package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.common.config.values; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.common.config.ConfigCategories; public enum ConfigIntListValues { ORE_GEN_DIMENSION_BLACKLIST( "OreGen Dimension Blacklist", ConfigCategories.WORLD_GEN, new int[0], "The list of IDs that Actually Additions OreGen (Ex: Black Quartz) is banned in. This also applies for other world gen like lush caves."), PLANT_DIMENSION_BLACKLIST( "Plant Blacklist", ConfigCategories.WORLD_GEN, new int[0], "The list of IDs of the dimensions that Actually Additions Plants (Rice for example) are banned in."), OIL_POWER( "Oil Gen: Power Values", ConfigCategories.MACHINE_VALUES, new int[] { 40, 80, 100, 120 }, "The amount of power that the 4 tiers of oils generate in CF/t. Ordered."), OIL_TIME( "Oil Gen: Time Values", ConfigCategories.MACHINE_VALUES, new int[] { 100, 120, 280, 400 }, "The amount of time that the 4 tiers of oils work for in seconds. Ordered."); public final String name; public final String category; public final int[] defaultValue; public final String desc; public int[] currentValue; ConfigIntListValues(String name, ConfigCategories category, int[] defaultValue, String desc) { = name; this.category =; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.desc = desc; } public int[] getValue() { return this.currentValue; } }