Shadows_of_Fire 8cd9c6a095 Closes #1044
2018-03-19 12:05:28 -04:00

121 lines
3.5 KiB

* This file ("") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft.
* It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed
* under the Actually Additions License to be found at
* View the source code at
* © 2015-2017 Ellpeck
package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.tile;
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.StackUtil;
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.util.WorldUtil;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidBlock;
public class TileEntityBreaker extends TileEntityInventoryBase {
public boolean isPlacer;
private int currentTime;
public TileEntityBreaker(int slots, String name) {
super(slots, name);
public TileEntityBreaker() {
super(9, "breaker");
this.isPlacer = false;
public void writeSyncableNBT(NBTTagCompound compound, NBTType type) {
super.writeSyncableNBT(compound, type);
if (type != NBTType.SAVE_BLOCK) {
compound.setInteger("CurrentTime", this.currentTime);
public void readSyncableNBT(NBTTagCompound compound, NBTType type) {
super.readSyncableNBT(compound, type);
if (type != NBTType.SAVE_BLOCK) {
this.currentTime = compound.getInteger("CurrentTime");
public void updateEntity() {
if (! {
if (!this.isRedstonePowered && !this.isPulseMode) {
if (this.currentTime > 0) {
if (this.currentTime <= 0) {
} else {
this.currentTime = 15;
public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int i, ItemStack stack) {
return this.isPlacer;
private void doWork() {
EnumFacing side = WorldUtil.getDirectionByPistonRotation(world.getBlockState(pos));
BlockPos breakCoords = pos.offset(side);
IBlockState stateToBreak = world.getBlockState(breakCoords);
Block blockToBreak = stateToBreak.getBlock();
if (!this.isPlacer && blockToBreak != Blocks.AIR && !(blockToBreak instanceof BlockLiquid) && !(blockToBreak instanceof IFluidBlock) && stateToBreak.getBlockHardness(, breakCoords) >= 0.0F) {
NonNullList<ItemStack> drops = NonNullList.create();
blockToBreak.getDrops(drops, world, breakCoords, stateToBreak, 0);
float chance = WorldUtil.fireFakeHarvestEventsForDropChance(drops, world, breakCoords);
if (chance > 0 && world.rand.nextFloat() <= chance) {
if (WorldUtil.addToInventory(slots, drops, false)) {, breakCoords, Block.getStateId(stateToBreak));;
WorldUtil.addToInventory(slots, drops, true);
} else if (this.isPlacer) {
int theSlot = WorldUtil.findFirstFilledSlot(slots);
this.slots.setStackInSlot(theSlot, WorldUtil.useItemAtSide(side, world, pos, slots.getStackInSlot(theSlot)));
if (!StackUtil.isValid(slots.getStackInSlot(theSlot))) {
this.slots.setStackInSlot(theSlot, StackUtil.getEmpty());
public boolean canExtractItem(int slot, ItemStack stack) {
return true;
public boolean isRedstoneToggle() {
return true;
public void activateOnPulse() {