Michael Hillcox 3e61998ca8
Utils porting
2020-10-31 21:31:04 +00:00

46 lines
2.2 KiB

package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.common.util;
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.common.ActuallyAdditions;
import net.minecraft.item.Rarity;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting;
public final class Util {
@Deprecated // canitzp: Wildcards and Oredict not supported anymore -> Tags
public static final int WILDCARD = -1;//OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE;
public static final int BUCKET = 1000;
public static final Rarity CRYSTAL_RED_RARITY = addRarity("crystalRed", TextFormatting.DARK_RED, ActuallyAdditions.NAME + " Red Crystal");
public static final Rarity CRYSTAL_BLUE_RARITY = addRarity("crystalBlue", TextFormatting.DARK_BLUE, ActuallyAdditions.NAME + " Blue Crystal");
public static final Rarity CRYSTAL_LIGHT_BLUE_RARITY = addRarity("crystalLightBlue", TextFormatting.BLUE, ActuallyAdditions.NAME + " Light Blue Crystal");
public static final Rarity CRYSTAL_BLACK_RARITY = addRarity("crystalBlack", TextFormatting.DARK_GRAY, ActuallyAdditions.NAME + " Black Crystal");
public static final Rarity CRYSTAL_GREEN_RARITY = addRarity("crystalGreen", TextFormatting.DARK_GREEN, ActuallyAdditions.NAME + " Green Crystal");
public static final Rarity CRYSTAL_WHITE_RARITY = addRarity("crystalWhite", TextFormatting.GRAY, ActuallyAdditions.NAME + " White Crystal");
public static final Rarity FALLBACK_RARITY = addRarity("fallback", TextFormatting.STRIKETHROUGH, ActuallyAdditions.NAME + " Fallback");
private static Rarity addRarity(String name, TextFormatting color, String displayName) {
return Rarity.create(displayName, color);
public static boolean isDevVersion() {
return false; // ActuallyAdditions.VERSION.equals("@VERSION@"); //todo: reimplement
@Deprecated // canitzp: should not be used and removed asap
public static boolean isClient() {
return false;//FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide().isClient();
private static String[] splitVersion() {
return "1-1".split("-"); // ActuallyAdditions.VERSION.split("-"); todo: implement
public static String getMcVersion() {
return splitVersion()[0];
public static String getMajorModVersion() {
return splitVersion()[1].substring(1);