Made the booklet open the right index entry when looking at a crafting recipe, added another entry

This commit is contained in:
Ellpeck 2015-09-05 00:15:11 +02:00
parent 0f641f424f
commit 1beff3ece9
3 changed files with 12 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class GuiBooklet extends GuiScreen{
private static final int BUTTON_BACK_ID = 1;
private static final int BUTTON_RETURN_ID = 2;
private static final int CHAPTER_BUTTONS_START = 3;
private static final int BUTTONS_PER_PAGE = 13;
public static final int BUTTONS_PER_PAGE = 13;
private static final int BUTTON_TWITTER_ID = BUTTON_UPDATE_ID+1;
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ public class GuiBooklet extends GuiScreen{
this.currentIndexEntry = entry;
this.indexPageAmount = entry == null ? 1 : entry.chapters.size()/BUTTONS_PER_PAGE+1;
this.pageOpenInIndex = entry == null ? 1 : (this.indexPageAmount <= page ? this.indexPageAmount : page);
this.pageOpenInIndex = entry == null ? 1 : (this.indexPageAmount <= page || page <= 0 ? this.indexPageAmount : page);
this.getButton(BUTTON_RETURN_ID).visible = entry != null;
this.getButton(BUTTON_FORWARD_ID).visible = this.pageOpenInIndex < this.indexPageAmount;

View file

@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ public class BookletPage implements IBookletPage{
gui.openIndexEntry(page.getChapter().entry, InitBooklet.entries.indexOf(page.getChapter().entry)/GuiBooklet.BUTTONS_PER_PAGE+1, true);
gui.openChapter(page.getChapter(), page);
Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().playSound(PositionedSoundRecord.func_147674_a(new ResourceLocation(""), 1.0F));

View file

@ -370,10 +370,10 @@ booklet.actuallyadditions.shapelessOreRecipe=Shapeless OreDictionary Recipe
booklet.actuallyadditions.shapedOreRecipe=Shaped OreDictionary Recipe Blocks (No RF use) that don't use RF Items and Search Blocks (Use RF) Blocks (Make RF) that use RF that generate RF
booklet.actuallyadditions.recipeDisabled=The crafting recipe for this item is disabled in the Config File! If you're on a server, ask the server author to enable it in the config. If you're on a client, press the 'Open Config'-Button on the top right and enable the recipe!
booklet.actuallyadditions.clickToSeeRecipe=Click to see more Information
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.1=<i>This book, written years ago,
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.2=<i>This book, written by <imp>Ellpeck<r><i>, the author of everything <imp>Actually Additions<r><i> contains, often called Ellopecko, Peck or Ellpack, is easy to navigate. It has an <imp>index page<r><i> at the front from which you can choose <imp>criteria pages<r><i>. These criteria pages contain a list of every item which is part of the criteria, and clicking on that will show <imp>precise information and the crafting recipe<r><i> of the item. The page you were on previously will stay open between sessions, too! <n><rs>Go check it out!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.3=If you, for some reason, want to craft this book again, just take a <item>piece of paper<r> and a <item>canola seed<r> which you can find randomly generated and craft them together! Quartz! Quartz
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz.text.1=<item>Black Quartz<r> is a semi-common ore that can be found underground. It can be used to make decor blocks, but it is also necessary to make <imp>important crafting ingredients<r> (found in the Crafting Ingredients page!).
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz.text.2=<item>Black Quartz<r> as an item is used to make lots of important crafting materials in the mod. It can also be, if you can't find the ore, made with one <item>Nether Quartz<r> and one <item>Coal<r>. This recipe isn't that cheap though, so you're <imp>better off just going caving<r>.
@ -474,3 +474,7 @@ booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.solarPanel.text.1=The <item>Solar Panel<r> is Collector
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.heatCollector.text.1=The <item>Heat Collector<r> is one of the more complicated methods of generating <imp>RF<r> in <imp>Actually Additions<r>. It needs to have a couple of lava blocks around it to generate <imp>RF<r> in the first place, but it will sometimes absorb some of the lava, having to have it replaced before it can continue working again. <n>This could be a good combination with the Lava Factory. Maybe. made with coal
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalStuff.text.1=You can convert a <imp>single piece of coal<r> into 8 <item>tiny coal<r> so that you can smelt <imp>one item at a time<r> in a furnace without wasting fuel.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalStuff.text.2=You can convert a <imp>single piece of charcoal<r> into 8 <item>tiny charcoal<r> so that you can smelt <imp>one item at a time<r> in a furnace without wasting fuel.