![The GameBundle logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ellpeck/GameBundle/main/Logo.png) **GameBundle** is a tool to package MonoGame and other .NET Core applications into several distributable formats. # Installing GameBundle is a `dotnet` tool, meaning you can install it very easily like so: ``` dotnet tool install --global GameBundle ``` # Using By default, GameBundle builds the `.csproj` file that it finds in the directory that it is run from. The bundled outputs go into `bin/Bundled` by default. To build and bundle your app for Windows, Linux and Mac, all you have to do is run the following command from the directory that contains your project file: ``` gamebundle -wlm ``` GameBundle will then build a self-contained release of your application for each system using `dotnet publish` and clean up the output directory using [NetCoreBeauty](https://github.com/nulastudio/NetCoreBeauty) by moving most of the libraries into a `Lib` subdirectory. ## Building a MonoGame Project If you're building a MonoGame project using MonoGame's DesktopGL version or later, you can additionally supply the `--mg` argument to automatically exclude MonoGame's native libraries from being moved into the `Lib` subdirectory, which is a requirement for your game to run. # Configuring GameBundle takes several optional arguments to modify the way it works. To see a list of all possible arguments, simply run ``` gamebundle --help ``` # Future features In the future, GameBundle plans to include the following features: - ~~An option to create a `.app` folder for Mac~~ Implemented in `1.1.1` - An option to create an installer for Windows - An option to create a flatpak (or similar) installer for Linux