/* * This file ("ActuallyAdditionsAPI.java") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft. * It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed * under the Actually Additions License to be found at * http://ellpeck.de/actaddlicense * View the source code at https://github.com/Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions * * © 2015-2017 Ellpeck */ package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.booklet.IBookletChapter; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.booklet.IBookletEntry; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.booklet.IBookletPage; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.farmer.IFarmerBehavior; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.internal.IMethodHandler; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.laser.ILaserRelayConnectionHandler; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.lens.Lens; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.lens.LensConversion; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.recipe.CoffeeIngredient; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.recipe.WeightedOre; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.ColorChangeRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.CrushingRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.EmpowererRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.FermentingRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.LaserRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.LiquidFuelRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.MiningLensRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.PressingRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting.SolidFuelRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.lens.LensColor; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.lens.LensDeath; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.lens.LensDetonation; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.lens.LensDisenchanting; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.lens.LensKiller; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.items.lens.LensMining; import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.world.item.crafting.Ingredient; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public final class ActuallyAdditionsAPI { public static final String MOD_ID = "actuallyadditions"; public static final String API_ID = MOD_ID + "api"; public static final String API_VERSION = "34"; public static final List CRUSHER_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List EMPOWERER_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List COLOR_CHANGE_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List SOLID_FUEL_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List LIQUID_FUEL_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List PRESSING_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List FERMENTING_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List CONVERSION_LASER_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List MINING_LENS_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Farmer behaviors are sorted when first accessed, this will not be done until after loading, but do not add behaviors at runtime. */ public static final List FARMER_BEHAVIORS = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List COFFEE_MACHINE_INGREDIENTS = new ArrayList<>(); // public static final List COMPOST_RECIPES = new ArrayList<>(); public static final List BOOKLET_ENTRIES = new ArrayList<>(); //This is added to automatically, you don't need to add anything to this list public static final List ALL_CHAPTERS = new ArrayList<>(); //This is added to automatically, you don't need to add anything to this list public static final List BOOKLET_PAGES_WITH_ITEM_OR_FLUID_DATA = new ArrayList<>(); @Deprecated public static final List STONE_ORES = new ArrayList<>(); @Deprecated public static final List NETHERRACK_ORES = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Use this to handle things that aren't based in the API itself * DO NOT CHANGE/OVERRIDE THIS!! * This is getting initialized in Actually Additions' PreInit phase */ public static IMethodHandler methodHandler; /** * Use this to add, remove or get Laser Relay Connections and Networks * The network system is built in a way that doesn't need the individual * positions to be Laser Relays, it relies only on BlockPos * DO NOT CHANGE/OVERRIDE THIS!! * This is getting initialized in Actually Additions' PreInit phase */ public static ILaserRelayConnectionHandler connectionHandler; //These are getting initialized in Actually Additions' PreInit phase //DO NOT CHANGE/OVERRIDE THESE!! public static IBookletEntry entryGettingStarted; public static IBookletEntry entryReconstruction; public static IBookletEntry entryLaserRelays; public static IBookletEntry entryFunctionalNonRF; public static IBookletEntry entryFunctionalRF; public static IBookletEntry entryGeneratingRF; public static IBookletEntry entryItemsNonRF; public static IBookletEntry entryItemsRF; public static IBookletEntry entryMisc; public static IBookletEntry entryUpdatesAndInfos; //This is added to automatically, you don't need to add anything to this entry public static IBookletEntry entryAllAndSearch; public static IBookletEntry entryTrials; //These are getting initialized in Actually Additions' PreInit phase //DO NOT CHANGE/OVERRIDE THESE!! public static final LensConversion lensDefaultConversion = new LensConversion(); public static final Lens lensDetonation = new LensDetonation(); public static final Lens lensDeath = new LensDeath(); public static final Lens lensEvenMoarDeath = new LensKiller(); public static final Lens lensColor = new LensColor(); public static final Lens lensDisenchanting = new LensDisenchanting(); public static final Lens lensMining = new LensMining(); /** * Adds an ore with a specific weight to the list of ores that the lens of the miner will generate inside of stone. * Higher weight means higher occurence. * * @param oreName The ore's name * @param weight The ore's weight */ public static void addMiningLensStoneOre(String oreName, int weight) { STONE_ORES.add(new WeightedOre(oreName, weight)); } /** * Adds an ore with a specific weight to the list of ores that the lens of the miner will generate inside of netherrack. * Higher weight means higher occurence. * * @param oreName The ore's name * @param weight The ore's weight */ public static void addMiningLensNetherOre(String oreName, int weight) { NETHERRACK_ORES.add(new WeightedOre(oreName, weight)); } /** * Adds a Recipe to the Crusher Recipe Registry * * @param input The input as an ItemStack * @param outputOne The first output as an ItemStack * @param outputTwo The second output as an ItemStack (can be ItemStack.EMPTY if there should be none) * @param outputTwoChance The chance of the second output (0 won't occur at all, 100 will all the time) */ public static void addCrusherRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack outputOne, ItemStack outputTwo, int outputTwoChance) { CRUSHER_RECIPES.add(new CrushingRecipe(Ingredient.of(input), outputOne, 1.0f, outputTwo.isEmpty() ? ItemStack.EMPTY : outputTwo, outputTwoChance)); } /** * Adds a Recipe to the Crusher Recipe Registry * * @param input The input as an Ingredient * @param outputOne The first output as an ItemStack * @param outputTwo The second output as an ItemStack (can be ItemStack.EMPTY if there should be none) * @param outputTwoChance The chance of the second output (0 won't occur at all, 100 will all the time) */ public static void addCrusherRecipe(Ingredient input, ItemStack outputOne, ItemStack outputTwo, int outputTwoChance) { CRUSHER_RECIPES.add(new CrushingRecipe(input, outputOne, 1.0f, outputTwo.isEmpty() ? ItemStack.EMPTY : outputTwo, outputTwoChance)); } /** * Adds multiple Recipes to the Crusher Recipe Registry * Use this if you want to add OreDictionary recipes easier * * @param inputs The inputs as an ItemStack List, stacksizes are ignored * @param outputOnes The first outputs as an ItemStack List, stacksizes are ignored * @param outputOneAmounts The amount of the first output, will be equal for all entries in the list * @param outputTwos The second outputs as a List (can be null or empty if there should be none) * @param outputTwoAmounts The amount of the second output, will be equal for all entries in the list * @param outputTwoChance The chance of the second output (0 won't occur at all, 100 will all the time) */ public static boolean addCrusherRecipes(List inputs, List outputOnes, int outputOneAmounts, List outputTwos, int outputTwoAmounts, int outputTwoChance) { return methodHandler.addCrusherRecipes(inputs, outputOnes, outputOneAmounts, outputTwos, outputTwoAmounts, outputTwoChance); } //Same thing as above, but with ItemStack outputs. @Deprecated //Use Ingredient public static boolean addCrusherRecipes(List inputs, ItemStack outputOne, int outputOneAmount, ItemStack outputTwo, int outputTwoAmount, int outputTwoChance) { return methodHandler.addCrusherRecipes(inputs, outputOne, outputOneAmount, outputTwo, outputTwoAmount, outputTwoChance); } public static void addEmpowererRecipe(ResourceLocation id, Ingredient input, ItemStack output, Ingredient modifier1, Ingredient modifier2, Ingredient modifier3, Ingredient modifier4, int energyPerStand, int time, int particleColor) { EMPOWERER_RECIPES.add(new EmpowererRecipe(id, output, input, modifier1, modifier2, modifier3, modifier4, energyPerStand, time, particleColor)); } /** * Adds a recipe to the Atomic Reconstructor conversion lenses * StackSizes can only be 1 and greater ones will be ignored * * @param input The input as an ItemStack * @param output The output as an ItemStack * @param energyUse The amount of RF used per conversion * @param type The type of lens used for the conversion. To use the default type, use method below. * Note how this always has to be the same instance of the lens type that the item also has for it to work! */ @Deprecated public static void addReconstructorLensConversionRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output, int energyUse, LensConversion type) { //RECONSTRUCTOR_LENS_CONVERSION_RECIPES.add(new LensConversionRecipe(input, output, energyUse, type)); } @Deprecated public static void addReconstructorLensConversionRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output, int energyUse) { //addReconstructorLensConversionRecipe(input, output, energyUse, lensDefaultConversion); } /** * Adds a recipe to the Atomic Reconstructor conversion lenses * StackSizes can only be 1 and greater ones will be ignored * * @param input The input as an ItemStack * @param output The output as an ItemStack * @param energyUse The amount of RF used per conversion * @param type The type of lens used for the conversion. To use the default type, use method below. * Note how this always has to be the same instance of the lens type that the item also has for it to work! */ public static void addReconstructorLensConversionRecipe(Ingredient input, ItemStack output, int energyUse, LensConversion type) { //RECONSTRUCTOR_LENS_CONVERSION_RECIPES.add(new LensConversionRecipe(input, output, energyUse, type)); } public static void addReconstructorLensConversionRecipe(Ingredient input, ItemStack output, int energyUse) { //addReconstructorLensConversionRecipe(input, output, energyUse, lensDefaultConversion); } /** * Adds an ingredient to the Coffee Machine ingredient list * * @param ingredient The ingredient to add */ public static void addCoffeeMachineIngredient(CoffeeIngredient ingredient) { COFFEE_MACHINE_INGREDIENTS.add(ingredient); } /** * Adds a booklet entry to the list of entries * * @param entry The entry to add */ public static void addBookletEntry(IBookletEntry entry) { BOOKLET_ENTRIES.add(entry); } /** * Adds a new farmer behavior to the Farmer * * @param behavior The behavior to add */ public static void addFarmerBehavior(IFarmerBehavior behavior) { FARMER_BEHAVIORS.add(behavior); } }