package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.crafting; import com.mojang.serialization.Codec; import com.mojang.serialization.DataResult; import com.mojang.serialization.codecs.RecordCodecBuilder; import net.minecraft.core.NonNullList; import net.minecraft.core.RegistryAccess; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class EmpowererRecipe implements Recipe { public static String NAME = "empowering"; protected final Ingredient input; protected final ItemStack output; protected final NonNullList modifiers; protected final int energyPerStand; protected final int particleColor; protected final int time; public EmpowererRecipe(ItemStack output, Ingredient input, NonNullList modifiers, int energyPerStand, int particleColor, int time) { this.input = input; this.output = output; this.modifiers = modifiers; this.energyPerStand = energyPerStand; this.particleColor = particleColor; this.time = time; } public boolean matches(ItemStack base, ItemStack stand1, ItemStack stand2, ItemStack stand3, ItemStack stand4) { if (!input.test(base) || stand1.isEmpty() || stand2.isEmpty() || stand3.isEmpty() || stand4.isEmpty()) return false; List matches = new ArrayList<>(); ItemStack[] stacks = {stand1, stand2, stand3, stand4}; boolean[] unused = {true, true, true, true}; for (ItemStack s : stacks) { if (unused[0] && this.modifiers.get(0).test(s)) { matches.add(this.modifiers.get(0)); unused[0] = false; } else if (unused[1] && this.modifiers.get(1).test(s)) { matches.add(this.modifiers.get(1)); unused[1] = false; } else if (unused[2] && this.modifiers.get(2).test(s)) { matches.add(this.modifiers.get(2)); unused[2] = false; } else if (unused[3] && this.modifiers.get(3).test(s)) { matches.add(this.modifiers.get(3)); unused[3] = false; } } return matches.size() == 4; } @Override public boolean matches(@Nonnull Container pInv, @Nonnull Level pLevel) { return false; } @Override public boolean isSpecial() { return true; } @Override @Nonnull public ItemStack assemble(Container pInv, RegistryAccess pRegistryAccess) { return output.copy(); } @Override public boolean canCraftInDimensions(int pWidth, int pHeight) { return false; } @Override @Nonnull public ItemStack getResultItem(RegistryAccess pRegistryAccess) { return output; } @Override @Nonnull public RecipeSerializer getSerializer() { return ActuallyRecipes.EMPOWERING_RECIPE.get(); } @Override @Nonnull public RecipeType getType() { return ActuallyRecipes.Types.EMPOWERING.get(); } public Ingredient getInput() { return this.input; } public ItemStack getOutput() { return this.output; } public Ingredient getStandOne() { return this.modifiers.get(0); } public Ingredient getStandTwo() { return this.modifiers.get(1); } public Ingredient getStandThree() { return this.modifiers.get(2); } public Ingredient getStandFour() { return this.modifiers.get(3); } public int getTime() { return this.time; } public int getEnergyPerStand() { return this.energyPerStand; } public int getParticleColors() { return this.particleColor; } public static class Serializer implements RecipeSerializer { private static final Codec CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( instance -> ItemStack.RESULT_CODEC.fieldOf("result").forGetter(recipe -> recipe.output), Ingredient.CODEC_NONEMPTY.fieldOf("base").forGetter(recipe -> recipe.input), Ingredient.CODEC_NONEMPTY .listOf() .fieldOf("modifiers") .flatXmap( list -> { Ingredient[] aingredient = list .toArray(Ingredient[]::new); if (aingredient.length == 0) { return DataResult.error(() -> "No modifiers for Empowering recipe"); } else { return aingredient.length != 4 ? DataResult.error(() -> "Must have exactly 4 modifiers. has: %s".formatted(aingredient.length)) : DataResult.success(NonNullList.of(Ingredient.EMPTY, aingredient)); } }, DataResult::success ) .forGetter(recipe -> recipe.modifiers), Codec.INT.fieldOf("energy").forGetter(recipe -> recipe.energyPerStand), Codec.INT.fieldOf("color").forGetter(recipe -> recipe.particleColor), Codec.INT.fieldOf("time").forGetter(recipe -> recipe.time) ) .apply(instance, EmpowererRecipe::new) ); @Override public Codec codec() { return CODEC; } // @Override // @Nonnull // public EmpowererRecipe fromJson(@Nonnull ResourceLocation pRecipeId, @Nonnull JsonObject pJson) { // Ingredient base = Ingredient.fromJson(GsonHelper.getAsJsonObject(pJson, "base")); // // JsonArray modifiers = GsonHelper.getAsJsonArray(pJson, "modifiers"); // if (modifiers.size() != 4) // throw new IllegalStateException(pRecipeId.toString() + ": Must have exactly 4 modifiers, has: " + modifiers.size()); // // Ingredient mod1 = Ingredient.fromJson(modifiers.get(0)); // Ingredient mod2 = Ingredient.fromJson(modifiers.get(1)); // Ingredient mod3 = Ingredient.fromJson(modifiers.get(2)); // Ingredient mod4 = Ingredient.fromJson(modifiers.get(3)); // int energy = GsonHelper.getAsInt(pJson, "energy"); // int color = GsonHelper.getAsInt(pJson, "color"); // int time = GsonHelper.getAsInt(pJson, "time"); // JsonObject resultObject = GsonHelper.getAsJsonObject(pJson, "result"); // ItemStack result = new ItemStack(GsonHelper.getAsItem(resultObject, "item")); // // return new EmpowererRecipe(pRecipeId, result, base, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, energy, color, time); // } @Nullable @Override public EmpowererRecipe fromNetwork(FriendlyByteBuf pBuffer) { ItemStack result = pBuffer.readItem(); Ingredient input = Ingredient.fromNetwork(pBuffer); int i = pBuffer.readVarInt(); NonNullList nonnulllist = NonNullList.withSize(i, Ingredient.EMPTY); for (int j = 0; j < nonnulllist.size(); ++j) { nonnulllist.set(j, Ingredient.fromNetwork(pBuffer)); } int energy = pBuffer.readInt(); int color = pBuffer.readInt(); int time = pBuffer.readInt(); return new EmpowererRecipe(result, input, nonnulllist, energy, color, time); } @Override public void toNetwork(FriendlyByteBuf pBuffer, EmpowererRecipe pRecipe) { pBuffer.writeItem(pRecipe.output); pRecipe.input.toNetwork(pBuffer); pBuffer.writeVarInt(pRecipe.modifiers.size()); for (Ingredient modifier : pRecipe.modifiers) { modifier.toNetwork(pBuffer); } pBuffer.writeInt(pRecipe.energyPerStand); pBuffer.writeInt(pRecipe.particleColor); pBuffer.writeInt(pRecipe.time); } } }