2015-04-28 20:54:23 +02:00

63 lines
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-Quartz Enchanter
-Lets you enchant Tools with Black Quartz
-Doesn't use Levels
-Needs Quartz and Diamond Blocks instead of Bookcases around
-Instant Teleport Device
-Teleports Players to where they look (Much like the Bukkit Compass)
-Pulls Mobs and Items towards it
-Has a certain Redstone Output depending on Mob Amount
-Can be toggled On and Off
-Void Bag
-Sucks up picked up Items
-Has a Filter
-Destroys excess Items (also determined by a Filter)
-Gets emptied into Chest on Right-Click
-Gets planted in the Water
-Used to make Rice Flour and Rice Bread
-Auto-Crafting Item
-Has a Recipe saved
-Crafts Recipe on Shift-Right-Click if all Items are in Inventory
-TNT Arrows
-Teleport Arrows
-Teleport hit Entities randomly
-Thorn Plant
-Grows on the Floor
-Damages Entities walking on it
-Has Thorn Armor which damages the Enemy
-Cobblestone and Stone Signs
-Allow you to see farther and closer
-With Night Vision Addon
-Sound Irritation Device
-Plays Random or Configured Sounds randomly
-Uncrafting Table
-Decorative Lead
-Can be placed between two Fences for Decoration
-Crafting Table Minecart
-Anvil Minecart
-Dropper Minecart
-Super Speed Track
-File Jukebox
-Plays Sound Files put into your Minecraft Folder
-RF Implementation
-Power Acceptor Block that powers Machines
-Machines still don't accept RF themselves!
-Solar Panel & Heat Collector produce RF