Reorganized the booklet a bit

This commit is contained in:
Ellpeck 2015-11-28 17:53:16 +01:00
parent ff8e2b5bdd
commit 61ab865eb8
3 changed files with 14 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -55,12 +55,13 @@ public class InitBooklet{
//Getting Started
chapterIntro = new BookletChapter("intro", entryGettingStarted, new ItemStack(InitItems.itemLexicon), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageTextOnly(2), new PageTextOnly(3));
new BookletChapter("bookTutorial", entryGettingStarted, new ItemStack(InitItems.itemLexicon), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageTextOnly(2), new PageCrafting(3, ItemCrafting.recipeBook));
new BookletChapter("crystals", entryGettingStarted, new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockAtomicReconstructor), new PageTextOnly(1).addTextReplacement("<rf>", ConfigIntValues.RECONSTRUCTOR_BASE_ENERGY_USE.getValue()), new PageTextOnly(2), new PagePicture(3, "pageAtomicReconstructor", 0).setNoText(), new PageTextOnly(4), new PageCrafting(5, BlockCrafting.recipeAtomicReconstructor).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(6, ItemCrafting.recipeLens).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(7, MiscCrafting.recipesCrystals).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(8, MiscCrafting.recipesCrystalBlocks).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(9, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.mainPageRecipes).setNoText()).setSpecial();
new BookletChapter("crystals", entryGettingStarted, new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockAtomicReconstructor), new PageTextOnly(1).addTextReplacement("<rf>", ConfigIntValues.RECONSTRUCTOR_BASE_ENERGY_USE.getValue()), new PageTextOnly(2), new PagePicture(3, "pageAtomicReconstructor", 0).setNoText(), new PageTextOnly(4), new PageCrafting(5, BlockCrafting.recipeAtomicReconstructor).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(6, MiscCrafting.recipesCrystals).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(7, MiscCrafting.recipesCrystalBlocks).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(8, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.mainPageRecipes).setNoText()).setSpecial();
new BookletChapter("coalGen", entryGettingStarted, new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockCoalGenerator), new PageCrafting(1, BlockCrafting.recipeCoalGen).addTextReplacement("<rf>", ConfigIntValues.COAL_GEN_ENERGY_PRODUCED.getValue()));
new BookletChapter("craftingIngs", entryGettingStarted, new ItemStack(InitItems.itemMisc, 1, TheMiscItems.COIL.ordinal()), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageCrafting(2, ItemCrafting.recipeCoil).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(3, ItemCrafting.recipeCoilAdvanced).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(4, BlockCrafting.recipeCase).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(5, BlockCrafting.recipeStoneCase).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(6, BlockCrafting.recipeEnderPearlBlock).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(7, BlockCrafting.recipeEnderCase).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(8, ItemCrafting.recipeRing).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(9, ItemCrafting.recipeKnifeHandle).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(10, ItemCrafting.recipeKnifeBlade).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(11, ItemCrafting.recipeKnife).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(12, ItemCrafting.recipeDough).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(13, ItemCrafting.recipeRiceDough).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(14, BlockCrafting.recipeIronCase).setNoText()).setImportant();
new BookletChapter("miscReconstructor", entryMisc, new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockTestifiBucksWhiteWall), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageReconstructor(2, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeExplosionLens), new PageReconstructor(3, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeColorLens).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(4, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeSoulSand).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(5, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeWhiteWall), new PageReconstructor(6, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeGreenWall).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(7, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.colorConversionRecipes)).setImportant();
new BookletChapter("reconstructorLenses", entryMisc, new ItemStack(InitItems.itemMisc, 1, TheMiscItems.LENS.ordinal()), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageCrafting(2, ItemCrafting.recipeLens).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(3, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeColorLens), new PageReconstructor(4, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.colorConversionRecipes).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(5, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeExplosionLens)).setImportant();
new BookletChapter("miscDecorStuffsAndThings", entryMisc, new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockTestifiBucksGreenWall), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageReconstructor(2, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeWhiteWall).setNoText(), new PageReconstructor(3, ReconstructorRecipeHandler.recipeGreenWall).setNoText());
new BookletChapter("bookStand", entryMisc, new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockBookletStand), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageCrafting(2, BlockCrafting.recipeBookStand));
new BookletChapter("quartz", entryMisc, new ItemStack(InitItems.itemMisc, 1, TheMiscItems.QUARTZ.ordinal()), new PageTextOnly(1).setStack(new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockMisc, 1, TheMiscBlocks.ORE_QUARTZ.ordinal())).addTextReplacement("<lowest>", ConfigIntValues.BLACK_QUARTZ_MIN_HEIGHT.getValue()).addTextReplacement("<highest>", ConfigIntValues.BLACK_QUARTZ_MAX_HEIGHT.getValue()), new PageTextOnly(2).setStack(new ItemStack(InitItems.itemMisc, 1, TheMiscItems.QUARTZ.ordinal())), new PageCrafting(3, BlockCrafting.recipeQuartzBlock).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(4, BlockCrafting.recipeQuartzPillar).setNoText(), new PageCrafting(5, BlockCrafting.recipeQuartzChiseled).setNoText());
new BookletChapter("cloud", entryMisc, new ItemStack(InitBlocks.blockSmileyCloud), new PageTextOnly(1), new PageCrafting(2, BlockCrafting.recipeSmileyCloud).setNoText()).setSpecial();

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@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public class BookletPage{
BookletPage page = BookletUtils.getFirstPageForStack(stack);
if(page != null){
if(page != null && page != this){

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@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.blackLotus.text.2=<i>No, not that one, Vaz and Reconstructor
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.1=The <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> is used to craft <item>Crystals<r>, which are the main crafting ingredient in most items from <imp>Actually Additions<r>. <n>Upon being supplied with power, it shoots out a Laser. When the Laser hits a block, it will convert all surrounding items and blocks, provided they can be converted. <n>When shooting a laser, it uses <imp><rf> RF<r>, but additional rates vary depending on the conversion.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.2=The Reconstructor can be <imp>upgraded<r>, however, by the use of <item>Lenses<r>. They can be applied to the Reconstructor by <imp>right-clicking with one in hand<r>, and taken out again when right-clicking with an empty hand. <n>When looking at Recipes, the Lens needed for the operation will also be shown. <n>The Crafting Recipes for the Lenses can also be found on the following pages. <n><imp>More Recipes can also be found in the Useful Reconstructor Recipes Chapter in the Miscellaneous Entry.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.2=The Reconstructor can be <imp>upgraded<r>, however, by the use of <item>Lenses<r>. They can be applied to the Reconstructor by <imp>right-clicking with one in hand<r>, and taken out again when right-clicking with an empty hand. <n>When looking at Recipes, the Lens needed for the operation will also be shown. <n>The Crafting Recipes for the Lenses can also be found on the following pages. <n><item>Lenses<imp> are also attachable. See the booklet's Miscellaneous section for more information.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.4=When you have crafted a couple of items, you might want to find a way to <imp>automate this<r>. <n>There is a very simple way to do accomplish this: <n>Place the <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> down facing into a <item>Precision Dropper<r> (to find it, look it up in the <imp>All Items and Search<r> Entry!). <n>Next, place a <item>Ranged Collector<r> in the area that has the converted items set as a whitelist. <n>Now you can just chuck your raw materials into the Dropper to convert them! to the Manual
@ -611,12 +611,14 @@ booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.1=The <item>Actually Additio
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.2=<imp>The Buttons at the top right<r> lead you to the Achievements or Configuration Screen. When looking at a chapter that is somehow connected to an achievement, a speech bubble that you can hover over to see the Achievement in question will point to the Achievements Button. <n><imp>The Buttons on the top left<r> can be used to be directed to various Webpages that have to do with the mod. <n>When an update is available, a button to download it will also show up on the top left.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.3=If you, for some reason, want to craft this book again, just take a <item>piece of paper<r> and a <item>canola seed<r> which you can find randomly generated and craft them together! Reconstructor Recipes
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miscReconstructor.text.1=There are some additional recipes for the <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> that could be very useful to you. <n>These include <imp>decor blocks and items<r> as well as some <imp>useful conversions<r>. Flip through the following pages to see them all.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miscReconstructor.text.2=The <item>Lens of Detonation<r>, when put into the Reconstructor, will fire out a red laser that will <imp>cause a firey explosion<r> around the block it hits, using a lot of power in the process. <n><i>Be careful. <imp>Seriously.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miscReconstructor.text.5=The <item>Ethetic Quartz Blocks<r> are Quartz Blocks spruced up. <n>They can be crafted into <imp>stairs<r>, <imp>slabs<r> and <imp>walls<r> with the same recipes as cobblestone has. <n><n><i>No, not misspelled
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miscReconstructor.text.7=By firing at <imp>Wool, Stained Clay, Stained Glass and Dye<r> with a <item>Lens of Color<r> multiple times, you can <imp>cycle through<r> all of their colors. Stand
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookStand.text.1=The <item>Manual Stand<r> is a block that is supposed to mainly be used on <imp>Servers<r>. <n>You can, provided you are the person who <imp>placed it down<r>, set a page in the GUI that will <imp>open when someone else accesses it<r> by pressing the "Set Page"-button while being on the desired page. <n>The Manual Stand <imp>does not save<r> pages another player navigated to, meaing re-accessing the Stand will cause it to always <imp>end up on the page speficied<r> by the placer.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookStand.text.2=<n><n><n><i>Stand on it
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookStand.text.2=<n><n><n><i>Stand on it Lenses
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.reconstructorLenses.text.1=The <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r>, by default, can only convert some blocks. <n>This can be changed, however, with <item>Lenses<r>. They can be, once crafted, attached to the Reconstructor via <imp>right-clicking<r> the Reconstructor with them in hand. To remove them, right-click it with an empty hand. <n><item>Lenses<r> have lots of different features and uses, as you can see on <imp>the following pages<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.reconstructorLenses.text.3=The <item>Lens of Color<r> can mainly be used to change the colors of <item>Wool<r>, <item>Stained Clay<r>, <item>Stained Glass<r> and <item>Dye<r>, as you can see on the following pages. <n>It has some other uses, too, though.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.reconstructorLenses.text.4=The <item>Lens of Detonation<r> will create a firey explosion <imp>around the block the laser hits<r>. <n>Be careful with this. Seriously. <n>(With this lens, the laser also goes 3 times as far!) Decor
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.miscDecorStuffsAndThings.text.1=Sometimes, when you build, you notice there is just <imp>not enough decor blocks<r>. Well, we present to you: <item>Ethetic Blocks<r>! <n>These are some quartz-like decor blocks with lovely patterns that can also be <imp>converted<r> into <imp>Stairs<r>, <imp>Slabs<r> and <imp>Walls<r> using the usual, well-known recipe patterns.