2024-03-03 01:20:53 +01:00

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* This file ("") is part of the Actually Additions mod for Minecraft.
* It is created and owned by Ellpeck and distributed
* under the Actually Additions License to be found at
* View the source code at
* © 2015-2017 Ellpeck
package de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.blocks;
import de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.blocks.base.BlockBushBase;
public class BlockWildPlant extends BlockBushBase {
// public static final TheWildPlants[] ALL_WILD_PLANTS = TheWildPlants.values();
// public static final PropertyEnum<TheWildPlants> TYPE = PropertyEnum.create("type", TheWildPlants.class);
public BlockWildPlant() {
super(Properties.of().mapColor(MapColor.PLANT).pushReaction(PushReaction.DESTROY).sound(SoundType.GRASS).strength(0, 0));
// this.setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT);
// TODO: [port] ADD BACK
// @Override
// public boolean canBlockStay(World world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
// BlockPos offset = pos.down();
// BlockState offsetState = world.getBlockState(offset);
// Block offsetBlock = offsetState.getBlock();
// return state.getValue(TYPE) == TheWildPlants.RICE
// ? offsetState.getMaterial() == Material.WATER
// : offsetBlock.canSustainPlant(offsetState, world, offset, Direction.UP, this);
// }
// @Override
// public ItemStack getPickBlock(BlockState state, RayTraceResult target, World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player) {
// BlockPlant normal = (BlockPlant) state.getValue(TYPE).getNormalVersion();
// return new ItemStack(normal.seedItem);
// }
// @Override
// public void getSubBlocks(CreativeTabs tab, NonNullList<ItemStack> list) {
// for (int j = 0; j < ALL_WILD_PLANTS.length; j++) {
// list.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, j));
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void getDrops(NonNullList<ItemStack> drops, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, int fortune) {
// Block normal = state.getValue(TYPE).getNormalVersion();
// normal.getDrops(drops, world, pos, normal.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockCrops.AGE, 7), fortune);
// }
// @Override
// public boolean canSilkHarvest(World world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, PlayerEntity player) {
// return false;
// }
// @Override
// protected ItemBlockBase getItemBlock() {
// return new TheItemBlock(this);
// }
// @Override
// public boolean shouldAddCreative() {
// return false;
// }
// @Override
// public void registerRendering() {
// for (int i = 0; i < ALL_WILD_PLANTS.length; i++) {
// ActuallyAdditions.PROXY.addRenderRegister(new ItemStack(this, 1, i), this.getRegistryName(), TYPE.getName() + "=" + ALL_WILD_PLANTS[i].getName());
// }
// }
// @Override
// public BlockState getStateFromMeta(int meta) {
// return this.getDefaultState().withProperty(TYPE, TheWildPlants.values()[meta]);
// }
// @Override
// public int getMetaFromState(BlockState state) {
// return state.getValue(TYPE).ordinal();
// }
// @Override
// protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState() {
// return new BlockStateContainer(this, TYPE);
// }
// @Override
// public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack stack) {
// return stack.getItemDamage() >= ALL_WILD_PLANTS.length
// ? EnumRarity.COMMON
// : ALL_WILD_PLANTS[stack.getItemDamage()].getRarity();
// }
// public static class TheItemBlock extends ItemBlockBase {
// public TheItemBlock(Block block) {
// super(block);
// this.setHasSubtypes(true);
// this.setMaxDamage(0);
// }
// @Override
// public String getTranslationKey(ItemStack stack) {
// return stack.getItemDamage() >= ALL_WILD_PLANTS.length
// ? StringUtil.BUGGED_ITEM_NAME
// : this.getTranslationKey() + "_" + ALL_WILD_PLANTS[stack.getItemDamage()].getName();
// }
// }