/* * This file ("StackUtil.java") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft. * It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed * under the Actually Additions License to be found at * http://ellpeck.de/actaddlicense * View the source code at https://github.com/Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions * * © 2015-2017 Ellpeck */ package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.ActuallyAdditions; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.compat.SlotlessableItemHandlerWrapper; import net.minecraft.core.NonNullList; import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.items.IItemHandler; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; public final class StackUtil { /** * Pretty much just a check for {@link ItemStack#isEmpty()} but exists in case Mojang does some more refactoring. * * @param stack The stack * @return If the stack is not empty, or if it's an IDisableableItem, if its enabled. */ @Deprecated public static boolean isValid(ItemStack stack) { return stack != null && !stack.isEmpty(); // if (stack == null) AwfulUtil.callTheFuckinPolice("Null ItemStack detected", stack); // Item i = stack.getItem(); // if (i instanceof IDisableableItem) return !((IDisableableItem) i).isDisabled(); // return !stack.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks if a collection of stacks are empty, as {@link Collection#isEmpty()} does not care about empty stacks. * * @param stacks Some ItemStacks * @return If all stacks in the collection return true for {@link ItemStack#isEmpty()} */ @Deprecated public static boolean isEmpty(Collection stacks) { if (stacks.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (ItemStack s : stacks) { if (!s.isEmpty()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if all provided itemstacks will fit in the AA handler. Use addAll below to actually add the stacks. This is strictly a check function. * * @param inv The AA Item handler * @param stacks The stacks to add * @param fromAutomation If these stacks are coming from a pipe or other external source, or internally, like from the TE's update() method. * @return If all stacks fit fully. If even one item would not fit, the method returns false. */ public static boolean canAddAll(ItemStackHandlerAA inv, List stacks, boolean fromAutomation) { int counter = 0; ItemStackHandlerAA dummy = testDummy(inv, 0, inv.getSlots()); for (ItemStack s : stacks) { for (int i = 0; i < dummy.getSlots(); i++) { s = dummy.insertItem(i, s, false, fromAutomation); if (s.isEmpty()) { break; } } if (s.isEmpty()) { counter++; } } return counter == stacks.size(); } /** * Adds all itemstacks in a list to an AA item handler. Must be an AA item handler to support the automation bool. * * @param inv The AA Item handler * @param stacks The stacks to add * @param fromAutomation If these stacks are coming from a pipe or other external source, or internally, like from the TE's update() method. */ public static void addAll(ItemStackHandlerAA inv, List stacks, boolean fromAutomation) { int slotMax = inv.getSlots(); for (ItemStack s : stacks) { for (int i = 0; i < slotMax; i++) { s = inv.insertItem(i, s, false, fromAutomation); if (s.isEmpty()) { break; } } } } /** * Checks if all provided itemstacks will fit in the AA handler. Use addAll below to actually add the stacks. This is strictly a check function. * * @param inv The AA Item handler * @param stacks The stacks to add * @param slot The starting slot. * @param endSlot The ending slot, exclusive. * @param fromAutomation If these stacks are coming from a pipe or other external source, or internally, like from the TE's update() method. * @return If all stacks fit fully. If even one item would not fit, the method returns false. */ public static boolean canAddAll(ItemStackHandlerAA inv, List stacks, int slot, int endSlot, boolean fromAutomation) { int counter = 0; ItemStackHandlerAA dummy = testDummy(inv, slot, endSlot); for (ItemStack s : stacks) { for (int i = 0; i < dummy.getSlots(); i++) { s = dummy.insertItem(i, s, false, fromAutomation); if (s.isEmpty()) { break; } } if (s.isEmpty()) { counter++; } } return counter == stacks.size(); } /** * Adds all itemstacks in a list to an AA item handler. Must be an AA item handler to support the automation bool. * * @param inv The AA Item handler * @param stacks The stacks to add * @param slot The starting slot. * @param endSlot The ending slot, exclusive. * @param fromAutomation If these stacks are coming from a pipe or other external source, or internally, like from the TE's update() method. */ public static void addAll(ItemStackHandlerAA inv, List stacks, int slot, int endSlot, boolean fromAutomation) { for (ItemStack s : stacks) { for (int i = slot; i < endSlot; i++) { s = inv.insertItem(i, s, false, fromAutomation); if (s.isEmpty()) { break; } } } } /** * Util method to find the first filled item in a handler. Searches from slot 0 to the end. * * @param inv The IItemHandler to search. * @return The first filled slot, or -1 if all slots are empty. */ public static int findFirstFilled(IItemHandler inv) { for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSlots(); i++) { if (!inv.getStackInSlot(i).isEmpty()) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Helper method to add stack size and return the stack. */ public static ItemStack grow(ItemStack s, int i) { s.grow(i); return s; } /** * Helper method to remove stack size and return the stack. */ public static ItemStack shrink(ItemStack s, int i) { s.shrink(i); return s; } /** * Helper method to remove stack size and return the stack. */ public static ItemStack shrinkForContainer(ItemStack s, int i) { ItemStack sc = s.copy(); s.shrink(i); if (s.isEmpty()) { return sc.getItem().getCraftingRemainingItem(sc); } return s; } /** * Interaction method for working with Common Capabilities. * * @param wrapper The wrapper holding at least one instance * @param stack The stack to insert. Should not be empty. * @param simulate If this is a simulation * @param slotStart Start range * @param slotEnd End range * @return The remainder that was not inserted. */ public static ItemStack insertItem(SlotlessableItemHandlerWrapper wrapper, ItemStack stack, boolean simulate, int slotStart, int slotEnd) { if (stack.isEmpty()) { return stack; } if (ActuallyAdditions.commonCapsLoaded) { // Object handler = wrapper.getSlotlessHandler(); // if (handler instanceof ISlotlessItemHandler) { // remain = ((ISlotlessItemHandler) handler).insertItem(remain, simulate); // if (!ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(remain, stack)) { // return remain; // } // } } return wrapper.getNormalHandler().map(e -> { ItemStack remain = stack.copy(); for (int i = Math.max(0, slotStart); i < Math.min(slotEnd, e.getSlots()); i++) { remain = e.insertItem(i, remain, simulate); } return remain; }).orElse(stack); } /** * Constructs a clone of the given item handler, from the given slots. The new item handler will have the provided slot as slot 0. * This is used for testing the ability to add all itemstacks, and should not be used for anything else. */ public static ItemStackHandlerAA testDummy(ItemStackHandlerAA inv, int slot, int endSlot) { NonNullList stacks = NonNullList.withSize(endSlot - slot, ItemStack.EMPTY); for (int i = slot; i < endSlot; i++) { stacks.set(i - slot, inv.getStackInSlot(i).copy()); } return new ItemStackHandlerAA(stacks, inv.getAcceptor(), inv.getRemover()); } }