using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using MLEM.Extended.Extensions; using MLEM.Font; using MonoGame.Extended.BitmapFonts; namespace MLEM.Extended.Font { public class GenericBitmapFont : IGenericFont { public readonly BitmapFont Font; public float LineHeight => this.Font.LineHeight; public GenericBitmapFont(BitmapFont font) { this.Font = font; } public Vector2 MeasureString(string text) { // For some reason, Extended's bitmap fonts don't take kerning into // account when calculating the size of a single character if (text.Length == 1) text += ' '; return this.Font.MeasureString(text); } public Vector2 MeasureString(StringBuilder text) { return this.Font.MeasureString(text); } public void DrawString(SpriteBatch batch, string text, Vector2 position, Color color) { batch.DrawString(this.Font, text, position, color); } public void DrawString(SpriteBatch batch, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, float scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { batch.DrawString(this.Font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, layerDepth); } public void DrawString(SpriteBatch batch, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { batch.DrawString(this.Font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, layerDepth); } public void DrawString(SpriteBatch batch, StringBuilder text, Vector2 position, Color color) { batch.DrawString(this.Font, text, position, color); } public void DrawString(SpriteBatch batch, StringBuilder text, Vector2 position, Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, float scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { batch.DrawString(this.Font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, layerDepth); } public void DrawString(SpriteBatch batch, StringBuilder text, Vector2 position, Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { batch.DrawString(this.Font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, layerDepth); } public void DrawCenteredString(SpriteBatch batch, string text, Vector2 position, float scale, Color color, bool horizontal = true, bool vertical = false, float addedScale = 0) { batch.DrawCenteredString(this.Font, text, position, scale, color, horizontal, vertical, addedScale); } public string SplitString(string text, float width, float scale) { return this.Font.SplitString(text, width, scale); } public string TruncateString(string text, float width, float scale, bool fromBack = false) { return this.Font.TruncateString(text, width, scale, fromBack); } } }