/* * This file ("TheFoods.java") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft. * It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed * under the Actually Additions License to be found at * http://ellpeck.de/actaddlicense * View the source code at https://github.com/Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions * * © 2015-2017 Ellpeck */ package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.metalists; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.ActuallyItems; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Rarity; @Deprecated public enum TheFoods { CHEESE("cheese", 1, 0.05F, false, 3, Rarity.COMMON), PUMPKIN_STEW("pumpkin_stew", 6, 0.3F, true, 30, Rarity.COMMON), CARROT_JUICE("carrot_juice", 4, 0.2F, true, 20, Rarity.COMMON), FISH_N_CHIPS("fish_n_chips", 14, 0.65F, false, 40, Rarity.UNCOMMON), FRENCH_FRIES("french_fries", 10, 0.6F, false, 32, Rarity.COMMON), FRENCH_FRY("french_fry", 2, 0.025F, false, 3, Rarity.COMMON), SPAGHETTI("spaghetti", 7, 0.4F, false, 38, Rarity.COMMON), NOODLE("noodle", 1, 0.01F, false, 3, Rarity.COMMON), CHOCOLATE_CAKE("chocolate_cake", 16, 0.8F, false, 45, Rarity.UNCOMMON), CHOCOLATE("chocolate", 3, 0.3F, false, 15, Rarity.COMMON), TOAST("toast", 3, 0.08F, false, 25, Rarity.COMMON), SUBMARINE_SANDWICH("submarine_sandwich", 9, 0.4F, false, 40, Rarity.UNCOMMON), BIG_COOKIE("big_cookie", 4, 0.25F, false, 20, Rarity.UNCOMMON), HAMBURGER("hamburger", 13, 0.65F, false, 40, Rarity.COMMON), PIZZA("pizza", 16, 0.8F, false, 45, Rarity.UNCOMMON), BAGUETTE("baguette", 6, 0.5F, false, 25, Rarity.COMMON), RICE("rice", 2, 0.05F, false, 10, Rarity.UNCOMMON), RICE_BREAD("rice_bread", 6, 0.5F, false, 25, Rarity.UNCOMMON), DOUGHNUT("doughnut", 2, 0.1F, false, 10, Rarity.EPIC), CHOCOLATE_TOAST("chocolate_toast", 5, 0.2F, false, 40, Rarity.RARE), BACON("bacon", 4, 0.1F, false, 30, Rarity.COMMON); public final String name; public final int healAmount; public final float saturation; public final boolean getsDrunken; public final int useDuration; public final Rarity rarity; public ItemStack returnItem = ItemStack.EMPTY; TheFoods(String name, int healAmount, float saturation, boolean getsDrunken, int useDuration, Rarity rarity) { this.name = name; this.getsDrunken = getsDrunken; this.healAmount = healAmount; this.saturation = saturation; this.useDuration = useDuration; this.rarity = rarity; } public static void setReturnItems() { SPAGHETTI.returnItem = new ItemStack(Items.BOWL); PUMPKIN_STEW.returnItem = new ItemStack(Items.BOWL); CARROT_JUICE.returnItem = new ItemStack(Items.GLASS_BOTTLE); FRENCH_FRIES.returnItem = new ItemStack(ActuallyItems.PAPER_CONE.get()); FISH_N_CHIPS.returnItem = new ItemStack(ActuallyItems.PAPER_CONE.get()); } }