2023-12-20 23:25:54 +03:00

301 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NuGet.Configuration;
namespace Contentless;
public static class Program {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
if (args.Length < 1) {
Console.WriteLine("Please specify the location of the content file you want to use");
var contentFile = new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, args[0])));
if (!contentFile.Exists) {
Console.WriteLine($"Unable to find content file {contentFile}");
Console.WriteLine($"Using content file {contentFile}");
var content = Program.ReadContent(contentFile);
// load config
var config = new Config();
var configFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(contentFile.DirectoryName!, "Contentless.json"));
if (configFile.Exists) {
using var stream = configFile.OpenText();
try {
config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Config>(stream.ReadToEnd());
Console.WriteLine($"Using config from {configFile}");
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine($"Error loading config from {configFile}: {e}");
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Using default config");
var excluded = config.ExcludedFiles.Select(Program.MakeFileRegex).ToArray();
var overrides = Program.GetOverrides(config.Overrides).ToArray();
var referencesVersions = config.References.ToDictionary(x => x, x => (string)null, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (config.References.Length > 0)
if (args.Length < 2) {
Console.WriteLine("Please specify the full path of project file, you want to use");
var csprojPath = args[1];
Console.WriteLine($"Using project file {csprojPath}");
var projectRootElement = ProjectRootElement.Open(csprojPath);
foreach (var property in projectRootElement.AllChildren.Where(x => x.ElementName == "PackageReference").Select(x => x as ProjectItemElement))
var libraryName = property.Include;
var version = (property.Children.First() as ProjectMetadataElement).Value;
if (referencesVersions.Keys.Contains(libraryName))
referencesVersions[libraryName] = version;
Console.WriteLine($"Found library version for sync: {libraryName}, {version}");
foreach (var library in referencesVersions)
if (library.Value is null)
Console.WriteLine($"Unable to find library {library.Key}");
var changed = false;
var referencesSyncs = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// load any references to be able to include custom content types as well
for (int i = 0; i < content.Count; i++)
const string ReferenceHeader = "/reference:";
var line = content[i];
if (!line.StartsWith(ReferenceHeader))
var reference = line.Substring(ReferenceHeader.Length);
var libraryName = Path.GetFileName(reference)[..^4];
if (referencesVersions.Keys.Contains(libraryName))
var fullLibraryPath = CalculateFullPathToLibrary(libraryName, referencesVersions[libraryName]);
if (reference != fullLibraryPath)
Console.WriteLine($"Changing library reference from {reference} to {fullLibraryPath}");
reference = fullLibraryPath;
content[i] = ReferenceHeader + fullLibraryPath;
changed = true;
Console.WriteLine($"Skipping library reference {fullLibraryPath} (success sync)");
var refPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(contentFile.DirectoryName, reference));
try {
Console.WriteLine($"Using reference {refPath}");
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine($"Error loading reference {refPath}: {e}");
// check references not in .mgcb now
foreach (var reference in referencesVersions)
if (!referencesSyncs.Contains(reference.Key))
Console.WriteLine($"Please, add reference for {reference.Key} in .mgcb file or remove it from Contentless! Reference was skipped!");
// load content importers
var (importers, processors) = Program.GetContentData();
Console.WriteLine($"Found possible importer types {string.Join(", ", importers)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Found possible processor types {string.Join(", ", processors)}");
foreach (var file in contentFile.Directory.EnumerateFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) {
// is the file the content or config file?
if (file.Name == contentFile.Name || file.Name == configFile.Name)
var relative = Program.GetRelativePath(contentFile.DirectoryName, file.FullName).Replace("\\", "/");
// is the file in an excluded directory?
if (excluded.Any(e => e.IsMatch(relative))) {
if (config.LogSkipped)
Console.WriteLine($"Skipping excluded file {relative}");
// is the file already in the content file?
if (Program.HasEntry(content, relative)) {
if (config.LogSkipped)
Console.WriteLine($"Skipping file {relative} as it is already part of the content file");
ImporterInfo importer = null;
string processor = null;
Dictionary<string, string> processorParams = null;
// override importers
var over = Program.GetOverrideFor(relative, overrides);
if (over != null) {
processorParams = over.Override.ProcessorParams;
// copy special case
if (over.Override.Copy) {
Program.CopyFile(content, relative);
changed = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(over.Override.Importer)) {
importer = importers.Find(i => i.Type.Name == over.Override.Importer);
if (importer == null) {
Console.WriteLine($"Override importer {over.Override.Importer} not found for file {relative}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(over.Override.Processor)) {
processor = processors.Find(p => p == over.Override.Processor);
if (processor == null) {
Console.WriteLine($"Override processor {over.Override.Processor} not found for file {relative}");
// normal importers
importer ??= Program.GetImporterFor(relative, importers);
if (importer != null && processor == null)
processor = processors.Find(p => p == importer.Importer.DefaultProcessor);
// no importer found :(
if (importer == null || processor == null) {
Console.WriteLine($"No importer or processor found for file {relative}");
Program.AddFile(content, relative, importer.Type.Name, processor, processorParams);
changed = true;
if (changed) {
using (var stream = contentFile.CreateText()) {
foreach (var line in content)
Console.WriteLine("Wrote changes to content file");
private static string CalculateFullPathToLibrary(string libraryName, string referencesVersion)
var settings = Settings.LoadDefaultSettings(null);
return Path.Combine(SettingsUtility.GetGlobalPackagesFolder(settings), libraryName.ToLower(), referencesVersion, "tools", libraryName + ".dll");
private static (List<ImporterInfo>, List<string>) GetContentData() {
var importers = new List<ImporterInfo>();
var processors = new List<string>();
foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) {
try {
foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes()) {
var importer = (ContentImporterAttribute) type.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ContentImporterAttribute), true);
if (importer != null)
importers.Add(new ImporterInfo(importer, type));
var processor = type.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ContentProcessorAttribute), true);
if (processor != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine($"Error gathering types in reference {assembly}: {e}");
return (importers, processors);
private static IEnumerable<OverrideInfo> GetOverrides(Dictionary<string, Override> config) {
foreach (var entry in config)
yield return new OverrideInfo(Program.MakeFileRegex(entry.Key), entry.Value);
private static OverrideInfo GetOverrideFor(string file, IEnumerable<OverrideInfo> overrides) {
foreach (var over in overrides) {
if (over.Regex.IsMatch(file))
return over;
return null;
private static ImporterInfo GetImporterFor(string file, IEnumerable<ImporterInfo> importers) {
var extension = Path.GetExtension(file);
foreach (var importer in importers) {
if (importer.Importer.FileExtensions.Contains(extension))
return importer;
return null;
private static bool HasEntry(IEnumerable<string> content, string relativeFile) {
foreach (var line in content) {
if (line.StartsWith($"#begin {relativeFile}"))
return true;
return false;
private static List<string> ReadContent(FileInfo file) {
var content = new List<string>();
using var stream = file.OpenText();
while (stream.ReadLine() is {} line)
return content;
private static void AddFile(ICollection<string> content, string relative, string importer, string processor, Dictionary<string, string> processorParams) {
content.Add($"#begin {relative}");
if (processorParams != null) {
foreach (var kv in processorParams)
Console.WriteLine($"Adding file {relative} with importer {importer} and processor {processor}");
private static void CopyFile(ICollection<string> content, string relative) {
content.Add($"#begin {relative}");
Console.WriteLine($"Adding file {relative} with the Copy build action");
private static string GetRelativePath(string relativeTo, string path) {
if (!relativeTo.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
relativeTo += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
return path.Replace(relativeTo, "");
private static Regex MakeFileRegex(string s) {
return new Regex(s.Replace(".", "[.]").Replace("*", ".*").Replace("?", "."));