package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.fluid.Fluid; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipeSerializer; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipeType; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.Ingredient; import; import net.minecraft.util.JSONUtils; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistries; import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistryEntry; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class LiquidFuelRecipe implements IRecipe { public static String NAME = "liquid_fuel"; private FluidStack fuel; private int burnTime; private int totalEnergy; private ResourceLocation id; /** * Oil generator recipe * @param id ResourceLocation of the recipe * @param fuel The fluid * @param totalEnergy The total power generated. * @param burnTime The length the fluid burns for, in ticks. */ public LiquidFuelRecipe(ResourceLocation id, FluidStack fuel, int totalEnergy, int burnTime) { this.fuel = fuel; this.burnTime = burnTime; this.totalEnergy = totalEnergy; = id; } public int getBurnTime() { return burnTime; } public int getTotalEnergy() { return totalEnergy; } @Override public boolean matches(@Nonnull IInventory pInv,@Nonnull World pLevel) { return false; } public boolean matches(FluidStack stack) { return this.fuel.isFluidEqual(stack); } public int getFuelAmount() { return this.fuel.getAmount(); } public FluidStack getFuel() { return fuel; } @Nonnull @Override public ItemStack assemble(@Nonnull IInventory pInv) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } @Override public boolean canCraftInDimensions(int pWidth, int pHeight) { return false; } @Nonnull @Override public ItemStack getResultItem() { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } @Nonnull @Override public ResourceLocation getId() { return id; } @Nonnull @Override public IRecipeSerializer getSerializer() { return ActuallyRecipes.LIQUID_FUEL_RECIPE.get(); } @Nonnull @Override public IRecipeType getType() { return ActuallyRecipes.Types.LIQUID_FUEL; } public static class Serializer extends ForgeRegistryEntry> implements IRecipeSerializer { @Nonnull @Override public LiquidFuelRecipe fromJson(@Nonnull ResourceLocation pId, JsonObject pJson) { JsonObject ingredient = pJson.getAsJsonObject("ingredient"); ResourceLocation fluidRes = new ResourceLocation(JSONUtils.getAsString(ingredient, "fluid")); Fluid fluid = ForgeRegistries.FLUIDS.getValue(fluidRes); if (fluid == null) throw new JsonParseException("Unknown fluid '" + fluidRes + "'"); int inputAmount = JSONUtils.getAsInt(ingredient, "amount", 50); FluidStack input = new FluidStack(fluid, inputAmount); JsonObject result = pJson.getAsJsonObject("result"); int totalEnergy = result.get("total_energy").getAsInt(); int burnTime = result.get("burn_time").getAsInt(); return new LiquidFuelRecipe(pId, input, totalEnergy, burnTime); } @Override public LiquidFuelRecipe fromNetwork(@Nonnull ResourceLocation pId, @Nonnull PacketBuffer pBuffer) { ResourceLocation inputRes = new ResourceLocation(pBuffer.readUtf()); int inputAmount = pBuffer.readInt(); Fluid inputFluid = ForgeRegistries.FLUIDS.getValue(inputRes); if(inputFluid == null) throw new JsonParseException("Unknown input fluid '" + inputRes + "'"); FluidStack input = new FluidStack(inputFluid, inputAmount); int totalEnergy = pBuffer.readInt(); int burnTime = pBuffer.readInt(); return new LiquidFuelRecipe(pId, input, totalEnergy, burnTime); } @Override public void toNetwork(@Nonnull PacketBuffer pBuffer, LiquidFuelRecipe pRecipe) { pBuffer.writeUtf(pRecipe.fuel.getFluid().getRegistryName().toString()); pBuffer.writeInt(pRecipe.fuel.getAmount()); pBuffer.writeInt(pRecipe.totalEnergy); pBuffer.writeInt(pRecipe.burnTime); } } public static class FinishedRecipe implements IFinishedRecipe { private FluidStack fuel; private int burnTime; private int totalEnergy; private ResourceLocation id; public FinishedRecipe(ResourceLocation id, FluidStack fuel, int totalEnergy, int burnTime) { this.fuel = fuel; this.burnTime = burnTime; this.totalEnergy = totalEnergy; = id; } @Override public void serializeRecipeData(JsonObject pJson) { JsonObject ingredient = new JsonObject(); ingredient.addProperty("fluid", fuel.getFluid().getRegistryName().toString()); ingredient.addProperty("amount", fuel.getAmount()); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.addProperty("total_energy", totalEnergy); result.addProperty("burn_time", burnTime); pJson.add("ingredient", ingredient); pJson.add("result", result); } @Nonnull @Override public ResourceLocation getId() { return id; } @Nonnull @Override public IRecipeSerializer getType() { return ActuallyRecipes.LIQUID_FUEL_RECIPE.get(); } @Nullable @Override public JsonObject serializeAdvancement() { return null; } @Nullable @Override public ResourceLocation getAdvancementId() { return null; } } }