluids": "Fluid Laser Relay",
"container.actuallyadditions.distributorItem": "Item Distributor",
"container.actuallyadditions.fireworkBox": "Firework Box",
"_comment": "Update Information",
"info.actuallyadditions.update.generic": "[{\"text\":\"There is an Update for \"},{\"text\":\"Actually Additions \",\"color\":\"dark_green\"},{\"text\":\"available!\",\"color\":\"none\"}]",
"info.actuallyadditions.update.versionCompare": "[{\"text\":\"Current Version: \"},{\"text\":\"%s\",\"color\":\"dark_red\"},{\"text\":\", newest Version: \",\"color\":\"none\"},{\"text\":\"%s\",\"color\":\"dark_green\"}]",
"info.actuallyadditions.update.buttons": "[{\"text\":\"[\"},{\"text\":\"Click for Changelog\",\"color\":\"green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"open_url\",\"value\":\"%s\"}},{\"text\":\"] [\",\"color\":\"none\"},{\"text\":\"Click for Download\",\"color\":\"green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"open_url\",\"value\":\"%s\"}},{\"text\":\"]\",\"color\":\"none\"}]",
"info.actuallyadditions.update.buttonOptions": "Click: Changelog, Shift-Click: Download! (In Browser)",
"info.actuallyadditions.update.failed": "[{\"text\":\"The Update Check for \"},{\"text\":\"Actually Additions \",\"color\":\"dark_green\"},{\"text\":\"failed! Check Logs for more Info!\",\"color\":\"none\"}]",
"_comment": "Achievements",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.openBooklet": "Knowledge Bringer!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.openBooklet.desc": "Open an Actually Additions Manual",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.nameSmileyCloud": "Your best friend",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.nameSmileyCloud.desc": "Name a Smiley Cloud",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftPhantomface": "Zoom, Zoom, Items!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftPhantomface.desc": "Craft a Phantomface",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.openTreasureChest": "Underwater Dungeon",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.openTreasureChest.desc": "Open a Treasure Chest",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLiquiface": "Zoom, Zoom, Fluids!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLiquiface.desc": "Craft a Phantom Liquiface",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftEnergyface": "Zoom, Zoom, CF!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftEnergyface.desc": "Craft a Phantom Energyface",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftCoalGen": "Cool Generator",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftCoalGen.desc": "Craft a Coal Generator",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLeafGen": "Munchdew?",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLeafGen.desc": "Craft a Leaf-Eating Generator",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftReconstructor": "Bzzzzrrrrt",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftReconstructor.desc": "Craft an Atomic Reconstructor",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftEmpowerer": "Infusion Altar",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftEmpowerer.desc": "Craft an Empowerer",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.makeCrystal": "Crystal clear",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.makeCrystal.desc": "Make a Crystal with the Atomic Reconstructor",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelay": "Relayed, not delayed",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelay.desc": "Craft a Laser Relay",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelayItem": "Conducting information",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelayItem.desc": "Craft an Item Laser Relay",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftItemInterface": "Show your face",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftItemInterface.desc": "Craft an Item Interface",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelayAdvanced": "Energetic expansion",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelayAdvanced.desc": "Craft an Advanced Laser Relay",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelayExtreme": "Mad with power",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftLaserRelayExtreme.desc": "Craft an Extreme Laser Relay",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftCrusher": "Doublin' up!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftCrusher.desc": "Craft a Crusher",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftDoubleCrusher": "Double doublin' up!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftDoubleCrusher.desc": "Craft a Double Crusher",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.pickUpCoffee": "Makes you addicted",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.pickUpCoffee.desc": "Harvest some coffee",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftCoffeeMachine": "Addiction in cups",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftCoffeeMachine.desc": "Craft a Coffee Maker",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftFireworkBox": "Bang Boom Bang",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.craftFireworkBox.desc": "Craft a Firework Box",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.getCrystalsMilestone": "Reconstruction Master",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.getCrystalsMilestone.desc": "Create 200 Crystals",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.openBookletMilestone": "Bookworm!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.openBookletMilestone.desc": "Open the Manual 50 times",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.getUnProbed": "Sneaky!",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.getUnProbed.desc": "Be probed by someone but sneak and notice it",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.completeTrials": "A Botanist's Dream",
"achievement.actuallyadditions.completeTrials.desc": "Complete all Trials in the Manual",
"_comment": "Booklet Recipe Names",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.shapelessRecipe": "Shapeless Recipe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.shapedRecipe": "Shaped Recipe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.shapelessOreRecipe": "Shapeless OreDict Recipe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.shapedOreRecipe": "Shaped OreDict Recipe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.empowererRecipe": "Empowerer Recipe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.crusherRecipe": "Crusher Recipe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.furnaceRecipe": "Furnace Recipe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.reconstructorRecipe": "Atomic Reconstructor Recipe",
"_comment": "Booklet Entries",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.gettingStarted": "Getting Started",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.misc": "Miscellaneous",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.crossover": "Mod Crossover",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.functionalNoRF": "Blocks that don't use CF",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.allAndSearch": "A list of everything",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.functionalRF": "Blocks that use CF",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.generatingRF": "Blocks that generate CF",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.itemsNoRF": "Items that don't use CF",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.itemsRF": "Items that use CF",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.reconstruction": "Reconstruction",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.laserRelays": "Laser Transport",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.updatesAndInfos": "Updates and Infos",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.trials": "Trials",
"_comment": "Booklet Font Size",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.fontSize.small": "0.5",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.fontSize.medium": "0.75",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.fontSize.large": "0.8",
"_comment": "Booklet Buttons",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.bookmarkButton.noBookmark": "No Bookmark",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.bookmarkButton.noBookmark.notPageDesc": "Open a page to bookmark it",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.bookmarkButton.noBookmark.pageDesc": "Click to bookmark current page",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.bookmarkButton.bookmark.openDesc": "Click to open",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.bookmarkButton.bookmark.removeDesc": "Shift-Click to remove",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.onlineButton": "View Online",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.configButton": "Open Config GUI",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.configButton.desc": "Press this to configure %s in-game. \\nSome changes will require a game restart!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.achievementButton": "Open Achievements",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.achievementButton.desc": "Press this to open the %s Achievements.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trialFinishButton.completed": "Completed",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trialFinishButton.uncompleted": "Not Completed",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trialsButton": "Trials",
"_comment": "Booklet Info",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.recipeDisabled": "The crafting recipe for this item is disabled in the Config File! If you're on a server, ask the server author to enable it in the config. If you're on a client, press the 'Open Config'-Button on the top right and enable the recipe!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.unavailable": "Parts of this feature are currently disabled or incomplete due to the not fully complete 1.8.9 and 1.9 Port. You may experience something that's missing or doesn't fully work. Please use this item with caution!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.clickToSeeRecipe": "Click to see more Information",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.amountOfWordsAndChars": "Total: %s words, %s characters",
"_comment": "Booklet Trials",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.crystalProduction": "Automated Crystallization",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.crystalProduction.text.1": "The different types of <item>Crystals<r> can be tedious to make, especially if you need a lot of them often. <n>Using a device to drop or place items, and a collector or a breaker, together with some Redstone, can probably help you with creating a nice system to <imp>automatically convert<r> raw materials into crystals.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.leatherProduction": "Leather Production",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.leatherProduction.text.1": "Automating the <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> can be a nice thing, especially when trying to create <item>Leather<r> from <item>Rotten Flesh<r>, allowing you to finally get some use out of those nasty unwanted resources.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.crystalOil": "Automate Crystallized Oil",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.crystalOil.text.1": "The first and second tier of <item>Oil<r> are very easy to create, however, if you want to create <imp>a lot more power<r>, it gets <imp>more complicated<r> the higher tier you go with. <n>Creating <item>Crystallized Oil<r> requires an automated setup that converts <item>Oil<r> in-world, requiring a <imp>more advanced setup<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.autoDisenchanter": "Auto-Disenchanter",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.autoDisenchanter.text.1": "Using the <item>Lens of Disenchanting<r> makes it really easy to get enchantments off of things that you don't want them on anymore, like <imp>loot from the Fishing Net<r> or dungeons and <imp>unlucky enchantments<r> on your favorite tools. <n>Automating this process would make things a lot easier.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.empoweredOil": "Automate Empowered Oil",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.empoweredOil.text.1": "The <imp>demand for power<r> has been rising and rising, yet building <imp>more farms<r> just doesn't cut it? <n>You should try to <imp>upgrade<r> your <item>Oil<r> production by creating <item>Empowered Oil<r>. However, this requires a pretty advanced <imp>in-world setup<r> to get working, so it might be tricky.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.mobFarm": "Monster Grinder",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.mobFarm.text.1": "Using the <item>Spawner Changer<r> or just a big empty space and some water can be a great way to <imp>get a bunch of mobs<r> to spawn. Using the <item>Lens of Death<r> or the <item>Lens of the Killer<r> allows you to efficiently kill mobs and even get <imp>special drops<r>, allowing you to create a pretty effective <imp>automatic mob farm<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.empowererAutomation": "Empowerer Automation",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.trials.empowererAutomation.text.1": "The <item>Empowerer<r> requires a lot of resources to <imp>convert crystals<r>. There should be a pretty easy way to create a system that does this <imp>automatically<r>. Using some <item>Item Laser Relays<r> should provide an easy way to make the right items go onto the right display stands.",
"_comment": "Booklet Chapters",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro": "A story about ActAdd",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.1": "<i>For too long have the people of Minecraftia toiled under a relentless whip. A whip more hurtful and more injurious than that of any slave-master: inconvenience. Aye, the thousand million inconveniences that make up the grind, that force players to waste hours- nay, days!- chopping wood and farming wheat and other such mundane tasks, just to momentarily escape the remorseless tedium and experience the true joys of Minecraftia, building, caving and adventuring into the beautiful uncharted abundance",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.2": "<i>of the world. Yet no sooner has one immersed oneself in this creative enterprise than the inconveniences return, like millions of furious bees pestering, stinging, swarming all over you until the game ceases to be enjoyable, and you are driven away from it forever. To that end, a certain Ellpeck has created this Actual Addition to the world of Minecraft, that will allow the player to better engage with the core experiences of the game- building and adventuring- by automating and streamlining the monotony that",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.3": "<i>is grinding in Minecraft. Therefore, Ellpeck humbly presents to you this Actually Additions Manual, that shall teach you the ways of this modification and, ultimately, allow you to transcend inconvenience and attain enlightenment. <r><n><n> ~by <imp>Tulkas<r>",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.craftingIngs": "Crafting Ingredients",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.craftingIngs.text.1": "<imp>Actually Additions<r> has lots of items that use certain <imp>basic crafting items<r> to be crafted. This chapter has all of these basic items <imp>grouped up<r> so that you can see all of them at once.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz": "Black Quartz",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz.text.1": "<item>Black Quartz<r> is an <imp>Ore<r> that generates in the world <imp>between layer <lowest> and <highest><r>. When broken, it can be <imp>smelted in a furnace<r> or <imp>crushed in a crusher<r> to get broken down into <item>Black Quartz<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz.text.2": "<item>Black Quartz<r> items are used in lots of <imp>Crafting Recipes<r> in <imp>Actually Additions<r>. They are very important for most of the Items and, thus, should be mined when found in the world. They can be crafted into a couple of different <imp>Decorative Blocks<r> shown on the following pages. <n>Every variant can also be crafted into <imp>Stairs, Slabs and Walls<r> using the well-known recipes. <n><n><i>Nether Quartz, but deadlier",
"": "Smiley Cloud",
"": "The <item>Smiley Cloud<r> is a magical floating cloud which is getting put to life through the piece of Solidified Experience inside it. It hovers up and down in its place all jolly and fun, and when <imp>right-clicking<r>, you can <imp>give it a name<r>. <n>When giving it certain <imp>special names<r> like <imp>\"Ellpeck\"<r> or <imp>\"Etho\"<r>, it will have some special items it carries!",
"": "<n><n><n><i>Huge potato",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalStuff": "Coal Stuff",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalStuff.text.1": "Sometimes your <item>Coal<r> just <imp>burns for too long or too short<r>. <n>For that, you can craft <item>Tiny Coal<r>, <item>Tiny Charcoal<r> and <item>Blocks of Charcoal<r> for using them in a furnace. <n>While the <item>Block of Charcoal<r> burns for as long as a <item>Block of Coal<r>, the <item>Tiny Coal<r> and <item>Tiny Charcoal<r> will burn for <imp>one eighth of a piece of coal<r>, meaning it will <imp>smelt one item in a normal furnace<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lamps": "Lamps",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lamps.text.1": "<item>Lamps<r> are a block providing lots of light, similar to the mystic Glowstone or Torches, but they can be <imp>dyed with all of the 16 different colors<r> either by <imp>crafting them<r> or by placing them on the ground and <imp>right-clicking them with a piece of dye<r>. <n>When <imp>right-clicking<r> them with an empty hand, they will <imp>turn on and off<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lamps.text.2": "There is a way to toggle them with <imp>Redstone<r>, however. If you place a <item>Lamp Controller<r> facing into one and give it a <imp>redstone signal<r>, it will turn the lamp in front of it on and off. <n>The thing that makes this very expandable, though, is that it also <imp>toggles every lamp adjacent to that lamp<r> and every other lamp that gets touched. <n>That means you can have a huge field of lamps and toggle them all with <imp>just one<r> <item>Lamp Controller<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.treasureChest": "Treasure Chests",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.treasureChest.text.1": "A <item>Treasure Chest<r> found underwater.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.treasureChest.text.2": "<item>Treasure Chests<r> are a semi-uncommon occurrence <imp>in Ocean Biomes<r>. They appear on the bottom of the sea, probably left there by bypassing Ships who threw off or lost some load. These Chests however, <imp>hold some valuable items<r>, if you're lucky. Breaking them won't yield you anything, though, you just have to <imp>right-click them<r> to receive some amazing goodies.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker": "Breakers and Placers",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.1": "The <item>Breaker<r> breaks blocks in front of it. It can be oriented in every direction. <n>When right-clicking it with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.2": "The <item>Placer<r> places blocks in front of it. It can be oriented in every direction. <n>When right-clicking it with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.3": "The <item>Fluid Placer<r> places liquids you supply it with. It needs <imp>1000mB<r> to place one block. When right-clicking it with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>. A Comparator will mesaure its <imp>Fluid Amount<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.4": "The <item>Fluid Collector<r> will collect <imp>1000mB<r> of liquids in front of it, that's a filled bucket. When right-clicking it with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>. A Comparator will mesaure its <imp>Fluid Amount<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces": "Phantomfaces",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.1": "<item>Phantomfaces<r> are a simple way to <imp>connect inventories together<r>, they have a very important twist however: Instead of just connecting two inventories, a <item>Phantomface<r> <imp>simulates the inventory it is connected to<r>, meaning you can put items into and pull out of the Phantomface itself. A <item>Phantomface<r> has a <imp>default range of <range> blocks<r>, but it can be upgraded with a <item>Phantom Booster<r>. <item>Phantomfaces<r> are connected by <imp>right-clicking<r> an inventory with a <item>Phantom Connector<r> and then <imp>right-clicking<r> the <item>Phantomface.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.2": "<imp>Important Information:<r><n>It should be noted that the Phantomface is <imp>not<r> supposed to be <imp>used as a wireless transport<r> system. <n>The Phantomface should be used when, for example, wanting to input items into a machine that doesn't have enough space for the amount of cables you need around it, or when you want it to look nice in a room without needing any cables or other blocks around it. <n><n><i>It's not a short-range Tesseract.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.3": "The default <item>Phantomface<r> works for items, like described on the first page.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.4": "The <item>Phantom Liquiface<r> acts exactly like the normal <item>Phantomface<r>, but it <imp>works for liquid containing blocks<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.5": "The <item>Phantom Energyface<r> acts exactly like the normal <item>Phantomface<r>, but it <imp>works for CF<r>, meaning you can connect it to things like Generators and Crushers.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.7": "The <item>Phantom Booster<r>, as explained on the first page, ups the range of <item>Phantomface<r>s by being placed <imp>on top of them<r>. The maximum amount above one <item>Phantomface<r> is <imp>3<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomBreaker": "Phantom Breakers & Placers",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomBreaker.text.1": "<item>Phantom Breakers<r> and <item>Placers<r> work similarly to the normal <item>Phantomfaces<r>, except that they are used to <imp>break and place blocks from a distance<r>. Their default range is <imp><range> Blocks<r>. To connect them to blocks to break, do as described in the <imp>Phantomface Chapter<r>. When connecting them to air spaces, just place a block, store it and then break it again. <n>When right-clicking it with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.esd": "ESDs",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.esd.text.1": "The <item>ESD<r> is like a <item>Hopper<r> with a lot more functionality: You can choose the sides to input and output and you can <imp>precisely configure<r> the range of slots. <n>For more information, <imp>hover over the elements in their GUI<r>. <n><n>They will determine the <imp>amount of slots<r> an inventory has initially, however it <tifisgrin>won't adapt when the inventory changes<r>. When connecting an inventory whose slot amount can change, like the <item>Item Interface<r>, you can set the slot amount to a big number in the ESD's GUI to avoid slots being ignored.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.xpSolidifier": "Experience Solidifier",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.xpSolidifier.text.1": "The <item>Experience Solidifer<r> uses the player's experience and turns it into <item>Solidified Experience<r> which can later be used by <imp>right-clicking<r> (or sneak-right-clicking to use a full stack!) to get the experience back. <n>Additionally, you can put <item>Solidified Experience<r> into the solidifier, and it will <imp>pick up any XP Orbs<r> that are on the ground and turn them into <item>Solidified Experience<r>, provided they weren't created by it. <n><item>Solidified Experience<r> is also sometimes dropped from mobs.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.greenhouseGlass": "Greenhouse Glass",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.greenhouseGlass.text.1": "<item>Greenhouse Glass<r> is a very effective way to <imp>speed up the growth of your plants<r>! When placed anywhere above the plant, as long as there are no blocks below obstructing the path, and there is sunlight above the glass, it will <imp>significantly speed up the growth of the plant<r>! <n>It obviously has to be daytime, too. Thought that was obvious.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.greenhouseGlass.text.2": "<i>Greenhouse Gas",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fishingNet": "Fishing Net",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fishingNet.text.1": "The <item>Fishing Net<r> is a block that makes fishing a lot easier! Just <imp>place it above some water<r> and it will, given a little bit of time, automatically catch fish for you! To store the fish, just place a chest above the <item>Fishing Net<r> or let the items spew out of the top and collect them manually. <n><n><i>For the impatient",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.feeder": "Feeder",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.feeder.text.1": "The <item>Feeder<r> is a good alternative to a manual animal farm. Place it in the middle of an animal pen and supply it with some wheat, seeds or carrots, depending on the animal you want to feed, and just wait. It will <imp>automatically feed the animals<r> and if there are enough animals near it, it will <imp>shut off on its own<r> to prevent lag or animal overflow. <n><n><i>Greenpeace approves",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.compost": "Compost and Fertilizer",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.compost.text.1": "The <item>Compost<r> is used to make <item>Fertilizer<r> from <item>Bio-Mash<r>. <item>Fertilizer<r> acts just like Bone Meal, but can be crafted in a much simpler manner just by crafting <item>Bio-Mash<r> and then putting those inside of a <item>Compost<r> and waiting for a bit. When the mash is composted, just take it out by right-clicking again. <n><n>This, however, also works for some other items, which will be explained when needed.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.compost.text.3": "<item>Bio-Mash<r> can be crafted from <imp>any type of food item<r> by putting any number of it together in a crafting grid with a <item>Knife<r>. The resulting amount of <item>Bio-Mash<r> will <imp>vary depending on<r> the food's <imp>saturation<r> and <imp>healing<r> levels.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate": "Storage Crates",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.1": "<item>Storage Crates<r> are big. <imp>Really big<r>. They hold tons of items, more than 4 chests worth of them. <n>Not only that, but they can be <imp>upgraded in size<r>! View the following pages to get information on that and some other items regarding crates!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.4": "Placing a <item>Storage Crate Keeper<r> inside the Storage Crate before breaking it will cause it to <imp>keep all of its items<r>, however the Keeper will be destroyed in the process. <n>Once upgraded via crafting, they will not lose their contents either.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.5": "The <item>Chest To Storage Crate Upgrade<r> allows you to <imp>convert any wooden chest into a Storage Crate<r>, retaining its items! <n>Just <imp>sneak-right-click<r> onto the chest to apply it.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.6": "Similar to the <item>Chest To Storage Crate Upgrade<r>, the <item>Small To Medium Storage Crate Upgrade<r> will convert any <imp>Small Storage Crate<r> into a <imp>Medium Storage Crate<r> by simply shift-right-clicking it. It will retain its items.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.7": "Similar to the <item>Chest To Storage Crate Upgrade<r>, the <item>Medium To Large Storage Crate Upgrade<r> will convert any <imp>Medium Storage Crate<r> into a <imp>Large Storage Crate<r> by simply shift-right-clicking it. It will retain its items.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine": "Coffee Maker",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.1": "The <item>Coffee Maker<r> is a block used to make <item>Coffee<r>, a <imp>potion-like<r> item that gives the user several buffs. <n>To use the coffee maker, you need a <item>Empty Cup<r>, <coffee> <item>Coffee Beans<r>, which can be found in the wild, harvested and <imp>planted on farmland<r> again, <rf> CF/t and <water>mB of Water per cup brewed. <n>On the coffee maker recipe pages at the back, to see what the item does, just hover over the Cup of Coffee.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.2": "To actually give your coffee some buffs, <imp>put some of the items shown on the later pages into the slots on the right<r>. <n>The more slots are filled up with one item, the higher the <imp>Amplifier<r> of the effect will be. The <imp>Maximum Amplifier<r> is the max amount of items to be put into one coffee. <n>Order matters: When using, for example, <item>Milk<r> (to see what it does exactly, go to a later page), you are going to have to plan the items out inside the <imp>numbered slots<r> in such a way that it brews the coffee you want.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.3": "This is an example of a recipe making a coffee containing <imp>Fire Resistance 1 for 0:20<r> and <imp>Speed 1 for 2:30<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.6": "<item>Milk<r> is an important item when brewing coffee: It <imp>adds 2 minutes<r> to all effects of items in slots with lower numbers while <imp>removing 1 amplifier<r>. When the amplifier of an effect is 1, however, it will remove the effect.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.7": "<i>The fact that you're reading this means that you either have <imp>HarvestCraft<r><i> installed, or that you're looking at the lang file. <r><n>This does the same thing as <item>Milk<r>, but for veggie guys.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crusher": "Crusher and Double Crusher",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crusher.text.1": "The <item>Crusher<r> turns every ore, ingot and gem into its corresponding <imp>dust<r> using <rf> CF/t. <n>When you put in <imp>Ores<r> however, they will yield <imp>2 pieces of dust<r>. <n>The <item>Double Crusher<r> basically does the same, however it can crush two ores at a time. <n>On the following pages, you can see some additional useful recipes for inside the crusher. <n><n><i>He's my crush",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.furnaceDouble": "Powered Furnace",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.furnaceDouble.text.1": "The <item>Powered Furnace<r> works like a furnace, however, it uses <rf> CF/t and can smelt <imp>two items at a time<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lavaFactory": "Lava Factory",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lavaFactory.text.1": "The <item>Lava Factory<r> can produce blocks of lava given <imp><rf> CF/block<r>. <n>The Block above it has to be surrounded with 4 Casing Blocks, otherwise it won't be able to produce Lava. <n>Right-Clicking on the <item>Lava Factory<r> will show you if it's able to produce Lava in its current setup. <n><n><i>Lava, for a fact. <n> ory",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.energizer": "Energizer and Enervator",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.energizer.text.1": "The <item>Energizer<r> <imp>charges items that hold CF<r> using its energy supply.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.energizer.text.2": "The <item>Enervator<r> <imp>discharges items that hold CF<r> and stores the energy in its energy supply.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.repairer": "Item Repairer",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.repairer.text.1": "The <item>Item Repairer<r> uses <imp><rf> CF/t<r> to repair items that can be repaired in an Anvil <imp>without needing any materials<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalGen": "Coal Generator",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalGen.text.1": "The <item>Coal Generator<r> generates <imp><rf> CF/t<r> through the use of everything that can be put into a furnace. <n>Note that it only starts burning something up if the buffer isn't already full of power. <n>It will <imp>stop generating<r> when powered by <imp>Redstone<r>. <n>Additionally, using a <item>Comparator<r> will yield the percentage of <imp>energy stored<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.solarPanel": "Solar Panel",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.solarPanel.text.1": "The <item>Solar Panel<r> <imp>produces <rf> CF/t<r> when it has direct daylight above it and it is daytime. Any blocks above it that are transparent will <imp>decrease its efficiency<r>, however. <n><n><i>Panelled walls",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.heatCollector": "Heat Collector",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.heatCollector.text.1": "The <item>Heat Collector<r> is a block that <imp>produces <rf> CF/t<r>. <n>To do that, it needs to be <imp>surrounded with at least <min> Lava Blocks<r> directly around it on any side except the top one. But watch out, it sometimes <imp>destroys some of these Lava Blocks<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.canola": "Canola and Oil",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.canola.text.1": "Using <item>Canola<r>, you can make a simple, yet effective power generation system from <imp>natural resources<r>. <n>To do this, first find some <item>Canola Plants<r> in the wild and plant them on your farm. <n><n>The <item>Canola<r> you get out of them can be used in a <item>Canola Press<r> to make <item>Canola Oil<r>. <n><n>This can be <imp>used in an<r> <item>Oil Generator<r>. It displays the amount of power it generates in its GUI, however, it can be <imp>upgraded further<r> to yield <imp>more power<r> than that!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.canola.text.2": "For starters, you can use a <item>Fermenting Barrel<r> to convert the <item>Canola Oil<r> into <item>Refined Canola Oil<r>. <n><n>If you're still not satisfied with the power that generates, <imp>place the refined canola oil on the ground<r> and throw in a <item>Crystallized Canola Seed<r> to make <item>Crystallized Oil<r>. <n><n>If that isn't enough for you either, make an <item>Empowered Canola Seed<r> and toss that into some <item>Crystallized Oil<r> to get <item>Empowered Oil<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.canola.text.4": "The <item>Fermenting Barrel<r> can have a <item>Comparator<r> attached to it which will result in the Redstone strength being equivalent to the <imp>percentage<r> of the <imp>output tank<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.canola.text.5": "If you break the <item>Oil Generator<r>, it will keep the liquid inside. <n>Place it in the <imp>crafting grid<r> to empty it out. <n>It will <imp>stop generating<r> when powered by <imp>Redstone<r>. <n>Additionally, using a <item>Comparator<r> will yield the percentage of <imp>energy stored<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.wings": "Wings Of The Bats",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.wings.text.1": "Sometimes, bats will drop <item>Wings<r>. These wings can be used to make <item>Wings Of The Bats<r>, which allow you to <imp>fly<r> in a <imp>creative way<r>. <n>However, after about <secs> seconds, your weight won't be <imp>supported anymore<r> and you will <imp>drop to the ground<r>. <n>To remove exhaustion from your wings, either <imp>stand on the ground<r> to remove exhaustion <imp>slowly<r>, or hang on to the ceiling by <imp>flying up below a solid block<r> like a bat while the wings aren't fully exhausted to remove exhaustion <imp>fast<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.foods": "Foodstuffs",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafBlower": "Leaf Blowers",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafBlower.text.1": "The <item>Leaf Blower<r> can blow away tall grass, flowers and other stuff around you when you <imp>hold right-click<r>. There is an <item>Advanced Leaf Blower<r>, which works like the basic one, except that it operates <imp>much faster<r> and <imp>also breaks Leaves<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.aiots": "All-In-One-Tools (AIOTs)",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.aiots.text.1": "An <item>All-In-One-Tool<r> is a tool that is <item>Pickaxe<r>, <item>Axe<r>, <item>Shovel<r>, <item>Sword<r> and <item>Hoe<r> in one. They are available in every common material. <n>Additionally to being able to mine stone, wood and softer materials, when <imp>not sneaking<r>, they create <item>Farmland<r> on right-click, whereas when <imp>sneaking<r>, they create <item>Paths<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.jams": "Jams",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.jams.text.1": "Once, there was a <imp>Kitty<r> who really wanted some Jam. <n>So I made some <item>Jam<r>. <n>Seriously, this is Jam. You can find it in Village Houses or buy it from the <imp>Jam Villager<r>. <n>Every Jam gives you two different <imp>potion effects<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.jams.text.2": "A <imp>Jam House<r> and <n>its inhabitant",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.jams.text.3": "So. <n>You're probably wondering what the names of the jams mean. <n>Now, let me tell you: <n><n><i>-Honeydew Melon and Kiwi <n>-Honeydew Melon and Coconut <n>-Pineapple and Coconut <n>-Cherry, Apple and Cinnamon <n>-Plum, Apple and Lemon <n>-Grape, Kiwi and Banana <n>-Currant, Banana and Raspberry <n><n><r>Now, which one is which, you may ask? Figure it out yourself.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.potionRings": "Potion Rings",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.potionRings.text.1": "<item>Potion Rings<r> can permanenty grant a set of potion effects. <n>A <item>Potion Ring<r> has <imp>two tiers<r>. The first tier needs to be <imp>held in any hand<r> and gives an effect of <imp>level one<r> while the second tier can be <imp>anywhere inside the inventory<r> and grants an effect of <imp>level two<r>. <n>To be able to use <item>Potion Rings<r> they first have to be <imp>filled up<r> with <item>Blaze Powder<r>. To do this, put the ring into a <imp>Crafting Grid<r> with <imp>one or more<r> Blaze Powder. <n>Over time, the powder inside the ring will be <imp>used up<r> to grant you the effect.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.drill": "Drills",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.drill.text.1": "The <item>Drill<r> works like a Pickaxe and a Shovel. It uses <imp>CF<r> per block. It can be <imp>charged in an Energizer<r> and upgraded by <imp>sneak-right-clicking<r> with it in your hand. There are <imp>a lot of upgrades<r>, but here is an explanation of some of them: <n>The <item>Mining Upgrades<r> enlarge the hole which the Drill digs. <n>The <item>Placement Upgrade<r>, after you right-click it in any slot of your hotbar, will make the Drill able to <imp>place a block from that slot by right-clicking<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.drill.text.2": "It should be noted that, in fact, the <item>Speed<r>, <item>Mining<r> and <item>Fortune Upgrades<r> <imp>need their previous tiers to be installed<r> for them to work. <n>This means that, if you want Speed III in the Drill, it needs Speed II and Speed I inside it as well.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.drill.text.4": "The <item>Drill<r> can also be <imp>dyed<r> in Minecraft's 16 colors. <n>It's only cosmetic and won't have any effect other than it looking different, however.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.staff": "Staff",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.staff.text.1": "The <item>Teleport Staff<r>, when charged in an Energizer, can be <imp>right-clicked<r> to <imp>teleport you to where you're looking<r>. When you are looking at a block, it will teleport you there, however, when you aren't looking at a block, you can only be looking upwards up to <imp>5 degrees<r>, otherwise the teleport will fail.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.magnetRing": "Ring Of Magnetism",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.magnetRing.text.1": "The <item>Ring Of Magnetism<r>, when it has been charged in an Energizer and is inside your inventory, uses <imp>CF<r> to suck up items that are farther away than you can pick up by yourself. <n>You can enable and disable it by <imp>sneak-right-clicking<r> with it in hand.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.growthRing": "Ring Of Growth",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.growthRing.text.1": "The <item>Ring Of Growth<r>, when it is charged in an Energizer and in your hand, uses <imp>CF<r> to make plants around you grow much faster.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.waterRemovalRing": "Ring Of Liquid Banning",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.waterRemovalRing.text.1": "The <item>Ring Of Liquid Banning<r>, when it is charged in an Energizer and in your hand, uses <imp>CF<r> to remove <imp>Lava<r> and <imp>Water<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.batteries": "Batteries",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.batteries.text.1": "<item>Batteries<r> are a good way to store CF to move around. They can be <imp>charged in an Energizer<r> and <imp>discharged in an Enervator<r>. <n><n>When holding them in hand, they can be <imp>sneak-right-clicked<r> to put them into <imp>discharge mode<r>. This means that they will <imp>charge<r> any <imp>other items in your inventory<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafGen": "Leaf-Eating Generator",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafGen.text.1": "The <item>Leaf Generator<r> can generate <imp>CF<r> just by being placed alongside some <item>Leaves<r>. <n>It will destroy the leaves, generating <imp><rf> CF per leaf broken<r> in the process. <n>By right-clicking the generator, you can see how much CF it has stored. <n>It has a <imp>range of <range><r> blocks.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafGen.text.2": "<i>Munchy",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.longRangeBreaker": "Long-Range Breaker",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.longRangeBreaker.text.1": "The <item>Long-Range Breaker<r> works like a normal <item>Breaker<r>, but it can break <imp>up to <range> blocks in front of it<r>. <n>Per block broken, it uses <imp><rf> CF<r>. <n>When right-clicking it with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>. <n><n><i>Breaking the <range>th wall",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.longRangeBreaker.text.2": "<i>Sequence Breaking",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.dropper": "Automatic Precision Dropper",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.dropper.text.1": "The <item>Automatic Precision Dropper<r> works much like a normal dropper, but it will drop items <imp>without needing a Redstone Signal<r>. <n>It also won't spit them out all over the ground, but it will <imp>drop them straight into the direction you point it at<r>! <n>When right-clicking it with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.rangedCollector": "Ranged Collector",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.rangedCollector.text.1": "The <item>Ranged Collector<r> works much like a hopper, in that it <imp>collects items around it<r>, having the power, however, to pick up items that are in an area of <imp><range> blocks<r> around it. <n>It has a <imp>filter<r> that can be set to <imp>white- or blacklist<r>. <n>This comes with a disadvantage, however: It doesn't auto-output its items.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.hairBalls": "Ball of Fur-s",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.hairBalls.text.1": "<item>Balls of Fur<r> dropped by <imp>live<r> cats. <n>More information on the next page.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.hairBalls.text.2": "<item>Balls of Fur<r> are an item rarely dropped by <imp>cats<r> which have been <imp>tamed<r> by the player. <n>Cats are very mysterious creatures as they <imp>appear to get everything stuck in their fur<r>. <item>Balls of Fur<r> may seem disgusting at first, but when removing all of the hair by <imp>right-clicking<r>, they will reveal some <imp>valuable items<r>. <n>Or just some String. <n><n><n><i>FUURRRRRR!!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserIntro": "Intro to Laser Relays",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserIntro.text.1": "<item>Laser Relays<r> exist in <imp>different variants<r>, however, they all have the same basic functionality. <n>A <item>Laser Relay<r> can be connected to one ore more other laser relays using a <item>Laser Wrench<r>. This can be achieved by <imp>right-clicking<r> the first relay and then right-clicking the second one. There can be an <imp>infinite number<r> of interconnected Laser Relays, making what is called a <item>Network<r> or <item>System<r>. Such a network will have no predefined starting or end point, but instead,",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserIntro.text.2": "every <item>Laser Relay<r> has <imp>access to interact with all of the other ones<r> in different ways. <n>Connecting two <item>Laser Relays<r> has some restrictions, however. First of all, two connected <item>Laser Relays<r> must be <imp>at most <range> blocks apart<r> from each other. <n>Additionally, two <item>Laser Relays<r> of a <imp>different type<r> cannot be connected to one another. <n><n><i>View the other items in this chapter to find out more about different types of Laser Relays!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserIntro.text.3": "<imp>Hovering over<r> Laser Relays with the <item>Laser Wrench<r> will also bring up useful information like the <imp>energy flow configuration<r> or the <imp>priority configuration<r>. <n><n>Additionally, linking two <imp>already connected<r> Laser Relays will cause them to <imp>disconnect<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserRelays": "Energy Laser Relays",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserRelays.text.1": "The <item>Energy Laser Relay<r> is a block that can <imp>wirelessly transfer CF<r>. <n>When placing a Power Generator or Receiver next to the relay, it can receive Power <imp>from any other relay<r> in the network and send power <imp>to any other relay<r> as well. <n>During an energy transfer, they have a slight <imp>Energy Loss<r>, but nothing to worry about, especially because it's <imp>per transfer<r>, so it doesn't matter how many Lasers are inbetween two machines, the loss will <imp>always be the same amount<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserRelays.text.2": "There are <imp>three tiers<r> of Energy Laser Relay. They have different maximum amounts of energy to be transferred through them in one tick. The <imp>energy caps<r> are, in order, <cap1>, <cap2>, and <cap3>. <n>Additionally, the energy loss is a bit higher every tier. <n><imp>Interconnecting<r> different tiers is possible, however the <imp>lowest cap<r> and <imp>highest loss<r> of the two relays connected to the blocks involved in the transfer is considered. <n>Additionally, <item>Energy Laser Relays<r> can not be connected by Phantomfaces.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.blackLotus": "Black Lotus",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.blackLotus.text.1": "Think of this: <n>You need to craft <imp>black wool<r>, <imp>black clay<r> or anything else that <imp>needs black dye<r> but you are just guilty about killing so many <imp>innocent squids<r>? <n>Well, the <item>Black Lotus<r> is exactly the thing you need! <n>Just look around <imp>in the wild<r> a bit, and you will find one, then being able to craft some <item>Black Dye<r> that can be used <imp>instead of Ink Sacs<r> so that you don't need to kill poor squids and L any longer.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.blackLotus.text.2": "<i>Do the lotus pose",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals": "Crystals and Reconstructor",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.1": "The <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> is used to craft <item>Crystals<r>, which are the main crafting ingredient in most items from <imp>Actually Additions<r>. <n>Upon being supplied with power, it shoots out a Laser. <tifisgrin>When the Laser hits a block<r>, it will convert all surrounding items and blocks, provided they can be converted. <n>When shooting a laser, it uses <imp><rf> CF<r>, but additional rates vary depending on the conversion.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.2": "There are various <item>Lenses<r> that can be attached to the Reconstructor that don't all follow the default behavior of the Reconstructor and are able to do some neat things. <n>See the <imp>Reconstruction section<r> in the booklet <imp>for more information<r>. <n><n>When right-clicking the Reconstructor with a <item>Redstone Torch<r> in hand, it will change between a mode where it <imp>gets deactivated by Redstone<r> and a mode where it <imp>responds to pulses<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.3": "It should be noted that any recipes listed without information about Lenses <imp>don't use one<r>. <n><i>I thought that was obvious.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.5": "When you have crafted a couple of items, you might want to find a way to <imp>automate this<r>. <n>There is a very simple way to do accomplish this: <n>Place the <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> down facing into a <item>Precision Dropper<r> (to find it, look it up in the <imp>All Items<r> Entry!). <n>Next, place a <item>Ranged Collector<r> in the area that has the converted items set as a whitelist. <n>Now you can just chuck your raw materials into the Dropper to convert them!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.6": "<n><n><n><i>Molecular Transformilator",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial": "Intro to the Manual",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.1": "The <item>Actually Additions Manual<r>, the book you are looking at right now, contains a variety of <imp>useful information about all of the items<r>. <n>Once you get the hang of it, it is very easy to navigate. Here is a quick rundown: <n><n>While you are in a <item>chapter<r>, like this one, you can use the <imp>white buttons at the bottom<r> to turn the page back or forwards. This can also be done by <imp>using the scroll wheel<r>. <n>Chapters, however, aren't the only thing that this book consists of.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.2": "Were you to <imp>go back<r> a level via the <imp>buttom on the top left<r> or via <imp>right-clicking<r>, you would find yourself inside an <item>entry<r>. Entries contain all chapters that are related to <imp>a specific topic<r>. Here, you can also <imp>turn pages<r> and click the items on the page. <n><n>Were you to <imp>go back another level<r> (again, via the button on the top left or right-clicking), you would find yourself on the <item>main page<r> of the manual. <n><n><i>Turn the page now via the button on the bottom right.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.3": "On the <item>main page<r>, you can see (and click on!) a list of <imp>all of the entries<r>. <n><n>The <item>bookmarks<r> are placed at the <imp>bottom of the booklet<r>. While you are <imp>in a chapter<r>, you can <imp>bookmark<r> the page you are currently on <imp>for later viewing<r>. <n><n>The booklet also has <imp>a lot of other functions<r>, though. Look around in the GUI to explore them all! <n><n><i>Now press the back button on the top left or right-click to leave this chapter.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.reconstructorLenses": "Intro to Lenses",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.reconstructorLenses.text.1": "The <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r>, by default, can only convert some blocks. <n>This can be changed, however, with <item>Lenses<r>. They can be attached to the Reconstructor via <imp>right-clicking<r> with them in hand. To remove them, right-click with an empty hand. <n>They all use a different amount of power and will only activate <imp>once they have it<r>. <n><item>Lenses<r> have lots of different features and uses, as you can see in <imp>this chapter<r>. <n>However, there are also some <imp>other useful recipes<r> too.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.additionalRecipes": "Additional Recipes",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookSplitting": "Splitting Enchanted Books",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookSplitting.text.1": "The <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> has the ability to split books with multiple enchantments into more books, with only a single enchantment each. This costs <imp>155000 CF<r>, so you will only ever be able to split a single book at a time. Be careful to not leave multiple books in the path of the reconstructor, or it might hit one with only a single enchantment, <imp>voiding 155000 CF<r>! As a side effect, this process generates enchanted books out of thin air to fulfill it's purpose. Magic, right?",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensColor": "Lens of Color",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensColor.text.1": "The <item>Lens of Color<r> changes the color of <imp>Stained Glass and Panes, Stained Clay, Carpet, Dye, Lamps, Wool<r> in its sight. <n>Contrary to using no lens, it goes <imp>through blocks<r> and only converts blocks it touches.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensDeath": "Lens of Certain Death",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensDeath.text.1": "The <item>Lens of Certain Death<r> will, <imp>deal lots of damage<r> to whatever steps into it, enough, in fact, to kill a player <imp>in a single hit<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensDetonation": "Lens of Detonation",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensDetonation.text.1": "The <item>Lens of Detonation<r> will create a fiery explosion <imp>around the block the laser hits<r>. <n>Be careful with this. Seriously. <n>(With this lens, the laser also goes 3 times as far!)",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensDisenchanting": "Lens of Disenchanting",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensDisenchanting.text.1": "The <item>Lens of Disenchanting<r> can be used to <imp>transfer<r> a single <imp>enchantment<r> from an enchanted item to either a <item>Book<r> or an already <item>Enchanted Book<r>. <n>This can be achieved by <imp>throwing the two items in front of the laser<r> (more than one of every type won't work!), but they have to be together <imp>in one blockspace<r>. <n>When they are hit by the laser, the <imp>topmost enchantment<r> from the non-book item is <imp>removed<r> and <imp>added onto the book<r>. <n><n>However, this uses <imp><energy> CF<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensMining": "Lens of the Miner",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensMining.text.1": "The <item>Lens of the Miner<r> can <imp>create ores<r> out of blocks in its sight. <n>When the laser hits a <item>block of stone<r>, it will convert it into <imp>different overworld ores<r>, whereas a <item>block of netherrack<r> will be converted into <imp>nether ores<r>. <n>Each operation uses <imp><energy> CF<r>, however each operation requires <imp>additional power<r> depending on the rarity of the ore that is generated.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miscDecorStuffsAndThings": "Some Decor",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miscDecorStuffsAndThings.text.1": "Sometimes, when you build, you notice there are just <imp>not enough decor blocks<r>. Well, we present to you: <item>Ethetic Blocks<r>! <n>These are some quartz-like decor blocks with lovely patterns that can also be <imp>converted<r> into <imp>Stairs<r>, <imp>Slabs<r> and <imp>Walls<r> using the usual, well-known recipe patterns.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miner": "Vertical Digger",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miner.text.1": "The <item>Vertical Digger<r> can be used to automatically <imp>mine blocks<r> from the world. <n>It has two modes: It can either <imp>only mine ores<r> or <imp>mine everything<r>. When mining a block, it uses about <rf> CF. <n>Mined items get stored in an internal buffer that can be accessed through right-clicking. <n><n>Its default radius is <range>, but much like Phantomfaces, the Digger's range can be upgraded by placing 3 or less <item>Phantom Boosters<r> above it.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miner.text.2": "(Works with any colored Drill) <n><n><n><n><n><i>I dig it",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fireworkBox": "Firework Box",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fireworkBox.text.1": "The <item>Firework Box<r> is a perfect thing for New Year's! When placed down and supplied with some <imp>CF<r>, it will shoot out some <imp>randomly generated<r> <item>Fireworks<r> around it. <n>For each shot, it uses <rf> CF. You can <imp>right-click<r> the block to be able to <imp>precisely configure<r> the types of <item>Fireworks<r> you want to get and <imp>how often<r> you get them, along with a bunch of <imp>other options<r>. Just play around in the GUI to find out what every setting does. <n><n>This is a great way to set up cool looking Firework displays.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fireworkBox.text.2": "This is a rarely known fact, but to craft a <item>Firework Rocket<r>, just put together a <item>Gunpowder<r> and a piece of <item>Paper<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.rf": "CF - Crystal Flux",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.rf.text.1": "Since the recent diminishment of what was known as Redstone Flux, a new way of storing power has arisen: <item>Crystal Flux<r>. <n>This stuff is generated by <imp>all<r> Actually Additions <imp>machines<r>, however, it is <imp>compatible<r> with <item>Tesla<r> and <item>Forge Units<r>, meaning machines that use <item>Crystal Flux<r> and machines that use any of the other systems mentioned can be <imp>interconnected without<r> needing any sort of <imp>conversion<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.rf.text.2": "To <imp>transfer<r> <item>Crystal Flux<r>, just place a thing that <imp>generates<r> or transfers it <imp>next to<r> one that <imp>uses<r> or stores it (or any one of the systems mentioned above). You can use an <item>Energizer<r> to <imp>charge up items<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.enderStar": "Ender Star",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.enderStar.text.1": "The <item>Ender Star<r> can be obtained by both killing a wither and going to the end to collect Dragon's Breath. The latter is obtained by using a bottle on the purple particles that the dragon spits out. <n>The <item>Ender Star<r> is used for <imp>multiple crafting recipes<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomRedstoneface": "Phantom Redstoneface",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomRedstoneface.text.1": "<imp>If you don't know what Phantomfaces are, check the Phantomfaces Entry first.<r> <n><n>The <item>Phantom Redstoneface<r> can be used to transmit redstone signals. This one, however, <imp>works differently<r> to the other Phantomfaces as it <imp>only works in one direction<r>. What this means is that the <imp>connected block has to provide redstone power<r> for redstone next to the Redstoneface to become powered. It does <imp>not work<r> the <imp>other way<r> around.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.spawnerShard": "Spawner Shards",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.spawnerShard.text.1": "The <item>Spawner Shards<r> are a crafting ingredient found by <imp>breaking spawners<r>. Once a spawner in the world is broken, it will always drop <imp>one<r> Shard.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.spawnerChanger": "Spawner Changer",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.spawnerChanger.text.1": "The <item>Spawner Changer<r> is an item that can be used to <imp>manipulate the mobs<r> that <imp>spawners spawn<r>. <n>This can be accomplished by first of all <imp>picking up<r> the desired mob to spawn with the Changer, killing it in the process. Next, the Changer can be <imp>right-clicked on the spawner<r>, causing the spawner to be changed and the changer itself to <imp>be destroyed<r>. <n><n>This process probably won't work with every type of mob though.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemRelays": "Item Laser Relays",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemRelays.text.1": "Before we start: The <item>Item Laser Relay<r> system is more <imp>complicated<r> than its Fluid and Energy counterpart, however, it is an <imp>extremely powerful<r> way to manage and transport your items. <n>When connecting an <item>Item Laser Relay<r> to any block that <imp>stores or handles items<r>, it will basically <imp>\"know about\"<r> the slots they have and what items are in them. <n>That alone isn't particularly useful, however the <item>Item Interface<r> can interact with those items. Check out <imp>its chapter<r> to find out how.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemInterfaces": "The Item Interface",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemInterfaces.text.1": "The <item>Item Interface<r> is the way to <imp>interact<r> with an <item>Item Laser Relay<r> network. On its own, such a network will just <imp>\"know about\"<r> all of the <imp>items and slots<r> that connected containers have. <n>The <item>Item Interface<r>, however, can be used to directly <imp>interact<r> with these items. The way the <item>Item Interface<r> works is that it basically <imp>pretends<r> to be a <imp>very large chest<r> containing <imp>every slot<r> of every container that is connected.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemInterfaces.text.2": "What this means is that you can <imp>use a Hopper<r> or any other item transport mechanic on the Item Interface and it will function like a chest, being able to <imp>accept items<r> and have items <imp>pulled out of it<r>. But instead of any items being stored inside of the <item>Item Interface<r> they will go to and be pulled from <imp>the Laser Relay network<r>. <n><n>To actually <imp>connect<r> an <item>Item Interface<r> to a network, just <imp>place<r> an <item>Item Laser Relay<r> next to one.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemRelaysAdvanced": "Advanced Item Laser Relays",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemRelaysAdvanced.text.1": "Soon you will find that sometimes you will need to <imp>white- and blacklist<r> what you actaully want to go into a container. <n>The <item>Advanced Item Laser Relay<r> is able to do just that. When <imp>right-clicking<r>, you can configure a <imp>Whitelist<r> or <imp>Blacklist<r> inside of the GUI. <n>This list has two sides, however. The <imp>INBOUND<r> side basically means \"things that are trying to go into the container the Relay is attached to\", while <imp>OUTBOUND<r> means \"things that are trying to exit the attached container\".",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemRelaysAdvanced.text.2": "This doesn't only work on <imp>storage containers<r> in the network, but also for <item>Item Interfaces<r>, meaning that you are able to set up a storage system and only pull out specific items in certain places.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemInterfacesHopping": "Hopping Item Interface",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemInterfacesHopping.text.1": "The <item>Hopping Item Interface<r> works the same as a normal <item>Item Interface<r>, meaning that you can <imp>connect<r> them to an <item>Item Laser Relay<r> network by placing one <imp>next to it<r>. <n>However, whereas you need to pipe items into the normal <item>Item Interface<r>, the <item>Hopping Item Interface<r> will <imp>pull and push<r> items <imp>on its own<r>. It has <imp>every functionality<r> that the <item>Hopper<r> has, but instead of storing items in an <imp>internal inventory<r>, it stores them in <imp>the network<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.banners": "Additional Banners",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.banners.text.1": "For <imp>special items<r> in <imp>Actually Additions<r>, there are also special <item>Banner<r> patterns. All of these just require the <imp>item next to the banner<r> in the crafting grid with, optionally, a <imp>color<r>. You can also combine them with a <item>Shield<r> like normal. <n>The items that have a banner pattern are: <n>The <item>Actually Additions Manual<r> <n>The <item>Phantom Connector<r> <n>The <item>Leaf Blower<r> (not the advanced version) <n>The <item>Drill<r> (only the white one works due to the way banners work)",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lushCaves": "Lush Caves",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lushCaves.text.1": "If you have ever done any <imp>Cave exploration<r>, you will have probably noticed some <imp>caves<r> that have <imp>trees and grass<r> inside of them. <n>These can be found at any height underground all over the world, and they can be very valuable when needing wood for torches and tools at some point. Sometimes, there might also be some <imp>treasure hidden in the trees<r>! <n><n>If you didn't ever see one before, look on the <imp>next page<r> for a <imp>picture<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.waterBowl": "Bowl of Water",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.waterBowl.text.1": "The <item>Bowl of Water<r> can be obtained by <imp>right-cliking a bowl on water<r> anywhere in the world. When the <item>Bowl of Water<r> is then right-clicked onto a block, the water will be placed, much like a <item>Bucket<r>. <n><n>This can be used, for example, for early game farms. <n><n>If you don't move around <imp>carefully enough<r>, however, the water might <imp>spill out of it<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.playerInterface": "Player Interface",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.playerInterface.text.1": "The <item>Player Interface<r> works in a similar way to the <item>Phantomface<r>, except it is <imp>connected to a player<r> instead of a block, and the connection is established by <imp>placing it down<r>. <n>When <imp>inputting items<r>, they will <imp>move to the player's inventory<r>. Also, when <imp>inputting CF<r>, it will <imp>charge the items<r> in the player's inventory. <n>It has a default range of <range> blocks, however, it can be expanded by placing up to 3 <item>Phantom Boosters<r> on top of it.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.displayStand": "Display Stand",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.displayStand.text.1": "The <item>Display Stand<r> is a block that can, for one, <imp>display any item or block<r> by right-clicking with it onto the display stand. It will then be floating around on top. <n>To take it out of there again, just right-click with an empty hand. <n><n>The other feature, however, is that some items can be put onto it, <imp>having special effects<r>. This, however, will require the stand to <imp>get CF<r>. Read more on the next page.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.displayStand.text.2": "The <item>Leaf Blower<r> and <item>Advanced Leaf Blower<r> can be placed onto the display stand, resulting in the grass and leaves around it to be blown away. <n><n><item>Potion Rings<r> can be placed onto the display stand. The normal version will give the specified potion effect to <imp>only one<r> living entity in a small area, while the advanced version will <imp>give a potion effect to all living entities<r> in a <imp>big area<r> while using up a significant amount of <imp>CF<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemFilter": "Item Filter",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.itemFilter.text.1": "The <item>Item Filter<r> can be used in <item>Advanced Item Laser Relays<r>, <item>ESDs<r> and <item>Ranged Collectors<r> to <imp>enlargen the size of their whitelist<r>. This can be done by right-clicking with the filter in hand and placing items to be filtered inside of it. The filter can then be placed into any whitelist slot in the desired machine. <n>For more information on this, <imp>hover over the whitelist buttons in the GUIs of whitelistable machines<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.videoGuide": "A Video Guide",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.videoGuide.text.1": "If you want to have a <imp>visual introduction<r> to see what <item>Actually Additions<r> has to offer, you can watch this really awesome video by a friend of mine, <item>Booty Toast<r> (yes, weird name, I know). <n>His video covers most of the main stuff the mod has to offer, however it is <imp>a bit outdated<r> and doesn't cover everything. It's still a <imp>great introduction to the mod<r> though.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.videoGuide.button.1": "BootyToast's Video",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.videoGuide.text.2": "There is also the second option, a <imp>playlist<r> consisting of a <imp>spotlight<r> by <item>Direwolf20<r>. It is a bit more recent than the other video, however, it is <imp>substantially longer<r> and provides a more detailed overview. So you have the choice: The quicker introduction on the left or the longer, more in-depth introduction down below.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.videoGuide.button.2": "Direwolf's Playlist",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.shockSuppressor": "Shock Absorber",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.shockSuppressor.text.1": "The <item>Shock Absorber<r> is a block that, when supplied with <imp>CF<r>, it will protect an area of <imp>up to <range> blocks around it<r> from any type of <imp>Explosion<r>, be it ghasts, TNT or creepers. <n>Every block that is protected will result in a loss of <imp><rf> CF<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.shockSuppressor.text.2": "<i>Credit where credit is due: <r><n><n>Or something like that. <n>Anyways, this thing was thought up and suggested to me by <imp>praetoras<r>. Thanks for that brilliant idea! <n><n><i>What's a fourth wall..?",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.tinyTorch": "Tiny Torch",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.tinyTorch.text.1": "<i>Yea.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.playerProbe": "Player Probe",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.playerProbe.text.1": "The <item>Player Probe<r> can be used to change the player a <item>Player Interface<r> is connected to. If you don't know what the <item>Player Interface<r> does, look it up in here first! <n><n>To use the Player Probe, simply <imp>right-click any player<r> with it and then <imp>right-click the interface<r>. But watch out! <n>The Probe will <imp>notify the player and disconnect<r> from them whenever they sneak and will also do so when they <imp>leave the server<r>! <n><n><i>Shenanigans",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.worms": "Worms",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.worms.text.1": "The <item>Worms<r> are a pretty useful species. <n>They will, once <imp>placed down on dirt or grass<r>, help you <imp>till the land<r> around them in a 3x3 area and <imp>keep it wet<r>. <n>Additionally, they will help the crops <imp>grow faster<r> by making the ground nice and soft. <n><n><item>Worms<r> can be gotten by simply <imp>tilling grass<r> with a hoe. <n>If you want to <imp>remove<r> a worm, just <imp>break the block<r> it is on.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.worms.text.2": "<i>A worm at work",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bags": "Traveler's Sack and Void Sack",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bags.text.1": "<item>Sacks<r> are an easy way to <imp>transport items around<r>, however, they have some additional functions. <n>First of all, in their GUI that is accessed by <imp>right-clicking<r>, they can be set to automatically <imp>suck up items on the ground<r>. Also, they have a couple of <imp>filter slots<r> where you can configure what can actually go into the sacks. <n><n><item>Void Sacks<r> have the same functionality as normal ones, however, they <imp>remove items<r> from the world instead of storing them.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bags.text.2": "Additionally, <item>Sacks<r> can be, when filled up with a lot of items, <imp>right-clicked on a container<r> like a Chest or a <item>Storage Crate<r> to quickly <imp>move all of the items<r> in the sack into the chest.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.empowerer": "Empowerer",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.empowerer.text.1": "The <item>Empowerer<r> is a mid-tier block that can be used to <imp>empower<r> crystals and other items. <n>To use it, items that should be empowered can be <imp>right-clicked onto the Empowerer<r>, and empowering items need to be placed on <item>Display Stands<r> that are <imp>two blocks away<r>, like seen in the <imp>picture on the next page<r>. <n>To then activate the process, <imp>every Display Stand needs to be powered with a lot of CF<r> that is then drained to empower the item on the Empowerer.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.empowerer.text.2": "<i>The placement of the <item>Display Stands<r>",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.empowerer.text.3": "<n><n><n><i>Because every mod needs an Infusion Altar",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.empowerer.text.4": "The <item>Display Stand<r> can also be used for other things! See the <imp>Blocks that use CF<r> section for more info about it!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fluidLaser": "Fluid Laser Relays",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fluidLaser.text.1": "The <item>Fluid Laser Relays<r> work much in the same way that normal <item>Laser Relays<r> do, however the thing that makes the <item>Fluid Laser Relay<r> different from the <item>Energy Laser Relay<r>, however, is that it transfers <imp>fluids<r> from internal tanks of blocks into other blocks. <n><n><item>Fluid Laser Relays<r> can not be connected by Phantomfaces. <n><n>Note that when they are toggled to <imp>Only out of adjacent Blocks<r> mode, they will <imp>actively pull<r> fluids out of containers around them.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.distributorItem": "Item Distributor",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.distributorItem.text.1": "The <item>Item Distributor<r> is a simple way to split up items and make them go <imp>in different directions<r>. <n><n>The distributor will <imp>pull items into it from the top<r> by itself, and then split them up and <imp>put them<r> out into inventories connected to all of the <imp>other sides<r> of it. <n>It tries to do split the items <imp>equally<r>, however this works best when inputting <imp>one item at a time<r>, which its pulling feature does automatically.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bioReactor": "Bio Reactor",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bioReactor.text.1": "The <item>Bio Reactor<r> uses all types of <imp>seeds, foodstuffs and plants<r> to <imp>generate CF<r>! <n>To do this, just <imp>place<r> the items <imp>in its GUI<r>. If you try this out, you will notice that it doesn't generate that much power by default. However, the more <imp>different kinds<r> of plants, seeds and foodstuffs it has, the more power it will generate!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer": "Farmer",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.1": "The <item>Farmer<r> is a block that can, once placed in the world, <imp>plant and harvest<r> different types of <imp>crops<r> and <imp>other plants<r> which can all be seen <imp>on the following pages<r>. <n>The <imp>left side<r> of its GUI is reserved for <item>seeds<r> and other things that should be planted, while the <imp>right side<r> will contain the <imp>harvested goods<r>. <n>It will farm in a <imp>9x9 area<r> in front of it. <n>It uses varying amounts of CF per operation. <n><n><i>my fam",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.2": "Farming basic crops <imp>crops<r> like <item>Wheat<r>, <item>Potatoes<r>, <item>Canola<r>, <item>Flax<r> and so on. Ground will be <imp>tilled<r> by the Farmer itself.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.3": "Farming <item>Cactus<r>. Sand needs to be laid out for it to be planted. <imp><item>Cactus<r> higher than 2 blocks will have the <imp>top broken off<r> and placed inside of the Farmer.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.4": "Farming <item>Nether Wart<r>. Soul Sand needs to be laid out for it to be planted.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.5": "Farming <item>Sugar Cane<r>. Sand and water need to be laid out for it to be planted. Harvested in the same way as <item>Cactus<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.6": "Farming <item>Melons<r> and <item>Pumpkins<r>. There will be <imp>checkerboarded air spaces<r> left out inbetween the seeds for them to grow.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.7": "Farming <item>Ender Lillies<r> from <imp>Extra Utilities 2<r>. They need to be placed on <imp>End Stone<r>, <imp>Grass<r> or <imp>Dirt<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.farmer.text.8": "Farming <item>Red Orchids<r> from <imp>Extra Utilities 2<r>. They need to be placed on <imp>Redstone Ore<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensMoreDeath": "Lens of the Killer",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lensMoreDeath.text.1": "The <item>Lens of the Killer<r> works much like the <item>Lens of Certain Death<r>, however it will also <imp>drop experience<r> and <imp>player-kill loot<r>. <n>This means, however, that it will use <imp>a lot more power<r>. <n><n>To pick up the experience it drops, you might want to try an <item>Experience Solidifier<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fillingWand": "Handheld Filler",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fillingWand.text.1": "The <item>Handheld Filler<r> is a great way to <imp>fill any area<r> with blocks. <n>To do this, first <imp>sneak-right-click<r> a block in the world that you want to <imp>fill an area with<r>. <n><n>To actually fill an area, look at the <imp>first corner<r> and <imp>hold right-click<r>. Let go of right-click at the <imp>second corner<r>. The area you mark can be a flat plane or a cuboid. <n>This process requires <imp>some CF<r> for placing the blocks and you need to <imp>have the blocks<r> in your inventory.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.patreon": "Patreon Support",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.patreon.text.1": "Do you <imp>really like<r> <item>Actually Additions<r>? If you do, you can <imp>support me<r>, Ellpeck, the author of the mod! <n>Do you think that's a thing for you? Well, then check out my <item>Patreon<r> page by clicking the button below! <n>As you can see on the next page, you can get things like <imp>floaty items above your head<r> as a reward! <n><n>Thanks a bunch <3",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.patreon.button.1": "View the Patreon",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.patreon.text.2": "<item>3pixel<r> with his <imp>Patreon reward<r>",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.changelog": "Changelog",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.changelog.text.1": "Interested in everything that <imp>changed<r> over the course of all of the versions of <item>Actually Additions<r>? <n>If so, you can click the button below to view a very detailed <item>changelog<r> that contains <imp>every addition<r>, every <imp>bugfix<r> and all other types of <imp>changes<r>!",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.changelog.button.1": "View Changelog",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.curse": "The Mod's Website",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.curse.text.1": "If you want to <imp>download<r> any new versions of the mod, <imp>view any infos<r> or recommend the mod to someone else, I'd highly suggest checking out <imp>its CurseForge page<r> by clicking the button below.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.curse.button.1": "View the page",
"": "The Author's Website",
"": "On the topic of self-advertisement, if you're interested in <imp>any of the other stuff<r> I, <item>Ellpeck<r>, the author of this mod, do, you can go check out my <imp>website<r> by clicking the button below. <n>On there, you will find links to all of the social medias I use, an FAQ, and information about Minecraft Mods and other stuff I make!",
"": "View the Website",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.engineerHouse": "A visit to the Engineers",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.engineerHouse.text.1": "If you want to know how to start, you can check out what the <imp>Engineers<r> are up to. <n>They are two friendly <imp>villagers<r> that sell you various goods: One is the <item>Crystallizer<r>, who will exchange <imp>Emeralds and Crystals<r> with you, and the <item>Engineer<r> will trade <imp>various machines<r> with you! <n>On the next page, you can see the <imp>house<r> they live in - which is also worth checking out! But be careful, the <imp>machines inside the house<r> are a little more <imp>fragile<r>, meaning they will shatter once you try to break them.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.engineerHouse.text.2": "<i> Machines Primus",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.batteryBox": "Battery Box",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.batteryBox.text.1": "The <item>Battery Box<r> is a great way to <imp>store your power<r>. However, for it to be able to <imp>use power<r>, you have to <imp>right-click<r> a <item>Battery<r> onto it. It will then be able to store energy on the battery itself. <n><n>If you set the battery to <imp>discharge mode<r> via <imp>sneak-right-clicking it<r> or by applying a <imp>redstone pulse<r> to the <item>Battery Box<r>, it will try to spread the power it receives equally to <imp>up to 15 adjacent<r> <item>Battery Boxes<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserUpgradeInvisibility": "Modifier: Invisibility",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserUpgradeInvisibility.text.1": "The <item>Laser Relay Modifier: Invisibility<r> makes the laser connection between <imp>two Laser Relays<r> that both have it <imp>installed<r> appear <imp>completely invisible<r>. <n>You can install it by <imp>right-clicking<r> a Laser Relay with it in hand and uninstall it again by <imp>sneak-right-clicking<r> the Relay. <n><n>By wearing <item>Engineer's Goggles<r>, you can make hidden beams <imp>appear visible<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserUpgradeRange": "Modifier: Range",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserUpgradeRange.text.1": "The <item>Laser Relay Modifier: Range<r> makes two Laser Relays that are <imp>more than <def> blocks away<r> from each other be able to be connected anyway by <imp>increasing the range to <upgraded> blocks<r>. For this to work, <imp>both<r> Relays have to have this modifier installed. <n>You can install it by <imp>right-clicking<r> a Laser Relay with it in hand and uninstall it again by <imp>sneak-right-clicking<r> the Relay.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.goggles": "Engineer's Goggles",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.goggles.text.1": "The <item>Engineer's Goggles<r> are a very useful item that can be <imp>equipped<r> on the <imp>player's head<r>. <n>They allow you to <imp>see certain information<r> that you wouldn't normally see, like the upgrades on Laser Relays and invisible beams. <n><n>The <item>Engineer's Infrared Goggles<r> are an upgraded version that additionally allows you to easily <imp>see any entity<r> in a small area around you, even when there are blocks in the way, by making them <imp>appear glowing<r>.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystalClusters": "Crystal Clusters",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystalClusters.text.1": "<item>Crystal Clusters<r> are blocks that generate naturally inside of <imp>Lush Caves<r>. <n>When broken, they <imp>drop<r> one or more <item>Crystal Shards<r> that can be crafted together to create <item>Crystals<r>. <n><item>Crystal Clusters<r> emit a bit of light, making them perfect for <imp>decoration<r>. To harvest them in their block form, <imp>Silk Touch<r> can be used.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.trialsIntro": "Intro to Trials",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.trialsIntro.text.1": "<item>Trials<r> are a set of fun and interesting <imp>challenges<r> that you can use to <imp>get inspiration<r> on what to build next. <n>Once you <imp>complete<r> a <item>Trial<r>, you can <imp>press the button<r> in the bottom right to mark the trial as completed, turning its name in the list green. <n>Since there is <imp>no way to check<r> if a trial is actually completed, <item>Trials<r> are meant as <imp>personal goals<r>. <n><n>To <imp>visit<r> the <item>Trials<r> page, you can click the <imp>bookmark<r> in the <imp>top right<r> corner of the manual GUI.",
"booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.trialsIntro.text.2": "Note that <item>Trials<r> are designed in a way that they should be completed with the concepts of <imp>Minecraft<r> and <imp>Actually Additions<r> alone."