currConf.currentValue=config.getBoolean(,currConf.category,currConf.defaultValue,"If the "+currConf.extraText+"Crafting Recipe for the "" is Enabled");
crusherRecipeExceptions=config.getStringList("Crusher Recipe Exceptions",,newString[]{"ingotBrick","ingotBrickNether"},"The Ingots, Dusts and Ores blacklisted from being auto-registered to be crushed by the Crusher. This list uses OreDictionary Names of the Inputs only.");
mashedFoodCraftingExceptions=config.getStringList("Mashed Food Crafting Exceptions",,newString[]{"ActuallyAdditions:itemCoffee"},"The ItemFood, IGrowable and IPlantable Items that can't be used to craft Mashed Food. These are the actual Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. Always ModName:ItemName, for example 'Minecraft:stone' or 'ActuallyAdditions:itemHoeObsidian'.");