package ellpeck.actuallyadditions.tile; import; import; import; import; import ellpeck.actuallyadditions.util.WorldUtil; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; public class TileEntityInputter extends TileEntityInventoryBase implements IButtonReactor, INumberReactor, IPacketSyncerToClient{ @Override public void onNumberReceived(int text, int textID, EntityPlayer player){ if(text != -1){ if(this.placeToPut instanceof IInventory){ if(textID == 0) this.slotToPutStart = Math.max(Math.min(text, ((IInventory)this.placeToPut).getSizeInventory()-1), 0); if(textID == 1) this.slotToPutEnd = Math.max(Math.min(text, ((IInventory)this.placeToPut).getSizeInventory()), 0); } if(this.placeToPull instanceof IInventory){ if(textID == 2) this.slotToPullStart = Math.max(Math.min(text, ((IInventory)this.placeToPull).getSizeInventory()-1), 0); if(textID == 3) this.slotToPullEnd = Math.max(Math.min(text, ((IInventory)this.placeToPull).getSizeInventory()), 0); } } this.markDirty(); } @Override public int[] getValues(){ return new int[]{sideToPut, sideToPull, slotToPutStart, slotToPutEnd, slotToPullStart, slotToPullEnd, this.isPutWhitelist ? 1 : 0, this.isPullWhitelist ? 1 : 0}; } @Override public void setValues(int[] values){ this.sideToPut = values[0]; this.sideToPull = values[1]; this.slotToPutStart = values[2]; this.slotToPutEnd = values[3]; this.slotToPullStart = values[4]; this.slotToPullEnd = values[5]; this.isPutWhitelist = values[6] == 1; this.isPullWhitelist = values[7] == 1; } @Override public void sendUpdate(){ PacketSyncerToClient.sendPacket(this); } public static class TileEntityInputterAdvanced extends TileEntityInputter{ public TileEntityInputterAdvanced(){ super(25, "inputterAdvanced"); this.isAdvanced = true; } } public static final int PUT_FILTER_START = 13; public static final int PULL_FILTER_START = 1; public static final int WHITELIST_PULL_BUTTON_ID = 87; public static final int WHITELIST_PUT_BUTTON_ID = 88; public static final int OKAY_BUTTON_ID = 133; public int sideToPut = -1; private int lastPutSide; public int slotToPutStart; private int lastPutStart; public int slotToPutEnd; private int lastPutEnd; public TileEntity placeToPut; public int sideToPull = -1; private int lastPullSide; public int slotToPullStart; private int lastPullStart; public int slotToPullEnd; private int lastPullEnd; public TileEntity placeToPull; public boolean isAdvanced; public boolean isPullWhitelist = true; private boolean lastPullWhite; public boolean isPutWhitelist = true; private boolean lastPutWhite; public TileEntityInputter(int slots, String name){ super(slots, name); } public TileEntityInputter(){ super(1, "inputter"); this.isAdvanced = false; } @Override public void updateEntity(){ if(!worldObj.isRemote){ this.initVars(); //Is Block not powered by Redstone? if(!worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord)){ if(!(this.sideToPull == this.sideToPut && this.slotToPullStart == this.slotToPutStart && this.slotToPullEnd == this.slotToPutEnd)){ if(sideToPull != -1 && this.placeToPull instanceof IInventory) this.pull(); if(sideToPut != -1 && this.placeToPut instanceof IInventory) this.put(); } } //Update the Client if(this.sideToPut != this.lastPutSide || this.sideToPull != this.lastPullSide || this.slotToPullStart != this.lastPullStart || this.slotToPullEnd != this.lastPullEnd || this.slotToPutStart != this.lastPutStart || this.slotToPutEnd != this.lastPutEnd || this.isPullWhitelist != lastPullWhite || this.isPutWhitelist != this.lastPutWhite){ this.lastPutSide = this.sideToPut; this.lastPullSide = this.sideToPull; this.lastPullStart = this.slotToPullStart; this.lastPullEnd = this.slotToPullEnd; this.lastPutStart = this.slotToPutStart; this.lastPutEnd = this.slotToPutEnd; this.lastPullWhite = this.isPullWhitelist; this.lastPutWhite = this.isPutWhitelist; this.sendUpdate(); } } } /** * Pulls Items from the specified Slots on the specified Side */ public void pull(){ //The Inventory to pull from IInventory theInventory = (IInventory)placeToPull; //Does the Inventory even have Slots!? if(theInventory.getSizeInventory() > 0){ //The slot currently pulling from (for later) int theSlotToPull = this.slotToPullStart; //The amount of Items that can fit into one slot of the inventory int maxSize = theInventory.getInventoryStackLimit(); //If the Inventory is ISided, deal with that ISidedInventory theSided = null; if(theInventory instanceof ISidedInventory) theSided = (ISidedInventory)theInventory; //If can be pulled (for later) boolean can = false; //The Stack that is pulled (for later) ItemStack theStack = null; //Go through all of the specified Slots for(int i = Math.max(theSlotToPull, 0); i < Math.min(this.slotToPullEnd, theInventory.getSizeInventory()); i++){ //Temporary Stack for storage ItemStack tempStack = theInventory.getStackInSlot(i); if(tempStack != null){ //Set maxSize to the max Size of the temporary stack if it's smaller than the Inventory's Max Size if(tempStack.getMaxStackSize() < this.getInventoryStackLimit()) maxSize = tempStack.getMaxStackSize(); else maxSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit(); } //If ESD has enough Space & Item in question is on whitelist if(tempStack != null && (this.slots[0] == null || (tempStack.isItemEqual(this.slots[0]) && this.slots[0].stackSize < maxSize)) && this.checkFilters(tempStack, true, isPullWhitelist)){ //Deal with ISided if(theSided != null){ //Check if Item can be inserted from any Side (Because Sidedness gets ignored!) for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++){ if(theSided.canExtractItem(i, tempStack, j)){ theStack = tempStack; theSlotToPull = i; can = true; break; } } } //Deal with IInventory else{ theStack = tempStack; theSlotToPull = i; can = true; } } //Stop if it can already pull if(can) break; } //If pull can be done if(can){ //If ESD already has Items if(this.slots[0] != null){ if(theStack.isItemEqual(this.slots[0])){ //If the StackSize is smaller than the space the ESD has left if(theStack.stackSize <= maxSize - this.slots[0].stackSize){ this.slots[0].stackSize += theStack.stackSize; theInventory.setInventorySlotContents(theSlotToPull, null); } //If the StackSize is bigger than what fits into the Inventory else if(theStack.stackSize > maxSize - this.slots[0].stackSize){ theInventory.decrStackSize(theSlotToPull, maxSize - this.slots[0].stackSize); this.slots[0].stackSize = maxSize; } } } //If ESD is empty else{ ItemStack toBePut = theStack.copy(); if(maxSize < toBePut.stackSize) toBePut.stackSize = maxSize; //Actually puts the Item this.setInventorySlotContents(0, toBePut); //Removes the Item from the inventory getting pulled from if(theStack.stackSize == toBePut.stackSize) theInventory.setInventorySlotContents(theSlotToPull, null); else theInventory.decrStackSize(theSlotToPull, toBePut.stackSize); } } } } /** * Puts Items into the specified Slots at the specified Side * (Check pull() for Description, similar to this) */ public void put(){ IInventory theInventory = (IInventory)placeToPut; if(theInventory.getSizeInventory() > 0){ int theSlotToPut = this.slotToPutStart; int maxSize = theInventory.getInventoryStackLimit(); ISidedInventory theSided = null; if(theInventory instanceof ISidedInventory) theSided = (ISidedInventory)theInventory; boolean can = false; if(this.slots[0] != null){ ItemStack theStack = null; for(int i = Math.max(theSlotToPut, 0); i < Math.min(this.slotToPutEnd, theInventory.getSizeInventory()); i++){ ItemStack tempStack = theInventory.getStackInSlot(i); if(tempStack != null){ if(tempStack.getMaxStackSize() < theInventory.getInventoryStackLimit()) maxSize = tempStack.getMaxStackSize(); else maxSize = theInventory.getInventoryStackLimit(); } if(theInventory.isItemValidForSlot(i, this.slots[0]) && (tempStack == null || (tempStack.isItemEqual(this.slots[0]) && tempStack.stackSize < maxSize)) && this.checkFilters(this.slots[0], false, isPutWhitelist)){ if(theSided != null){ for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++){ if(theSided.canInsertItem(i, this.slots[0], j)){ theStack = tempStack; theSlotToPut = i; can = true; break; } } } else{ theStack = tempStack; theSlotToPut = i; can = true; } } if(can) break; } if(can){ if(theStack != null){ if(theStack.isItemEqual(this.slots[0])){ if(this.slots[0].stackSize <= maxSize - theStack.stackSize){ theStack.stackSize += this.slots[0].stackSize; this.slots[0] = null; } else if(this.slots[0].stackSize > maxSize - theStack.stackSize){ this.decrStackSize(0, maxSize - theStack.stackSize); theStack.stackSize = maxSize; } } } else{ ItemStack toBePut = this.slots[0].copy(); if(maxSize < toBePut.stackSize) toBePut.stackSize = maxSize; theInventory.setInventorySlotContents(theSlotToPut, toBePut); if(this.slots[0].stackSize == toBePut.stackSize) this.slots[0] = null; else this.decrStackSize(0, toBePut.stackSize); } } } } } /** * Checks the Whitelist/Blacklist to see if Item fits * @param stack The Stack to check for * @param isPull If we're pulling or putting * @param isWhitelist If it's set to white- or Blacklist * @return Is Item on White-/Blacklist? */ public boolean checkFilters(ItemStack stack, boolean isPull, boolean isWhitelist){ if(!this.isAdvanced) return true; int slotStart = isPull ? PULL_FILTER_START : PUT_FILTER_START; int slotStop = slotStart+12; for(int i = slotStart; i < slotStop; i++){ if(this.slots[i] != null && this.slots[i].isItemEqual(stack)) return isWhitelist; } return !isWhitelist; } /** * Sets all of the relevant variables */ public void initVars(){ //Gets the Place to put and Pull this.placeToPull = WorldUtil.getTileEntityFromSide(WorldUtil.getDirectionByRotatingSide(this.sideToPull), this.worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord); this.placeToPut = WorldUtil.getTileEntityFromSide(WorldUtil.getDirectionByRotatingSide(this.sideToPut), this.worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord); //Resets the Variables if(this.placeToPull instanceof IInventory){ if(this.slotToPullEnd <= 0) this.slotToPullEnd = ((IInventory)this.placeToPull).getSizeInventory(); } if(this.placeToPut instanceof IInventory){ if(this.slotToPutEnd <= 0) this.slotToPutEnd = ((IInventory)this.placeToPut).getSizeInventory(); } } @Override public void onButtonPressed(int buttonID, EntityPlayer player){ if(buttonID == WHITELIST_PULL_BUTTON_ID){ this.isPullWhitelist = !this.isPullWhitelist; return; } if(buttonID == WHITELIST_PUT_BUTTON_ID){ this.isPutWhitelist = !this.isPutWhitelist; return; } //Reset the Slots if(buttonID == 0 || buttonID == 1){ this.slotToPutStart = 0; this.slotToPutEnd = 0; } if(buttonID == 2 || buttonID == 3){ this.slotToPullStart = 0; this.slotToPullEnd = 0; } if(buttonID == 0) this.sideToPut++; if(buttonID == 1) this.sideToPut--; if(buttonID == 2) this.sideToPull++; if(buttonID == 3) this.sideToPull--; if(this.sideToPut >= 6) this.sideToPut = -1; else if(this.sideToPut < -1) this.sideToPut = 5; else if(this.sideToPull >= 6) this.sideToPull = -1; else if(this.sideToPull < -1) this.sideToPull = 5; this.markDirty(); } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound){ super.writeToNBT(compound); compound.setInteger("SideToPut", this.sideToPut); compound.setInteger("SlotToPut", this.slotToPutStart); compound.setInteger("SlotToPutEnd", this.slotToPutEnd); compound.setInteger("SideToPull", this.sideToPull); compound.setInteger("SlotToPull", this.slotToPullStart); compound.setInteger("SlotToPullEnd", this.slotToPullEnd); compound.setBoolean("PullWhitelist", this.isPullWhitelist); compound.setBoolean("PutWhitelist", this.isPutWhitelist); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound){ this.sideToPut = compound.getInteger("SideToPut"); this.slotToPutStart = compound.getInteger("SlotToPut"); this.slotToPutEnd = compound.getInteger("SlotToPutEnd"); this.sideToPull = compound.getInteger("SideToPull"); this.slotToPullStart = compound.getInteger("SlotToPull"); this.slotToPullEnd = compound.getInteger("SlotToPullEnd"); this.isPullWhitelist = compound.getBoolean("PullWhitelist"); this.isPutWhitelist = compound.getBoolean("PutWhitelist"); super.readFromNBT(compound); } @Override public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int i, ItemStack stack){ return i == 0; } @Override public boolean canInsertItem(int slot, ItemStack stack, int side){ return this.isItemValidForSlot(slot, stack); } @Override public boolean canExtractItem(int slot, ItemStack stack, int side){ return slot == 0; } }