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2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
* This file ("") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft.
* It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed
* under the Actually Additions License to be found at
* View the source code at
2017-01-01 16:23:26 +01:00
* © 2015-2017 Ellpeck
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items;
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.config.values.ConfigBoolValues;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.base.ItemBase;
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.StackUtil;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.WorldUtil;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
2017-05-28 01:49:57 +02:00
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
import net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity;
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.Items;
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT;
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
import net.minecraft.particles.ParticleTypes;
import net.minecraft.util.*;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult;
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory;
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
public class ItemWaterBowl extends ItemBase {
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
public ItemWaterBowl() {
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
public void onPlayerInteractEvent(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem event) {
if (event.getWorld() != null) {
if (ConfigBoolValues.WATER_BOWL.isEnabled()) {
if (StackUtil.isValid(event.getItemStack()) && event.getItemStack().getItem() == Items.BOWL) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
RayTraceResult rayTrace = WorldUtil.getNearestBlockWithDefaultReachDistance(event.getWorld(), event.getPlayer(), true, false, false);
if (rayTrace.getType() != RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK) {
BlockRayTraceResult trace = (BlockRayTraceResult) rayTrace;
ActionResult<ItemStack> result = ForgeEventFactory.onBucketUse(event.getPlayer(), event.getWorld(), event.getItemStack(), trace);
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
if (result == null) {
if (event.getPlayer().canPlayerEdit(trace.getPos().offset(trace.getFace()), trace.getFace(), event.getItemStack())) {
BlockState state = event.getWorld().getBlockState(trace.getPos());
Block block = state.getBlock();
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
// TODO: Validate fluid check
if ((block == Blocks.WATER) && state.get(BlockStateProperties.LEVEL_0_15) == 0) {
event.getPlayer().playSound(SoundEvents.ITEM_BUCKET_FILL, 1.0F, 1.0F);
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (!event.getWorld().isRemote) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
event.getWorld().setBlockState(trace.getPos(), Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 11);
ItemStack reduced = StackUtil.shrink(event.getItemStack(), 1);
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
ItemStack bowl = new ItemStack(ActuallyItems.itemWaterBowl.get());
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (!StackUtil.isValid(reduced)) {
event.getPlayer().setHeldItem(event.getHand(), bowl);
} else if (!event.getPlayer().inventory.addItemStackToInventory(bowl.copy())) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
ItemEntity entityItem = new ItemEntity(event.getWorld(), event.getPlayer().getPosX(), event.getPlayer().getPosY(), event.getPlayer().getPosZ(), bowl.copy());
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
2016-07-03 20:57:00 +02:00
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World world, PlayerEntity player, Hand hand) {
2016-11-19 21:11:17 +01:00
ItemStack stack = player.getHeldItem(hand);
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
RayTraceResult trace = WorldUtil.getNearestBlockWithDefaultReachDistance(world, player);
ActionResult<ItemStack> result = ForgeEventFactory.onBucketUse(player, world, stack, trace);
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
if (result != null) {
return result;
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (trace == null) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
return ActionResult.resultPass(stack);
} else if (trace.getType() != RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK) {
return ActionResult.resultPass(stack);
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
} else {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
BlockRayTraceResult blockTrace = (BlockRayTraceResult) trace;
BlockPos pos = blockTrace.getPos();
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (!world.isBlockModifiable(player, pos)) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
return ActionResult.resultFail(stack);
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
} else {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
BlockPos pos1 = world.getBlockState(pos).getMaterial().isReplaceable() && blockTrace.getFace() == Direction.UP
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
? pos
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
: pos.offset(blockTrace.getFace());
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
if (!player.canPlayerEdit(pos1, blockTrace.getFace(), stack)) {
return ActionResult.resultFail(stack);
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
} else if (this.tryPlaceContainedLiquid(player, world, pos1, false)) {
2021-02-28 15:47:54 +01:00
return !player.isCreative()
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
? ActionResult.resultSuccess(new ItemStack(Items.BOWL))
: ActionResult.resultSuccess(stack);
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
} else {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
return ActionResult.resultFail(stack);
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2017-05-28 01:49:57 +02:00
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
public void inventoryTick(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity entity, int itemSlot, boolean isSelected) {
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (!world.isRemote) {
if (ConfigBoolValues.WATER_BOWL_LOSS.isEnabled()) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
if (world.getGameTime() % 10 == 0 && world.rand.nextFloat() >= 0.5F) {
int lastX = 0;
int lastY = 0;
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
if (stack.hasTag()) {
CompoundNBT compound = stack.getOrCreateTag();
2021-02-27 16:33:00 +01:00
lastX = compound.getInt("lastX");
lastY = compound.getInt("lastY");
boolean change = false;
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
if (lastX != 0 && lastX != (int) entity.getPosX() || lastY != 0 && lastY != (int) entity.getPosY()) {
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (!entity.isSneaking()) {
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
PlayerEntity player = (PlayerEntity) entity;
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (this.tryPlaceContainedLiquid(player, world, player.getPosition(), true)) {
2019-02-27 19:53:05 +01:00
this.checkReplace(player, stack, new ItemStack(Items.BOWL), itemSlot);
2017-05-28 01:49:57 +02:00
change = true;
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (change || lastX == 0 || lastY == 0) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
CompoundNBT compound = stack.getOrCreateTag();
compound.putInt("lastX", (int) entity.getPosX());
compound.putInt("lastY", (int) entity.getPosY());
2017-05-28 01:49:57 +02:00
2019-02-27 19:53:05 +01:00
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
private void checkReplace(PlayerEntity player, ItemStack old, ItemStack stack, int slot) {
if (player.inventory.getStackInSlot(slot) == old) {
player.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(slot, stack);
} else if (player.inventory.offHandInventory.get(slot) == old) {
player.inventory.offHandInventory.set(slot, stack);
2018-04-13 19:19:52 +02:00
2017-05-28 01:49:57 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
public boolean shouldCauseReequipAnimation(ItemStack oldStack, ItemStack newStack, boolean slotChanged) {
return !ItemStack.areItemsEqual(oldStack, newStack);
2021-02-26 22:15:48 +01:00
public boolean tryPlaceContainedLiquid(PlayerEntity player, World world, BlockPos pos, boolean finite) {
BlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
Material material = state.getMaterial();
boolean nonSolid = !material.isSolid();
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
boolean replaceable = state.getMaterial().isReplaceable();
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
if (!world.isAirBlock(pos) && !nonSolid && !replaceable) {
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
return false;
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
} else {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
if (world.getDimensionType().isUltrawarm()) {
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
world.playSound(player, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_FIRE_EXTINGUISH, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.5F, 2.6F + (world.rand.nextFloat() - world.rand.nextFloat()) * 0.8F);
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
world.addParticle(ParticleTypes.LARGE_SMOKE, pos.getX() + Math.random(), pos.getY() + Math.random(), pos.getZ() + Math.random(), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
2019-05-02 09:10:29 +02:00
} else {
if (!world.isRemote && (nonSolid || replaceable) && !material.isLiquid()) {
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
world.destroyBlock(pos, true);
world.playSound(player, pos, SoundEvents.ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 1.0F, 1.0F);
2017-05-28 01:49:57 +02:00
2021-04-19 21:20:23 +02:00
BlockState placeState = Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState();
2017-05-28 01:49:57 +02:00
world.setBlockState(pos, placeState, 3);
2016-06-02 19:28:51 +02:00
return true;