2015-05-22 17:48:50 +02:00

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package powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.rednet.connectivity;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Defines how RedNet cable connects to a block
* <p>
* None: RedNet will never connect to this block (if this is all you want: use IRedNetNoConnection)
* <p>
* CableSingle: Connections will use the cable renderer with a single band, best used for whole blocks
* <br>
* PlateSingle: Connections will use the plate renderer with a single band, used for conveyers and rails
* <p>
* CableAll: Connections permit access to all 16 bands
* <br>
* PlateAll: Connections permit access to all 16 bands
* <p><p>
* Forced connection modes are best used for decoration blocks: RedNet will not connect normally,
* but will if the user forces it. Typically, IRedNetDecorative is desired for this instead
* <p>
* ForcedCableSingle: Connections permit access to a single band, only when the cable is in forced connection mode
* <br>
* ForcedPlateSingle: Connections permit access to a single band, only when the cable is in forced connection mode
* <p>
* ForcedCableAll: Connections permit access to all 16 bands, only when the cable is in forced connection mode
* <br>
* ForcedPlateAll: Connections permit access to all 16 bands, only when the cable is in forced connection mode
* <p><p>
* The decorative nodes are for when you want rednet to decide how to connect to your block,
* but also need to receive full updates from the network.
* <p>
* DecorativeSingle: Connections permit access to a single band, using standard connection logic
* <br>
* DecorativeAll: Connections permit access to all 16 bands, using standard connection logic
* <br>
* ForcedDecorativeSingle: Connections permit access to a single band, only when the cable is in forced connection mode
* <br>
* ForcedDecorativeAll: Connections permit access to all 16 bands, only when the cable is in forced connection mode
public enum RedNetConnectionType
None, // 0; 0000000
CableSingle, // 11; 0001011
PlateSingle, // 13; 0001101
CableAll, // 19; 0010011
PlateAll, // 21; 0010101
ForcedCableSingle, // 43; 0101011
ForcedPlateSingle, // 45; 0101101
ForcedCableAll, // 51; 0110011
ForcedPlateAll, // 53; 0110101
DecorativeSingle, // NA; 0001001
DecorativeAll, // NA; 0010001
ForcedDecorativeSingle, // NA; 0101001
ForcedDecorativeAll; // NA; 0110001
public final boolean isConnected = this.ordinal() != 0; // 0 bit (mask: 1)
public final boolean isSingleSubnet ="Single"); // 3 bit (mask: 8)
public final boolean isAllSubnets ="All"); // 4 bit (mask: 16)
public final boolean isPlate ="Plate"); // 2 bit (mask: 4)
public final boolean isCable ="Cable"); // 1 bit (mask: 2)
public final boolean isConnectionForced ="Forced"); // 5 bit (mask: 32)
public final boolean isDecorative ="Decorative");
public final short flags = toFlags(isConnected, isCable, isPlate,
isSingleSubnet, isAllSubnets, isConnectionForced);
public static final RedNetConnectionType fromFlags(short flags)
return connections.get(flags);
private static final short toFlags(boolean ...flags)
short ret = 0;
for (int i = flags.length; i --> 0;)
ret |= (flags[i] ? 1 : 0) << i;
return ret;
private static final Map<Short, RedNetConnectionType> connections = new HashMap<Short, RedNetConnectionType>();
static {
for (RedNetConnectionType type : RedNetConnectionType.values())
connections.put(type.flags, type);