Localized new Coffee Machine page. It's awesome now, I tell ya.

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Ellpeck 2015-09-25 17:20:08 +02:00
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commit 3a6cc12be2

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@ -456,7 +456,10 @@ booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.name=Storage Crates
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.1=<item>Storage Crates<r> are big. <imp>Really big<r>. They hold tons of items, more than 4 chests worth of them. <n><n><i>"F-in' gigantic"<rs><n> -Some Magazine
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.name=Coffee Machine
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.1=The <item>Coffee Machine<r> is a block used to make <item>Coffee<r>, a <imp>potion-like<r> item that gives the user several buffs. <n>To use the coffee machine, you need a <item>Empty Cup<r>, <coffee> <item>Coffee Beans<r>, which can be found in the wild, harvested and <imp>planted on farmland<r> again, <rf> RF/t and <water>mB of Water per cup brewed. <n>On the coffee machine recipe pages at the back, to see what the item does, just hover over the Cup of Coffee.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.2=To actually give your coffee some buffs, <imp>put some of the items shown on the later pages into the slots on the right<r>. <n>The more slots are filled up with one item, the higher the <imp>Amplifier<r> of the effect will be. The <imp>Maximum Amplifier<r> is the max amount of items to be put into one coffee. <n>Order matters: When using, for example, <item>Milk<r> (to see what it does exactly, go to a later page), you are going to have to plan the items out inside the <imp>numbered slots<r> in such a way that it brews the coffee you want.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.5=<item>Milk<r> is an important item when brewing coffee: It <imp>adds 2 minutes<r> to the effect while <imp>removing 1 amplifier<r>. When the amplifier of an effect is 1, however, it will remove the effect.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.6=<i>The fact that you're reading this means that you either have <imp>HarvestCraft<r><i> installed, or that you're looking at the lang file. <rs><n>This does the same thing as <item>Milk<r>, but for veggie guys.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crusher.name=Crusher and Double Crusher
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crusher.text.1=The <item>Crusher<r> turns every ore, ingot and gem into its corresponding <imp>dust<r> using <rf1> RF/t. <n>When you put in <imp>Ores<r> however, they will yield <imp>2 pieces of dust<r>. <n>The <item>Double Crusher<r> basically does the same, however it can crush two ores at a time and uses <rf2> RF/t. <n><n><i>He's my crush