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* This file ("") is part of the Actually Additions Mod for Minecraft.
* It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed
* under the Actually Additions License to be found at
* View the source code at
* © 2015 Ellpeck
package ellpeck.actuallyadditions.recipe;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
import java.util.ArrayList;
2015-11-15 18:14:39 +01:00
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
2015-11-15 18:05:58 +01:00
public class ReconstructorRecipeHandler{
public static ArrayList<Recipe> recipes = new ArrayList<Recipe>();
public static void init(){
addRecipe("blockRedstone", "blockCrystalRed", 200);
addRecipe("blockLapis", "blockCrystalBlue", 200);
addRecipe("blockDiamond", "blockCrystalLightBlue", 600);
addRecipe("blockEmerald", "blockCrystalGreen", 1000);
addRecipe("blockCoal", "blockCrystalBlack", 400);
addRecipe("blockIron", "blockCrystalWhite", 300);
addRecipe("dustRedstone", "crystalRed", 20);
addRecipe("gemLapis", "crystalBlue", 20);
addRecipe("gemDiamond", "crystalLightBlue", 60);
addRecipe("gemEmerald", "crystalGreen", 100);
addRecipe("coal", "crystalBlack", 40);
addRecipe("ingotIron", "crystalWhite", 30);
public static void addRecipe(String input, String output, int energyUse){
recipes.add(new Recipe(input, output, energyUse));
public static Recipe getRecipe(ItemStack input){
for(Recipe recipe : recipes){
int[] ids = OreDictionary.getOreIDs(input);
for(int id : ids){
if(Objects.equals(OreDictionary.getOreName(id), recipe.input)){
return recipe;
return null;
public static class Recipe{
public String input;
public String output;
public int energyUse;
public Recipe(String input, String output, int energyUse){
this.input = input;
this.output = output;
this.energyUse = energyUse;
public ItemStack getFirstOutput(){
2015-11-15 18:14:39 +01:00
List<ItemStack> stacks = OreDictionary.getOres(this.output, false);
if(stacks != null && !stacks.isEmpty()){
return stacks.get(0);
return null;