/* * This file ("CrusherRecipeRegistry.java") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft. * It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed * under the Actually Additions License to be found at * http://ellpeck.de/actaddlicense * View the source code at https://github.com/Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions * * © 2015-2017 Ellpeck */ package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.recipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.ActuallyAdditionsAPI; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.CrushingRecipe; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; public final class CrusherRecipeRegistry { // // public static final ArrayList SEARCH_CASES = new ArrayList<>(); // // public static void registerFinally() { // ArrayList oresNoResult = new ArrayList<>(); // int recipeStartedAt = ActuallyAdditionsAPI.CRUSHER_RECIPES.size(); // // for (String ore : OreDictionary.getOreNames()) { // if (!hasException(ore)) { // for (SearchCase theCase : SEARCH_CASES) { // if (ore.length() > theCase.theCase.length()) { // if (ore.substring(0, theCase.theCase.length()).equals(theCase.theCase)) { // String outputOre = theCase.resultPreString + ore.substring(theCase.theCase.length()); // List outputs = OreDictionary.getOres(outputOre, false); // ItemStack output = outputs.isEmpty() ? ItemStack.EMPTY : outputs.get(0).copy(); // output.setCount(theCase.resultAmount); // if (output.isEmpty()) { // if (!oresNoResult.contains(ore)) { // oresNoResult.add(ore); // } // } else ActuallyAdditionsAPI.addCrusherRecipe(new OreIngredient(ore), output, StackUtil.getEmpty(), 0); // } // } // } // } // } // // ArrayList addedRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); // for (int i = recipeStartedAt; i < ActuallyAdditionsAPI.CRUSHER_RECIPES.size(); i++) { // CrusherRecipe recipe = ActuallyAdditionsAPI.CRUSHER_RECIPES.get(i); // addedRecipes.add(recipe.getInput().getMatchingStacks() + " -> " + recipe.getOutputOne()); // } // ActuallyAdditions.LOGGER.debug("Added " + addedRecipes.size() + " Crusher Recipes automatically: " + addedRecipes); // ActuallyAdditions.LOGGER.debug("Couldn't add " + oresNoResult.size() + " Crusher Recipes automatically, either because the inputs were missing outputs, or because they exist already: " + oresNoResult); // removeDuplicateRecipes(); // } // // public static void removeDuplicateRecipes() { // ArrayList usable = new ArrayList<>(); // ArrayList removed = new ArrayList<>(); // for (CrusherRecipe r : ActuallyAdditionsAPI.CRUSHER_RECIPES) { // boolean canUse = true; // if (r.getInput().getMatchingStacks().length == 0) canUse = false; // else for (CrusherRecipe re : usable) { // if (re.getInput().apply(r.getInput().getMatchingStacks()[0])) canUse = false; // } // // if (canUse) usable.add(r); // else removed.add(r); // } // // ActuallyAdditionsAPI.CRUSHER_RECIPES.clear(); // ActuallyAdditionsAPI.CRUSHER_RECIPES.addAll(usable); // ActuallyAdditions.LOGGER.debug(String.format("Removed %s crusher recipes that had dupliate inputs, %s remain.", removed.size(), usable.size())); // } // // public static boolean hasBlacklistedOutput(ItemStack output, String[] config) { // if (StackUtil.isValid(output)) { // Item item = output.getItem(); // if (item != null) { // String reg = item.getRegistryName().toString(); // // for (String conf : config) { // String confReg = conf; // int meta = 0; // // if (conf.contains("@")) { // try { // String[] split = conf.split("@"); // confReg = split[0]; // meta = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); // } catch (Exception e) { // ActuallyAdditions.LOGGER.warn("A config option appears to be incorrect: The entry " + conf + " can't be parsed!"); // } // } // // if (reg.equals(confReg) && output.getItemDamage() == meta) { return true; } // } // // return false; // } // } // return true; // } // // public static boolean hasException(String ore) { // for (String conf : ConfigStringListValues.CRUSHER_RECIPE_EXCEPTIONS.getValue()) { // if (conf.equals(ore)) { return true; } // } // return false; // } // public static CrushingRecipe getRecipeFromInput(ItemStack input) { for (CrushingRecipe recipe : ActuallyAdditionsAPI.CRUSHER_RECIPES) if (recipe.matches(input)) return recipe; return null; } // // public static class SearchCase { // // final String theCase; // final int resultAmount; // final String resultPreString; // // public SearchCase(String theCase, int resultAmount) { // this(theCase, resultAmount, "dust"); // } // // public SearchCase(String theCase, int resultAmount, String resultPreString) { // this.theCase = theCase; // this.resultAmount = resultAmount; // this.resultPreString = resultPreString; // } // } }