using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using Coroutine; namespace Test { internal static class Example { private static readonly Event TestEvent = new Event(); public static void Main() { var seconds = CoroutineHandler.Start(WaitSeconds()); CoroutineHandler.Start(PrintEvery10Seconds(seconds)); CoroutineHandler.InvokeLater(new WaitSeconds(10), () => { Console.WriteLine("Raising test event"); CoroutineHandler.RaiseEvent(TestEvent); }); CoroutineHandler.InvokeLater(new WaitEvent(TestEvent), () => Console.WriteLine("Test event received")); var lastTime = DateTime.Now; while (true) { var currTime = DateTime.Now; CoroutineHandler.Tick((currTime - lastTime).TotalSeconds); lastTime = currTime; Thread.Sleep(1); } } private static IEnumerator WaitSeconds() { Console.WriteLine("First thing " + DateTime.Now); yield return new WaitSeconds(1); Console.WriteLine("After 1 second " + DateTime.Now); yield return new WaitSeconds(9); Console.WriteLine("After 10 seconds " + DateTime.Now); yield return new WaitSeconds(5); Console.WriteLine("After 5 more seconds " + DateTime.Now); yield return new WaitSeconds(10); Console.WriteLine("After 10 more seconds " + DateTime.Now); yield return new WaitSeconds(20); Console.WriteLine("First coroutine done"); } private static IEnumerator PrintEvery10Seconds(ActiveCoroutine first) { while (true) { yield return new WaitSeconds(10); Console.WriteLine("The time is " + DateTime.Now); if (first.IsFinished) { Console.WriteLine("By the way, the first coroutine has finished!"); Environment.Exit(0); } } } } }