package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.crafting; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.api.misc.IDisableableItem; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.RegistryHandler; import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.ModUtil; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.Ingredient; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes; import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper; import net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.ShapedPrimer; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreIngredient; import java.util.List; //This class created by Shadows_of_Fire //MIT License public final class RecipeHelper{ private static int j = 0; private static final String MODID = ModUtil.MOD_ID; private static final String MODNAME = ModUtil.NAME; public static final List RECIPE_LIST = RegistryHandler.RECIPES_TO_REGISTER; /* * This adds the recipe to the list of crafting recipes. Since who cares about names, it adds it as recipesX, where X is the current recipe you are adding. */ public static void addRecipe(int j, IRecipe rec){ addRecipe("recipes"+j, rec); } /* * This adds the recipe to the list of crafting recipes. Cares about names. */ public static void addRecipe(String name, IRecipe rec){ Item i = rec.getRecipeOutput().getItem(); if(i instanceof IDisableableItem && ((IDisableableItem) i).isDisabled()) rec = new BlankRecipe(); if(rec.getRegistryName() == null){ RECIPE_LIST.add(rec.setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(MODID, name))); } else{ RECIPE_LIST.add(rec); } RecipeHandler.lastRecipe = rec; } /* * This adds a shaped recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format. */ public static void addOldShaped(ItemStack output, Object... input){ ShapedPrimer primer = CraftingHelper.parseShaped(input); addRecipe(j++, new ShapedRecipes(new ResourceLocation(MODID, "recipes"+j).toString(), primer.width, primer.height, primer.input, output)); } /* * This adds a shaped recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format, with a custom group. */ public static void addOldShaped(String group, ItemStack output, Object... input){ ShapedPrimer primer = CraftingHelper.parseShaped(input); addRecipe(j++, new ShapedRecipes(new ResourceLocation(MODID, group).toString(), primer.width, primer.height, primer.input, output)); } /* * This adds a shaped recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format, with a custom group. */ public static void addOldShaped(String name, String group, ItemStack output, Object... input){ ShapedPrimer primer = CraftingHelper.parseShaped(input); addRecipe(j++, new ShapedRecipes(new ResourceLocation(MODID, group).toString(), primer.width, primer.height, primer.input, output).setRegistryName(MODID, name)); } /* * This adds a shapeless recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format. */ public static void addOldShapeless(ItemStack output, Object... input){ addRecipe(j++, new ShapelessRecipes(new ResourceLocation(MODID, "recipes"+j).toString(), output, createInput(input))); } /* * This adds a shapeless recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format, with a custom group. */ public static void addOldShapeless(String group, ItemStack output, Object... input){ addRecipe(j++, new ShapelessRecipes(new ResourceLocation(MODID, group).toString(), output, createInput(input))); } public static void addOldShapeless(String name, String group, ItemStack output, Object... input){ addRecipe(j++, new ShapelessRecipes(new ResourceLocation(MODID, group).toString(), output, createInput(input)) .setRegistryName(MODID, name)); } /* * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output using an array of inputs. Use Strings for OreDictionary support. This array is not ordered. */ public static void addShapeless(ItemStack output, Object... inputs){ addRecipe(j++, new ShapelessRecipes(MODID+":"+j, output, createInput(inputs))); } public static void addShapeless(Item output, Object... inputs){ addShapeless(new ItemStack(output), inputs); } public static void addShapeless(Block output, Object... inputs){ addShapeless(new ItemStack(output), inputs); } /* * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output using an array of inputs. Use Strings for OreDictionary support. This array is not ordered. This has a custom group. */ public static void addShapeless(String group, ItemStack output, Object... inputs){ addRecipe(j++, new ShapelessRecipes(MODID+":"+group, output, createInput(inputs))); } public static void addShapeless(String group, Item output, Object... inputs){ addShapeless(group, new ItemStack(output), inputs); } public static void addShapeless(String group, Block output, Object... inputs){ addShapeless(group, new ItemStack(output), inputs); } /* * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output on a crafting grid that is W x H, using an array of inputs. Use null for nothing, use Strings for OreDictionary support, this array must have a length of width * height. * This array is ordered, and items must follow from left to right, top to bottom of the crafting grid. */ public static void addShaped(ItemStack output, int width, int height, Object... input){ addRecipe(j++, genShaped(output, width, height, input)); } public static void addShaped(Item output, int width, int height, Object... input){ addShaped(new ItemStack(output), width, height, input); } public static void addShaped(Block output, int width, int height, Object... input){ addShaped(new ItemStack(output), width, height, input); } /* * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output on a crafting grid that is W x H, using an array of inputs. Use null for nothing, use Strings for OreDictionary support, this array must have a length of width * height. * This array is ordered, and items must follow from left to right, top to bottom of the crafting grid. This has a custom group. */ public static void addShaped(String group, ItemStack output, int width, int height, Object... input){ addRecipe(j++, genShaped(MODID+":"+group, output, width, height, input)); } public static void addShaped(String group, Item output, int width, int height, Object... input){ addShaped(group, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input); } public static void addShaped(String group, Block output, int width, int height, Object... input){ addShaped(group, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input); } public static ShapedRecipes genShaped(ItemStack output, int l, int w, Object[] input){ if(input[0] instanceof Object[]){ input = (Object[])input[0]; } if(l*w != input.length){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Attempted to add invalid shaped recipe. Complain to the author of "+MODNAME); } NonNullList inputL = NonNullList.create(); for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++){ Object k = input[i]; if(k instanceof String){ inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String)k)); } else if(k instanceof ItemStack && !((ItemStack)k).isEmpty()){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack)k)); } else if(k instanceof Item){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item)k))); } else if(k instanceof Block){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block)k))); } else{ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.EMPTY); } } return new ShapedRecipes(MODID+":"+j, l, w, inputL, output); } public static ShapedRecipes genShaped(String group, ItemStack output, int l, int w, Object[] input){ if(input[0] instanceof List){ input = ((List)input[0]).toArray(); } else if(input[0] instanceof Object[]){ input = (Object[])input[0]; } if(l*w != input.length){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Attempted to add invalid shaped recipe. Complain to the author of "+MODNAME); } NonNullList inputL = NonNullList.create(); for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++){ Object k = input[i]; if(k instanceof String){ inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String)k)); } else if(k instanceof ItemStack && !((ItemStack)k).isEmpty()){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack)k)); } else if(k instanceof Item){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item)k))); } else if(k instanceof Block){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block)k))); } else{ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.EMPTY); } } return new ShapedRecipes(group, l, w, inputL, output); } public static NonNullList createInput(Object[] input){ if(input[0] instanceof List){ input = ((List)input[0]).toArray(); } else if(input[0] instanceof Object[]){ input = (Object[])input[0]; } NonNullList inputL = NonNullList.create(); for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++){ Object k = input[i]; if(k instanceof String){ inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String)k)); } else if(k instanceof ItemStack){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack)k)); } else if(k instanceof Item){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item)k))); } else if(k instanceof Block){ inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block)k))); } else{ throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Attempted to add invalid shapeless recipe. Complain to the author of "+MODNAME); } } return inputL; } }