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itemGroup.actuallyadditions=Actually Additions
achievement.page.actuallyadditions=Actually Additions
fluid.actuallyadditions.canolaoil=Canola Oil
#NEI Integration
container.nei.actuallyadditions.crushingDouble.name=Double Crusher
container.nei.actuallyadditions.ballOfHair.name=Ball Of Fur Usage
container.nei.actuallyadditions.furnaceDouble.name=Double Furnace
container.nei.actuallyadditions.treasureChest.name=Treasure Chest
container.nei.actuallyadditions.treasureChest.info=Items at
container.nei.actuallyadditions.coffee.name=Coffee Machine
container.nei.actuallyadditions.coffee.special=Special Feature
container.nei.actuallyadditions.coffee.maxAmount=Max Amount
container.nei.actuallyadditions.coffee.extra.milk=+01:00, -1 Level
container.nei.actuallyadditions.reconstructor.name=Atomic Reconstructor
container.nei.actuallyadditions.booklet.name=ActAdd Manual
container.nei.actuallyadditions.booklet.header=The <item>Actually Additions Manual<r> reads:
container.nei.actuallyadditions.booklet.noText=Nothing, apparently! But that doesn't matter. Just click the button on the bottom to see the item inside the booklet and look through its pages to find some fancy stuff!
#Damage Sources
death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.1=%s got atomically reconstructed.
death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.2=The Atomic Reconstructor caught %s in its sight.
death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.3=Atomically reconstructing people like %s doesn't appear to work.
death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.4=%s shouldn't have ate that Reconstructor!
death.actuallyadditions.atomicReconstructor.5=%s should have used some re-construction foam.
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscOreBlackQuartz.name=Black Quartz Ore
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscBlackQuartz.name=Block of Black Quartz
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscBlackQuartzChiseled.name=Chiseled Block of Black Quartz
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscBlackQuartzPillar.name=Pillar of Black Quartz
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFeeder.name=Automatic Feeder
tile.actuallyadditions.blockGiantChest.name=Storage Crate
tile.actuallyadditions.blockGrinderDouble.name=Double Crusher
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFurnaceDouble.name=Double Furnace
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFishingNet.name=Fishing Net
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFurnaceSolar.name=Solar Panel
tile.actuallyadditions.blockHeatCollector.name=Heat Collector
tile.actuallyadditions.blockItemRepairer.name=Item Repairer
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscWoodCasing.name=Wood Casing
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscStoneCasing.name=Stone Casing
tile.actuallyadditions.blockGreenhouseGlass.name=Greenhouse Glass
tile.actuallyadditions.blockRice.name=Rice Plant
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscCharcoal.name=Block of Charcoal
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCoalGenerator.name=Coal Generator
tile.actuallyadditions.blockLampPowerer.name=Lamp Controller
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampWhite.name=White Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampOrange.name=Orange Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampMagenta.name=Magenta Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampYellow.name=Yellow Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampLightBlue.name=Light Blue Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampBlue.name=Blue Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampGray.name=Gray Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampLightGray.name=Light Gray Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampGreen.name=Green Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampBlack.name=Black Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampBrown.name=Brown Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampRed.name=Red Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampLime.name=Lime Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampPink.name=Pink Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampCyan.name=Cyan Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockColoredLampPurple.name=Purple Lamp
tile.actuallyadditions.blockPhantomEnergyface.name=Phantom Energyface
tile.actuallyadditions.blockPhantomLiquiface.name=Phantom Liquiface
tile.actuallyadditions.blockPhantomPlacer.name=Phantom Placer
tile.actuallyadditions.blockPhantomBreaker.name=Phantom Breaker
tile.actuallyadditions.blockLavaFactoryController.name=Lava Factory Controller
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFluidPlacer.name=Fluid Placer
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFluidCollector.name=Fluid Collector
tile.actuallyadditions.blockPhantomBooster.name=Phantom Booster
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCoffee.name=Coffee Plant
tile.actuallyadditions.blockWildCanola.name=Wild Canola
tile.actuallyadditions.blockWildRice.name=Wild Rice
tile.actuallyadditions.blockWildCoffee.name=Wild Coffee
tile.actuallyadditions.blockWildFlax.name=Wild Flax
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksGreenWall.name=Green TB Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksWhiteWall.name=White TB Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksGreenStairs.name=Green TB Stairs
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksWhiteStairs.name=White TB Stairs
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksGreenSlab.name=Green TB Slab
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksWhiteSlab.name=White TB Slab
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCanola.name=Canola Plant
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTreasureChest.name=Treasure Chest
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCanolaPress.name=Canola Press
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFermentingBarrel.name=Fermenting Barrel
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCanolaOil.name=Canola Oil
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscEnderpearl.name=Block of Enderpearl
tile.actuallyadditions.blockOilGenerator.name=Oil Generator
tile.actuallyadditions.blockDropper.name=Automatic Precision Dropper
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscEnderCasing.name=Ender Casing
tile.actuallyadditions.blockFlax.name=Flax Plant
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCoffeeMachine.name=Coffee Machine
tile.actuallyadditions.blockXPSolidifier.name=Experience Solidifier
tile.actuallyadditions.blockSmileyCloud.name=Smiley Cloud
tile.actuallyadditions.blockLeafGenerator.name=Leaf-Eating Generator
tile.actuallyadditions.blockDirectionalBreaker.name=Long-Range Breaker
tile.actuallyadditions.blockRangedCollector.name=Ranged Collector
tile.actuallyadditions.blockLaserRelay.name=Laser Relay
tile.actuallyadditions.blockMiscIronCasing.name=Iron Casing
tile.actuallyadditions.blockBlackLotus.name=Black Lotus
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksWhiteFence.name=White TB Wall
tile.actuallyadditions.blockTestifiBucksGreenFence.name=Green TB Wall
tile.actuallyadditions.blockAtomicReconstructor.name=Atomic Reconstructor
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCrystalRed.name=Restonia Crystal Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCrystalBlue.name=Palis Crystal Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCrystalLightBlue.name=Diamatine Crystal Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCrystalGreen.name=Emeradic Crystal Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCrystalBlack.name=Void Crystal Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockCrystalWhite.name=Enori Crystal Block
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputterAdvanced.name=Advanced ESD
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.1.name=Ellpeck's Slot Device
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.2.name=Ethereal System Dude
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.3.name=Energy Stuff Distributor
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.4.name=Existing Stuff Donator
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.5.name=ExtraUtils Stealing Device
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.6.name=Experienced Sauce Deriver
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.7.name=Excellent Spaghetti Dessert
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.8.name=Extraordinary Sample Deliverer
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.9.name=Express Sending Doughnut
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.10.name=Expelling Sugar Dagger
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.11.name=Extra-Long Solidifying Dissociation
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.12.name=Energetic Solo Dancer
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.13.name=Efficient Sucking Dilettant
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.14.name=Extreme Sand Digger
tile.actuallyadditions.blockInputter.add.15.name=Ending Serious Daughter
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscRiceDough.name=Rice Dough
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodRiceBread.name=Rice Bread
item.actuallyadditions.itemRiceSeed.name=Rice Seeds
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscTinyCoal.name=Tiny Coal
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscTinyCharcoal.name=Tiny Charcoal
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscRiceSlime.name=Rice Slimeball
item.actuallyadditions.itemBattery.name=Single Battery
item.actuallyadditions.itemBatteryDouble.name=Double Battery
item.actuallyadditions.itemBatteryTriple.name=Triple Battery
item.actuallyadditions.itemBatteryQuadruple.name=Quadruple Battery
item.actuallyadditions.itemBatteryQuintuple.name=Quintuple Battery
item.actuallyadditions.itemGrowthRing.name=Ring of Growth
item.actuallyadditions.itemWaterRemovalRing.name=Ring of Liquid Banning
item.actuallyadditions.itemSuctionRing.name=Ring of Magnetizing
item.actuallyadditions.itemBucketCanolaOil.name=Canola Oil Bucket
item.actuallyadditions.itemBucketOil.name=Oil Bucket
item.actuallyadditions.itemWingsOfTheBats.name=Wings Of The Bats
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscBatWing.name=Bat's Wing
item.actuallyadditions.woodenPaxel.name=Wooden AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.stonePaxel.name=Stone AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.ironPaxel.name=Iron AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.goldPaxel.name=Golden AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.diamondPaxel.name=Diamond AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.emeraldPaxel.name=Emerald AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.obsidianPaxel.name=Obsidian AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.quartzPaxel.name=Black Quartz AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFCopper.name=TF Copper AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFTin.name=TF Tin AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFLead.name=TF Lead AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFSilver.name=TF Silver AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFElectrum.name=TF Electrum AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFNickel.name=TF Ferrous AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFBronze.name=TF Bronze AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFPlatinum.name=TF Shiny AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelTFInvar.name=TF Invar AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelMTObsidian.name=MT Obsidian AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelMTGlowstone.name=MT Glowstone AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelMTLapisLazuli.name=MT Lapis Lazuli AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelMTOsmium.name=MT Osmium AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelMTBronze.name=MT Bronze AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelMTSteel.name=MT Steel AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelSOadamantium.name=SO Adamantium AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelSOcopper.name=SO Copper AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelSOtin.name=SO Tin AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelSOonyx.name=SO Onyx AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.paxelSOmythril.name=SO Mythril AIOT
item.actuallyadditions.itemPhantomConnector.name=Phantom Connector
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscCup.name=Empty Cup
item.actuallyadditions.itemCoffee.name=Cup with Coffee
item.actuallyadditions.itemCoffeeSeed.name=Coffee Seeds
item.actuallyadditions.itemCoffeeBeans.name=Coffee Beans
item.actuallyadditions.itemCanolaSeed.name=Canola Seeds
item.actuallyadditions.itemResonantRice.name=Resonant Rice
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeSpeed.name=Drill Speed Augment I
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeSpeedII.name=Drill Speed Augment II
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeSpeedIII.name=Drill Speed Augment III
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeSilkTouch.name=Drill Silk Touch Augment
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeFortune.name=Drill Fortune Augment I
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeFortuneII.name=Drill Fortune Augment II (Gives Fortune III!)
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeBlockPlacing.name=Drill Block Placing Augment
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeThreeByThree.name=Drill Mining Augment I
item.actuallyadditions.itemDrillUpgradeFiveByFive.name=Drill Mining Augment II
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscMashedFood.name=Mashed Food
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscPaperCone.name=Paper Cone
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscKnifeBlade.name=Knife Blade
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscKnifeHandle.name=Knife Handle
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscBlackQuartz.name=Black Quartz
item.actuallyadditions.itemTeleStaff.name=Teleport Staff
item.actuallyadditions.itemHairyBall.name=Ball of Fur
item.actuallyadditions.itemLeafBlower.name=Leaf Blower
item.actuallyadditions.itemLeafBlowerAdvanced.name=Advanced Leaf Blower
item.actuallyadditions.itemPickaxeEmerald.name=Emerald Pickaxe
item.actuallyadditions.itemAxeEmerald.name=Emerald Axe
item.actuallyadditions.itemShovelEmerald.name=Emerald Shovel
item.actuallyadditions.itemHoeEmerald.name=Emerald Hoe
item.actuallyadditions.itemSwordEmerald.name=Emerald Sword
item.actuallyadditions.itemPickaxeQuartz.name=Black Quartz Pickaxe
item.actuallyadditions.itemAxeQuartz.name=Black Quartz Axe
item.actuallyadditions.itemShovelQuartz.name=Black Quartz Shovel
item.actuallyadditions.itemHoeQuartz.name=Black Quartz Hoe
item.actuallyadditions.itemSwordQuartz.name=Black Quartz Sword
item.actuallyadditions.itemPickaxeObsidian.name=Obsidian Pickaxe
item.actuallyadditions.itemAxeObsidian.name=Obsidian Axe
item.actuallyadditions.itemShovelObsidian.name=Obsidian Shovel
item.actuallyadditions.itemHoeObsidian.name=Obsidian Hoe
item.actuallyadditions.itemSwordObsidian.name=Obsidian Sword
item.actuallyadditions.itemCrafterOnAStick.name=Crafting Table On A Stick
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodBigCookie.name=Big Cookie
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodSubmarineSandwich.name=Submarine Sandwich
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodChocolateToast.name=Toast o' Chocolate
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodChocolateCake.name=Chocolate Cake
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodFrenchFry.name=French Fry
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodFrenchFries.name=French Fries
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodFishNChips.name=Fish 'N' Chips
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodCarrotJuice.name=Carrot Juice
item.actuallyadditions.itemFoodPumpkinStew.name=Pumpkin Stew
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscCoil.name=Basic Coil
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscCoilAdvanced.name=Advanced Coil
item.actuallyadditions.itemPotionRing.name=Ring of
item.actuallyadditions.itemPotionRingAdvanced.name=Advanced Ring of
item.actuallyadditions.itemSpecialUnknownSubstance.name=Unknown Substance
item.actuallyadditions.itemSpecialSolidifiedExperience.name=Solidified Experience
item.actuallyadditions.itemSpecialBloodFragment.name=Blood Fragment
item.actuallyadditions.itemSpecialHeartPart.name=Part of a Heart
item.actuallyadditions.itemSpecialPearlShard.name=Ender Pearl Shard
item.actuallyadditions.itemSpecialEmeraldShard.name=Emerald Shard
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustIron.name=Crushed Iron
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustGold.name=Crushed Gold
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustDiamond.name=Crushed Diamond
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustLapis.name=Crushed Lapis
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustEmerald.name=Crushed Emerald
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustQuartz.name=Crushed Quartz
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustCoal.name=Crushed Coal
item.actuallyadditions.itemDustQuartzBlack.name=Crushed Black Quartz
item.actuallyadditions.itemFlaxSeed.name=Flax Seeds
item.actuallyadditions.itemHelmObsidian.name=Obsidian Helm
item.actuallyadditions.itemChestObsidian.name=Obsidian Chestplate
item.actuallyadditions.itemPantsObsidian.name=Obsidian Pants
item.actuallyadditions.itemBootsObsidian.name=Obsidian Boots
item.actuallyadditions.itemHelmEmerald.name=Emerald Helm
item.actuallyadditions.itemChestEmerald.name=Emerald Chestplate
item.actuallyadditions.itemPantsEmerald.name=Emerald Pants
item.actuallyadditions.itemBootsEmerald.name=Emerald Boots
item.actuallyadditions.itemHelmQuartz.name=Black Quartz Helm
item.actuallyadditions.itemChestQuartz.name=Black Quartz Chestplate
item.actuallyadditions.itemPantsQuartz.name=Black Quartz Pants
item.actuallyadditions.itemBootsQuartz.name=Black Quartz Boots
item.actuallyadditions.itemBooklet.name=Actually Additions Manual
item.actuallyadditions.itemLaserWrench.name=Laser Wrench
item.actuallyadditions.itemChestToCrateUpgrade.name=Chest To Storage Crate Upgrade
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscDrillCore.name=Drill Core
item.actuallyadditions.itemMiscBlackDye.name=Black Dye
item.actuallyadditions.itemCrystalRed.name=Restonia Crystal
item.actuallyadditions.itemCrystalBlue.name=Palis Crystal
item.actuallyadditions.itemCrystalLightBlue.name=Diamatine Crystal
item.actuallyadditions.itemCrystalGreen.name=Emeradic Crystal
item.actuallyadditions.itemCrystalBlack.name=Void Crystal
item.actuallyadditions.itemCrystalWhite.name=Enori Crystal
tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.connected.desc=<Block connected!>
tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.stored.desc=<Block stored to this Connector!>
tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.unbound.desc=The Connection was cleared!
tooltip.actuallyadditions.inWorld.desc=In World
tooltip.actuallyadditions.boundTo.desc=Bound to
tooltip.actuallyadditions.clearStorage.desc=Place in Crafting Grid to clear storage!
tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.connectedRange.desc=The Connection is fine and working.
tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.connectedNoRange.desc=The Connection is obstructed: It is either not in Range, not in loaded Chunks or not the right type of Block for this Phantom Device.
tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.notConnected.desc=This isn't connected to anything!
tooltip.actuallyadditions.phantom.blockInfo.desc=The connected Block is %s at %s, %s, %s that is %s Blocks away.
tooltip.actuallyadditions.factory.notPart.desc=The Controller isn't part of the right Multi-Block! Look at the Controller's Description!
tooltip.actuallyadditions.factory.works.desc=This Lava Factory is complete and can produce Lava!
tooltip.actuallyadditions.oredictName.desc=OreDictionary Entries
tooltip.actuallyadditions.codeName.desc=Code Name
tooltip.actuallyadditions.baseUnlocName.desc=Item's Unlocalized Name
tooltip.actuallyadditions.unlocName.desc=Meta's Unlocalized Name
tooltip.actuallyadditions.disablingInfo.desc=If you don't want this Information to appear, disable it in the Actually Additions Config!
tooltip.actuallyadditions.ctrlForMoreInfo.desc=Press CTRL for Advanced Info
tooltip.actuallyadditions.extraInfo.desc=Advanced Info
tooltip.actuallyadditions.laser.stored.desc=<Laser stored!>
tooltip.actuallyadditions.laser.connected.desc=<Laser connected!>
tooltip.actuallyadditions.laser.cantConnect.desc=Can't connect: The relays are either part of the same network, the stored relay doesn't exist anymore or it is too far away!
tooltip.actuallyadditions.itemBooklet.desc=Or "Booklet", if you will
#Gui Information
info.actuallyadditions.gui.enoughToBreed=Enough to breed!
info.actuallyadditions.gui.tooMany=Too many to breed!
info.actuallyadditions.gui.notEnough=Not enough to breed!
info.actuallyadditions.inputter.info.1=This is the first Slot in the connected Inventory to <p> at.
info.actuallyadditions.inputter.info.2=This is the slot after the last Slot in the connected Inventory to <p> at. What that means: If you, for example, write 2 in the field to the left and 5 in this one, it will <p> at Slot 2, 3, and 4.
info.actuallyadditions.inputter.whitelistInfo=This applies for this part of the white-/blacklist. The other side applies as well, so you can have some Items whitelisted and some blacklisted. Note that, if you have an empty blacklist or an item whitelisted on at least one side, it will always go through.
#Container Names
container.actuallyadditions.inputterAdvanced.name=Advanced ESD
container.actuallyadditions.grinderDouble.name=Double Crusher
container.actuallyadditions.furnaceDouble.name=Double Furnace
container.actuallyadditions.giantChest.name=Storage Crate
container.actuallyadditions.dropper.name=Precision Dropper
container.actuallyadditions.crafting.name=Crafting Table On A Stick
container.actuallyadditions.canolaPress.name=Canola Press
container.actuallyadditions.fermentingBarrel.name=Fermenting Barrel
container.actuallyadditions.coalGenerator.name=Coal Generator
container.actuallyadditions.oilGenerator.name=Oil Generator
container.actuallyadditions.phantomPlacer.name=Phantom Placer
container.actuallyadditions.phantomBreaker.name=Phantom Breaker
container.actuallyadditions.fluidPlacer.name=Fluid Placer
container.actuallyadditions.fluidCollector.name=Fluid Collector
container.actuallyadditions.coffeeMachine.name=Coffee Machine
container.actuallyadditions.xpSolidifier.name=Experience Solidifier
container.actuallyadditions.cloud.name=Smiley Cloud
container.actuallyadditions.directionalBreaker.name=Long-Range Breaker
container.actuallyadditions.rangedCollector.name=Ranged Collector
#Update Information
info.actuallyadditions.update.generic=[{"text":"There is an Update for "},{"text":"Actually Additions ","color":"dark_green"},{"text":"available!","color":"none"}]
info.actuallyadditions.update.versionCompare=[{"text":"Current Version: "},{"text":"%s","color":"dark_red"},{"text":", newest Version: ","color":"none"},{"text":"%s","color":"dark_green"}]
info.actuallyadditions.update.buttons=[{"text":"["},{"text":"Click for Changelog","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"%s"}},{"text":"] [","color":"none"},{"text":"Click for Download","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"%s"}},{"text":"]","color":"none"}]
info.actuallyadditions.update.buttonOptions=Click: Changelog, Shift-Click: Download! (In Browser)
info.actuallyadditions.update.failed=[{"text":"The Update Check for "},{"text":"Actually Additions ","color":"dark_green"},{"text":"failed! Check Logs for more Info!","color":"none"}]
achievement.actuallyadditions.openBooklet=Screams of Knowledge
achievement.actuallyadditions.openBooklet.desc=Open an Actually Additions Manual
achievement.actuallyadditions.nameSmileyCloud=Your best friend
achievement.actuallyadditions.nameSmileyCloud.desc=Name a Smiley Cloud
achievement.actuallyadditions.craftPhantomface=Zoom, Zoom, Items!
achievement.actuallyadditions.craftPhantomface.desc=Craft a Phantomface
achievement.actuallyadditions.openTreasureChest=Underwater Dungeon
achievement.actuallyadditions.openTreasureChest.desc=Open a Treasure Chest
#Booklet Recipe Names
booklet.actuallyadditions.shapelessRecipe=Shapeless Recipe
booklet.actuallyadditions.shapedRecipe=Shaped Recipe
booklet.actuallyadditions.shapelessOreRecipe=Shapeless OreDictionary Recipe
booklet.actuallyadditions.shapedOreRecipe=Shaped OreDictionary Recipe
#Booklet Entries
booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.gettingStarted.name=Getting Started
booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.functionalNoRF.name=Blocks that don't use RF
booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.allAndSearch.name=All Items and Search
booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.functionalRF.name=Blocks that use RF
booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.generatingRF.name=Blocks that generate RF
booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.itemsNoRF.name=Items that don't use RF
booklet.actuallyadditions.indexEntry.itemsRF.name=Items that use RF
#Booklet Info
booklet.actuallyadditions.recipeDisabled=The crafting recipe for this item is disabled in the Config File! If you're on a server, ask the server author to enable it in the config. If you're on a client, press the 'Open Config'-Button on the top right and enable the recipe!
booklet.actuallyadditions.clickToSeeRecipe=Click to see more Information
booklet.actuallyadditions.amountOfWords=%s words in total
booklet.actuallyadditions.amountOfChars=%s characters in total
#Booklet Chapters
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.name=An Introduction to ActAdd
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.1=<i>For too long have the people of Minecraftia toiled under a relentless whip. A whip more hurtful and more injurious than that of any slave-master: inconvenience. Aye, the thousand million inconveniences that make up the grind, that force players to waste hours- nay, days!- chopping wood and farming wheat and other such mundane tasks, just to momentarily escape the remorseless tedium and experience the true joys of Minecraftia, building, caving and adventuring into the beautiful uncharted abundance
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.2=<i>of the world. Yet no sooner has one immersed oneself in this creative enterprise than the inconveniences return, like millions of furious bees pestering, stinging, swarming all over you until the game ceases to be enjoyable, and you are driven away from it forever. To that end, a certain Ellpeck has created this Actual Addition to the world of Minecraft, that will allow the player to better engage with the core experiences of the game- building and adventuring- by automating and streamlining the monotony that
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.intro.text.3=<i>is grinding in Minecraft. Therefore, Ellpeck humbly presents to you this Actually Additions Manual, that shall teach you the ways of this modification and, ultimately, allow you to transcend inconvenience and attain enlightenment. <rs><n><n> ~by <imp>Tulkas<r>
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.craftingIngs.name=Crafting Ingredients
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.craftingIngs.text.1=<imp>Actually Additions<r> has lots of items that use certain <imp>basic crafting items<r> to be crafted. This chapter has all of these basic items <imp>grouped up<r> so that you can see all of them at once.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz.name=Black Quartz
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz.text.1=<item>Black Quartz<r> is an <imp>Ore<r> that generates in the world <imp>between layer <lowest> and <highest><r>. When broken, it can be <imp>smelted in a furnace<r> or <imp>crushed in a crusher<r> to get broken down into <item>Black Quartz<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.quartz.text.2=<item>Black Quartz<r> items are used in lots of <imp>Crafting Recipes<r> in <imp>Actually Additions<r>. They are very important for most of the Items and, thus, should be mined when found in the world. They can be crafted into a couple of different <imp>Decorative Blocks<r> shown on the following pages. <n><n><i>Nether Quartz, but deadlier
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.cloud.name=Smiley Cloud
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.cloud.text.1=The <item>Smiley Cloud<r> is a magical floating cloud which is getting put to life through the piece of Solidified Experience inside it. It hovers up and down in its place all jolly and fun, and when <imp>right-clicking<r>, you can <imp>give it a name<r>. <n>When giving it certain <imp>special names<r> like <imp>"Ellpeck"<r> or <imp>"AcidBlues"<r>, it will have some special items it carries!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalStuff.name=Coal Stuff
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalStuff.text.1=Sometimes your <item>Coal<r> just <imp>burns for too long or too short<r>, you know what I mean? <n>For that, you can now craft <item>Tiny Coal<r>, <item>Tiny Charcoal<r> and <item>Blocks of Charcoal<r> for using them in a furnace. <n>While the <item>Block of Charcoal<r> burns for as long as a <item>Block of Coal<r>, the <item>Tiny Coal<r> and <item>Tiny Charcoal<r> will burn for <imp>one eighth of a piece of coal<r>, meaning it will <imp>smelt one item in a normal furnace<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lamps.text.1=<item>Lamps<r> are a block providing lots of light, similar to the mystic Glowstone or Torches, but they can be <imp>dyed with all of the 16 different colors<r> either by <imp>crafting them<r> or by placing them on the ground and <imp>right-clicking them with a piece of dye<r>. <n>When <imp>right-clicking<r> them with an empty hand, they will <imp>turn on and off<r>. If you want them, however, to be toggled using <item>Redstone<r> Power, just place a <item>Lamp Controller<r> next to one.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.treasureChest.name=Treasure Chests
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.treasureChest.text.1=A <item>Treasure Chest<r> found underwater.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.treasureChest.text.2=<item>Treasure Chests<r> are a semi-uncommon occurence <imp>in Ocean Biomes<r>. They appear on the bottom of the sea, probably left there by bypassing Ships who threw off or lost some load. These Chests however, <imp>hold some valuable items<r>, if you're lucky. Breaking them won't yield you anything, though, you just have to <imp>right-click them<r> to receive some amazing goodies.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.name=Breakers and Placers
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.1=The <item>Breaker<r>... well.. it breaks blocks in front of it. That's about it. It can be oriented in every direction like a Piston. It can be turned off with Redstone.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.2=The <item>Placer<r>... well... it places blocks in front of it. That's about it. It can be oriented in every direction like a Piston. It can be turned off with Redstone.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.3=The <item>Liquid Placer<r> places blocks that correspond to the liquid you put in via a bucket or pipe in via a pipe. Needs <imp>1000mB<r> to place one block.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.breaker.text.4=The <item>Liquid Collector<r> will collect liquid blocks in front of it and convert them to <imp>1000mB<r> of fluid. That's the equivalent of a filled bucket.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.1=<item>Phantomfaces<r> are a simple way to <imp>connect inventories together<r>, they have a very important twist however: Instead of just connecting two inventories, a <item>Phantomface<r> <imp>simulates the inventory it is connected to<r>, meaning you can put items into and pull out of the Phantomface itself. A <item>Phantomface<r> has a <imp>default range of <range> blocks<r>, but it can be upgraded with a <item>Phantom Booster<r>. <item>Phantomfaces<r> are connected by <imp>right-clicking<r> an inventory with a <item>Phantom Connector<r> and then <imp>right-clicking<r> the <item>Phantomface.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.2=The default <item>Phantomface<r> works for items, like described on the first page.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.3=The <item>Phantom Liquiface<r> acts exactly like the normal <item>Phantomface<r>, but it <imp>works for liquid containing blocks<r>. When given a <imp>Redstone Signal<r>, it can be set to <imp>Auto-Output<r>. Be careful with this though, as it <imp>could cause infinte loops and lag<r> under certain conditions!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.4=The <item>Phantom Energyface<r> acts exactly like the normal <item>Phantomface<r>, but it <imp>works for RF<r>, meaning you can connect it to things like Generators and Crushers.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomfaces.text.6=The <item>Phantom Booster<r>, as explained on the first page, ups the range of <item>Phantomface<r>s by being placed <imp>on top of them<r>. The maximum amount above one <item>Phantomface<r> is <imp>3<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomBreaker.name=Phantom Breakers & Placers
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.phantomBreaker.text.1=<item>Phantom Breakers<r> and <item>Placers<r> work similarly to the normal <item>Phantomfaces<r>, except that they are used to <imp>break and place blocks from a distance<r>. Their default range is <imp><range> Blocks<r>, however. To connect them to blocks to break, just store the block with a <item>Phantom Connector<r> as described in the <imp>Phantomface Chapter<r>. When connecting them to air spaces, just place a block, store it and then break it again.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.esd.text.1=The <item>ESD<r> is a block that works <imp>similar to a Hopper<r> but has <imp>a lot more functionality<r>. <n>You can choose the sides to input and output and you can <imp>precisely configure<r> the range of slots to look at! <n>For more precise information about <item>ESDs<r>, craft one and <imp>hover over the elements in their GUI<r>! <n><n><i>Its actual name is
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.xpSolidifier.name=Experience Solidifier
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.xpSolidifier.text.1=The <item>Experience Solidifer<r> uses the player's experience and turns it into <item>Solidified Experience<r> which can later be used by <imp>right-clicking<r> to get the experience you stored into Item form back onto your character. <n>This is a safe and easy way to store your experience so that it isn't getting lost when you die. <n><item>Solidified Experience<r> also drops from Monsters sometimes as an Extra.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.greenhouseGlass.name=Greenhouse Glass
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.greenhouseGlass.text.1=<item>Greenhouse Glass<r> is a very effective way to <imp>speed up the growth of your plants<r>! When placed anywhere above the plant, as long as there are no blocks below obstructing the path, and there is sunlight above the glass, it will <imp>significantly speed up the growth of the plant<r>! <n>It obviously has to be daytime, too. Thought that was obvious.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fishingNet.name=Fishing Net
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.fishingNet.text.1=The <item>Fishing Net<r> is a block that makes fishing a lot easier! Just <imp>place it above some water<r> and it will, given a little bit of time, automatically catch fish for you! To store the fish, just place a chest above the <item>Fishing Net<r> or let the items spew out of the top and collect them manually. <n><n><i>For the impatient
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.feeder.text.1=The <item>Feeder<r> is a good alternative to a manual animal farm. Place it in the middle of an animal pen and supply it with some wheat, seeds or carrots, depending on the animal you want to feed, and just wait. It will <imp>automatically feed the animals<r> and if there is enough animals near it, it will <imp>shut off on its own<r> to prevent lag or animal overflow. <n><n><i>Greenpeace approves
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.compost.name=Compost and Fertilizer
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.compost.text.1=The <item>Compost<r> is used to make <item>Fertilizier<r> from <item>Mashed Food<r>. <item>Fertilizer<r> acts just like Bone Meal, but can be crafted in a much simpler manner just by crafting <item>Mashed Food<r> and then putting <num> of those inside of a <item>Compost<r> and waiting for a bit. When the mashed food is composted, just take it out by right-clicking again.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.compost.text.3=<item>Mashed Food<r> can be crafted from <imp>any type of food or plantable item<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.name=Storage Crates
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.1=<item>Storage Crates<r> are big. <imp>Really big<r>. They hold tons of items, more than 4 chests worth of them. <n><n><i>"F-in' gigantic"<rs><n> -Some Magazine
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crate.text.2=The <item>Chest To Storage Crate Upgrade<r> allows you to <imp>convert any chest into a Storage Crate<r>, retaining its items! <n>Just <imp>shift-right-click<r> onto the chest to apply it.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.name=Coffee Machine
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.1=The <item>Coffee Machine<r> is a block used to make <item>Coffee<r>, a <imp>potion-like<r> item that gives the user several buffs. <n>To use the coffee machine, you need a <item>Empty Cup<r>, <coffee> <item>Coffee Beans<r>, which can be found in the wild, harvested and <imp>planted on farmland<r> again, <rf> RF/t and <water>mB of Water per cup brewed. <n>On the coffee machine recipe pages at the back, to see what the item does, just hover over the Cup of Coffee.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.2=To actually give your coffee some buffs, <imp>put some of the items shown on the later pages into the slots on the right<r>. <n>The more slots are filled up with one item, the higher the <imp>Amplifier<r> of the effect will be. The <imp>Maximum Amplifier<r> is the max amount of items to be put into one coffee. <n>Order matters: When using, for example, <item>Milk<r> (to see what it does exactly, go to a later page), you are going to have to plan the items out inside the <imp>numbered slots<r> in such a way that it brews the coffee you want.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.3=This is an example of a recipe making a coffee containing <imp>Fire Resistance 1 for 0:20<r> and <imp>Speed 1 for 2:30<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.6=<item>Milk<r> is an important item when brewing coffee: It <imp>adds 2 minutes<r> to all effects of items in slots with lower numbers while <imp>removing 1 amplifier<r>. When the amplifier of an effect is 1, however, it will remove the effect.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coffeeMachine.text.7=<i>The fact that you're reading this means that you either have <imp>HarvestCraft<r><i> installed, or that you're looking at the lang file. <rs><n>This does the same thing as <item>Milk<r>, but for veggie guys.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crusher.name=Crusher and Double Crusher
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crusher.text.1=The <item>Crusher<r> turns every ore, ingot and gem into its corresponding <imp>dust<r> using <rf1> RF/t. <n>When you put in <imp>Ores<r> however, they will yield <imp>2 pieces of dust<r>. <n>The <item>Double Crusher<r> basically does the same, however it can crush two ores at a time and uses <rf2> RF/t. <n>On the following pages, you can see some additional useful recipes for inside the crusher. <n><n><i>He's my crush
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.furnaceDouble.name=Double Furnace
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.furnaceDouble.text.1=The <item>Double Furnace<r> works like a furnace, however, it uses <rf> RF/t and can smelt <imp>two items at a time<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lavaFactory.name=Lava Factory
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.lavaFactory.text.1=The <item>Lava Factory<r> can produce blocks of lava given <imp><rf> RF/block<r>. <n>The Block above it has to be surrounded with 4 Casing Blocks, otherwise it won't be able to produce Lava. <n>Right-Clicking on the <item>Lava Factory<r> will show you if it's able to produce Lava in its current setup. <n><n><i>Lava, for a fact. <n> ory
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.energizer.name=Energizer and Enervator
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.energizer.text.1=The <item>Energizer<r> <imp>charges items that hold RF<r> using its energy supply.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.energizer.text.2=The <item>Enervator<r> <imp>discharges items that hold RF<r> and stores the energy in its energy supply.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.repairer.name=Item Repairer
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.repairer.text.1=The <item>Item Repairer<r> uses <imp><rf> RF/t<r> to repair items that can be repaired in an Anvil <imp>without needing any materials<r>!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalGen.name=Coal Generator
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.coalGen.text.1=The <item>Coal Generator<r> generates <imp><rf> RF/t<r> through the use of everything that can be put into a furnace. <n>Note that it only starts burning something up if there's enough space for the energy generated.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.solarPanel.name=Solar Panel
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.solarPanel.text.1=The <item>Solar Panel<r> <imp>produces <rf> RF/t<r> when it has direct daylight above it and it is daytime. <n><n><i>Panelled walls
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.heatCollector.name=Heat Collector
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.heatCollector.text.1=The <item>Heat Collector<r> is a block that <imp>produces <rf> RF/t<r>. <n>To do that, it needs to be <imp>surrounded with at least <min> Lava Blocks<r> directly around it on any side except the top one. But watch out, it sometimes <imp>destroys some of these Lava Blocks<r>!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.canola.name=Everything Canola
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.canola.text.1=There is lots of stuff that can be produced from Canola (which can be found in the wild and then planted and harvested!): You can make <imp>Canola Oil<r>, <imp>Oil<r> and produce <imp>RF<r> from it. <n>The way to do that is to take some <item>Canola, put it into a <item>Canola Press<r> which uses <pressRF> RF/t. That creates <imp><canola> mB of Canola Oil<r>. Put that into a <item>Fermenting Barrel<r>, let it sit there for a while before it converts into <imp>Oil<r>. That oil can then be used in a <item>Oil Generator<r> to create <imp><rf> RF/t<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.wings.name=Wings Of The Bats
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.wings.text.1=Sometimes, bats will drop <item>Wings<r>. These wings can't really be used to fly, but that's just because they're not powerful enough. <n>To make them more powerful, you can craft <item>Wings Of The Bats<r>. When you have these in your inventory, they will allow you to <imp>fly like in creative mode<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafBlower.name=Leaf Blowers
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafBlower.text.1=The <item>Leaf Blower<r> can blow away tall grass, flowers and other stuff around you when you <imp>hold right-click<r>. There is an <item>Advanced Leaf Blower<r>, which works like the basic one, except that it operates <imp>much faster<r> and <imp>also breaks Leaves<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.aiots.name=All-In-One-Tools (AIOTs)
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.aiots.text.1=An <item>All-In-One-Tool<r> is a tool that is <imp>Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Sword and Hoe in one<r>. They are available in every material and if you have <imp>Thermal Foundation<r> or <imp>MekanismTools<r> installed, there are even AIOTs made of their materials!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.jams.text.1=Once, there was a <imp>Kitty<r> who really wanted some Jam. <n>So I made some <item>Jam<r>. <n>Seriously, this is Jam. You can find it in Village Houses or buy it from the <imp>Jam Villager<r>. <n>Every Jam gives you two different <imp>potion effects<r>!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.jams.text.2=So. <n>You're probably wondering what the names of the jams mean. <n>Now, let me tell you: <n><n><i>-Honeydew Melon and Kiwi <n>-Pineapple and Coconut <n>-Cherry, Apple and Cinnamon <n>-Plum, Apple and Lemon <n>-Grape, Kiwi and Banana <n>-Currant, Banana and Raspberry <n><n><rs>Now, which one is which, you may ask? Figure it out yourself.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.potionRings.name=Potion Rings
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.potionRings.text.1=The <item>Potion Rings<r> have two versions: A <imp>normal version<r> and an <imp>advanced version<r>. <n>The normal version, when you have it in your hand, will give you a <imp>Potion Effect<r> of Level 1. The advanced version can be anywhere in your inventory and gives you an effect of Level 2!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.drill.text.1=The <item>Drill<r> works like a Pickaxe and a Shovel. It uses <imp>RF<r> per block. It can be <imp>charged in an Energizer<r> and upgraded by <imp>right-clicking<r> with it in your hand. There is <imp>a lot of upgrades<r>, but here is an explanation of some of them: <n>The <item>Mining Uprgades<r> enlarge the hole which the Drill digs. <n>The <item>Placement Upgrade<r>, after you right-click it in any slot of your hotbar, will make the Drill able to <imp>place a block from that slot by right-clicking<r>. You can also put a <item>Battery<r> inside the Drill to give it more charge.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.drill.text.2=The <item>Drill<r> can be crafted from either <imp>Diamond<r>, <imp>Emerald<r> or <imp>Redstone and Diamond<r>. Its color will change accordingly.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.staff.text.1=The <item>Teleport Staff<r>, when charged in an Energizer, can be <imp>right-clicked<r> to <imp>teleport you to where you're looking<r>. When you are looking at a block, it will teleport you there, however, when you aren't looking at a block, you can only be looking upwards up to <imp>5 degrees<r>, otherwise the teleport will fail.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.magnetRing.name=Ring Of Magnetism
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.magnetRing.text.1=The <item>Ring Of Magnetism<r>, when it is charged in an Energizer and inside your inventory, uses <imp>RF<r> to suck up items that are farther away than you can pick up by yourself.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.growthRing.name=Ring Of Growth
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.growthRing.text.1=The <item>Ring Of Growth<r>, when it is charged in an Energizer and in your hand, uses <imp>RF<r> to make plants around you grow much faster.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.waterRemovalRing.name=Ring Of Liquid Banning
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.waterRemovalRing.text.1=The <item>Ring Of Liquid Banning<r>, when it is charged in an Energizer and in your hand, uses <imp>RF<r> to remove <imp>Lava<r> and <imp>Water<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.batteries.text.1=<item>Batteries<r> are a good way to store RF to move around. They can be <imp>charged in an Energizer<r> and <imp>discharged in an Enervator<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafGen.name=Leaf-Eating Generator
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.leafGen.text.1=The <item>Leaf Generator<r> can generate <imp>RF<r> just by being placed alongside some <item>Leaves<r>. <n>It will destroy the leaves, generating <imp><rf> RF per leaf broken<r> in the process. <n>By right-clicking the generator, you can see how much RF it has stored. <n>It has a <imp>range of <range><r> blocks.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.longRangeBreaker.name=Long-Range Breaker
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.longRangeBreaker.text.1=The <item>Long-Range Breaker<r> works like a normal <item>Breaker<r>, but it can break <imp>up to <range> blocks in front of it<r>. <n>Per block broken, it uses <imp><rf> RF<r>. <n><n><i>Breaking the <range>th wall
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.longRangeBreaker.text.2=<i>Sequence Breaking
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.dropper.name=Automatic Precision Dropper
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.dropper.text.1=The <item>Automatic Precision Dropper<r> works much like a normal dropper, but it will drop items <imp>without needing a Redstone Signal<r>. <n>It also won't spit them out all over the ground, but it will <imp>drop them straight into the direction you point it at<r>! <n>It can be turned off with a Redstone Signal.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.rangedCollector.name=Ranged Collector
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.rangedCollector.text.1=The <item>Ranged Collector<r> works much like a hopper, in that it <imp>collects items around it<r>, having the power, however, to pick up items that are in an area of <imp><range> blocks<r> around it. <n>It has a <imp>filter<r> that can be set to <imp>white- or blacklist<r>. <n>This comes with a disadvantage, however: It doesn't auto-output its items.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.hairBalls.name=Ball of Fur-s
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.hairBalls.text.1=<item>Balls of Fur<r> dropped by <imp>live<r> cats. <n>More information on the next page.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.hairBalls.text.2=<item>Balls of Fur<r> are an item rarely dropped by <imp>cats<r> which have been <imp>tamed<r> by the player. <n>Cats are very mysterious creatures as they <imp>appear to get everything stuck in their fur<r>. <item>Balls of Fur<r> may seem disgusting at first, but when removing all of the hair by <imp>right-clicking<r>, they will reveal some <imp>valuable items<r>. <n>Or just some String. <n><n><n><i>FUURRRRRR!!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserRelays.name=Laser Relays
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.laserRelays.text.1=The <item>Laser Relay<r> is a block that can <imp>wirelessly transfer RF<r> just by being connected with a <item>Laser Wrench<r>, generating a network. <n>When placing a Power Generator or Receiver next to the relay, it can receive Power <imp>from any other relay<r> in the network. <n>Two relays can be at most <range> blocks apart. <n>During an energy transfer, they have an <imp>Energy Loss<r> of <loss>%.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.blackLotus.name=Black Lotus
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.blackLotus.text.1=Think of this: <n>You need to craft <imp>black wool<r>, <imp>black clay<r> or anything else that <imp>needs black dye<r> but you are just guilty about killing so many <imp>innocent squids<r>? <n>Well, the <item>Black Lotus<r> is exactly the thing you need! <n>Just look around <imp>in the wild<r> a bit, and you will find one, then being able to craft some <item>Black Dye<r> that can be used <imp>instead of Ink Sacs<r> so that you don't need to kill poor squids and L any longer.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.blackLotus.text.2=<i>No, not that one, Vaz
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.name=Crystals and Reconstructor
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.1=For many Crafting Operations in <imp>Actually Additions<r>, you will need <item>Crystals<r> or <item>Crystal Blocks<r>. <n>These can be made using an <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r>. Just place one down facing in any direction and it will <imp>shoot out a red laser<r>. When placing some of the blocks shown on the following pages in front of the laser, they will be <imp>converted into Crystals<r>. <n>During the shooting of a laser and one conversion, it uses at least <imp><power> RF<r>, but the rate varies depending on the converted block.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.2=The way this works is that the laser <imp>searches for a block<r>, and when it finds one, it converts <imp>all blocks and items on the ground<r> in that area into their Crystal forms (if they have one!). <n><n>When trying to power the Reconstructor, at first you will notice that <imp>many power sources require crystals<r> to be crafted. Not to worry, though, as you can <imp>use<r> <item>Coal Generators<r> to create your first couple of crystals before you can <imp>upgrade to better sources<r>.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.crystals.text.4=When you have crafted a couple of items, you might want to find a way to <imp>automate this<r>. <n>There is a very simple way to do accomplish this: <n>Place the <item>Atomic Reconstructor<r> down facing into a <item>Precision Dropper<r> (to find it, look it up in the <imp>All Items and Search<r> Entry!). <n>Next, place a <item>Ranged Collector<r> in the area that has the converted items set as a whitelist. <n>Now you can just chuck your raw materials into the Dropper to convert them!
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.name=Intro to the Manual
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.1=The <item>Actually Additions Manual<r> is very versatile. Here is a quick overview: <n><imp>Entries & Chapters<r><n>An Entry is a general topic while a Chapter is almost always pointed to a specific item. When closing a chapter, the index opens, when closing that, the front page will. <n><imp>Bookmarks<r><n>Bookmarks, as seen on the bottom of the booklet, store the current page when clicked and can restore said page when clicked again. This can be very useful for easy navigation.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.2=<imp>The Buttons at the top right<r> lead you to the Achievements or Configuration Screen. When looking at a chapter that is somehow connected to an achievement, a speech bubble that you can hover over to see the Achievement in question will point to the Achievements Button. <n><imp>The Buttons on the top left<r> can be used to be directed to various Webpages that have to do with the mod. <n>When an update is available, a button to download it will also show up on the top left.
booklet.actuallyadditions.chapter.bookTutorial.text.3=If you, for some reason, want to craft this book again, just take a <item>piece of paper<r> and a <item>canola seed<r> which you can find randomly generated and craft them together!