package; import ellpeck.actuallyadditions.blocks.render.ModelBaseAA; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; public interface ISmileyCloudEasterEgg{ /** * Extra rendering function */ void renderExtra(float f); /** * Registers extra rendering */ void registerExtraRendering(ModelBaseAA model); /** * If the Original cloud should be rendered */ boolean shouldRenderOriginal(); boolean hasSpecialRightClick(); /** * If something special happens on right-click of the cloud */ void specialRightClick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int meta); /** * Something in addition to the default name in the name tag */ String displayNameExtra(); /** * If the original name should be rendered */ boolean shouldRenderOriginalName(); /** * The name the cloud has to have for this effect to occur */ String getTriggerName(); ResourceLocation getResLoc(); }