/* * This file ("ActuallyAdditionsAPI.java") is part of the Actually Additions Mod for Minecraft. * It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed * under the Actually Additions License to be found at * http://ellpeck.de/actaddlicense/ * View the source code at https://github.com/Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions * * © 2016 Ellpeck */ package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.booklet.BookletPage; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.booklet.IBookletEntry; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.lens.Lens; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.recipe.BallOfFurReturn; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.recipe.CrusherRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.recipe.LensNoneRecipe; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.recipe.TreasureChestLoot; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.recipe.coffee.CoffeeIngredient; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ActuallyAdditionsAPI{ public static final String MOD_ID = "ActuallyAdditions"; public static final String API_ID = MOD_ID+"API"; public static final String API_VERSION = "5"; public static List crusherRecipes = new ArrayList(); public static List ballOfFurReturnItems = new ArrayList(); public static List treasureChestLoot = new ArrayList(); public static List reconstructorLenses = new ArrayList(); public static List reconstructorLensNoneRecipes = new ArrayList(); public static List coffeeMachineIngredients = new ArrayList(); public static List bookletEntries = new ArrayList(); public static List bookletPagesWithItemStackData = new ArrayList(); //These are getting initlized in Actually Additions' PreInit phase public static IBookletEntry entryGettingStarted; public static IBookletEntry entryFunctionalNonRF; public static IBookletEntry entryFunctionalRF; public static IBookletEntry entryGeneratingRF; public static IBookletEntry entryItemsNonRF; public static IBookletEntry entryItemsRF; public static IBookletEntry entryMisc; public static IBookletEntry allAndSearch; /** * Adds a Recipe to the Crusher Recipe Registry * The second output will be nothing * * @param input The input's OreDictionary name * @param outputOne The first output's OreDictionary name * @param outputOneAmount The amount of the first output */ public static void addCrusherRecipe(String input, String outputOne, int outputOneAmount){ addCrusherRecipe(input, outputOne, outputOneAmount, "", 0, 0); } /** * Adds a Recipe to the Crusher Recipe Registry * * @param input The input's OreDictionary name * @param outputOne The first output's OreDictionary name * @param outputOneAmount The amount of the first output * @param outputTwo The second output's OreDictionary name * @param outputTwoAmount The amount of the second output * @param outputTwoChance The chance of the second output (0 won't occur at all, 100 will all the time) */ public static void addCrusherRecipe(String input, String outputOne, int outputOneAmount, String outputTwo, int outputTwoAmount, int outputTwoChance){ if(!OreDictionary.getOres(input).isEmpty() && !OreDictionary.getOres(outputOne).isEmpty() && (outputTwo == null || outputTwo.isEmpty() || !OreDictionary.getOres(outputTwo).isEmpty())){ crusherRecipes.add(new CrusherRecipe(input, outputOne, outputOneAmount, outputTwo, outputTwoAmount, outputTwoChance)); } } /** * Adds a Recipe to the Crusher Recipe Registry * The second output will be nothing * * @param input The input as an ItemStack * @param outputOne The first output as an ItemStack */ public static void addCrusherRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack outputOne){ addCrusherRecipe(input, outputOne, null, 0); } /** * Adds a Recipe to the Crusher Recipe Registry * The second output will be nothing * * @param input The input as an ItemStack * @param outputOne The first output as an ItemStack * @param outputTwo The second output as an ItemStack * @param outputTwoChance The chance of the second output (0 won't occur at all, 100 will all the time) */ public static void addCrusherRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack outputOne, ItemStack outputTwo, int outputTwoChance){ crusherRecipes.add(new CrusherRecipe(input, outputOne, outputTwo, outputTwoChance)); } /** * Adds a Recipe to the Crusher Recipe Registry * The second output will be nothing * * @param input The input as an ItemStack * @param outputOne The first output's OreDictionary name * @param outputOneAmount The amount of the first output */ public static void addCrusherRecipe(ItemStack input, String outputOne, int outputOneAmount){ if(!OreDictionary.getOres(outputOne).isEmpty()){ crusherRecipes.add(new CrusherRecipe(input, outputOne, outputOneAmount)); } } /** * Adds an item to the list of possible items to be returned when right-clicking a Ball Of Fur * * @param stack The ItemStack to be returned * @param chance The chance (this is from WeightedRandom.Item) */ public static void addBallOfFurReturnItem(ItemStack stack, int chance){ ActuallyAdditionsAPI.ballOfFurReturnItems.add(new BallOfFurReturn(stack, chance)); } /** * Adds an item to the list of possible items to be returned when opening a Treasure Chest * * @param stack The ItemStack to be returned, the stacksize is ignored * @param chance The chance (this is from WeightedRandom.Item) * @param minAmount The minimum stacksize of the returned stack * @param maxAmount The maximum stacksize of the returned stack */ public static void addTreasureChestLoot(ItemStack stack, int chance, int minAmount, int maxAmount){ ActuallyAdditionsAPI.treasureChestLoot.add(new TreasureChestLoot(stack, chance, minAmount, maxAmount)); } /** * Adds a recipe to the Atomic Reconstructor conversion without lens * StackSizes can only be 1 and greater ones will be ignored * * @param input The input as an ItemStack * @param output The output as an ItemStack * @param energyUse The amount of RF used per conversion */ public static void addReconstructorLensNoneRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output, int energyUse){ reconstructorLensNoneRecipes.add(new LensNoneRecipe(input, output, energyUse)); } /** * Adds a recipe to the Atomic Reconstructor conversion without lens * * @param input The input's OreDictionary name * @param output The output's OreDictionary name * @param energyUse The amount of RF used per conversion */ public static void addReconstructorLensNoneRecipe(String input, String output, int energyUse){ reconstructorLensNoneRecipes.add(new LensNoneRecipe(input, output, energyUse)); } /** * Adds an ingredient to the Coffee Machine ingredient list * * @param ingredient The ingredient to add */ public static void addCoffeeMachineIngredient(CoffeeIngredient ingredient){ coffeeMachineIngredients.add(ingredient); } /** * Adds a booklet entry to the list of entries * * @param entry The entry to add */ public static void addBookletEntry(IBookletEntry entry){ bookletEntries.add(entry); } /** * Adds a page to the pages with ItemStack data * This should be done with every page that uses getItemStacksForPage() * * @param page The page to add */ public static void addPageWithItemStackData(BookletPage page){ bookletPagesWithItemStackData.add(page); } }