using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using MLEM.Extensions; using MLEM.Font; using MLEM.Input; using MLEM.Misc; using MLEM.Textures; using MLEM.Ui.Elements; using MLEM.Ui.Style; namespace MLEM.Ui { public class UiSystem { public readonly GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice; public Rectangle Viewport { get; private set; } private readonly List rootElements = new List(); public bool AutoScaleWithScreen; public Point AutoScaleReferenceSize; private float globalScale = 1; public float GlobalScale { get { if (!this.AutoScaleWithScreen) return this.globalScale; return Math.Min(this.Viewport.Width / (float) this.AutoScaleReferenceSize.X, this.Viewport.Height / (float) this.AutoScaleReferenceSize.Y) * this.globalScale; } set { this.globalScale = value; foreach (var root in this.rootElements) root.Element.ForceUpdateArea(); } } private UiStyle style; public UiStyle Style { get =>; set { = value; foreach (var root in this.rootElements) { root.Element.Propagate(e => e.System = this); root.Element.SetAreaDirty(); } } } public float DrawAlpha = 1; public BlendState BlendState; public SamplerState SamplerState = SamplerState.PointClamp; public UiControls Controls; public Element.DrawCallback OnElementDrawn; public Element.DrawCallback OnSelectedElementDrawn; public UiSystem(GameWindow window, GraphicsDevice device, UiStyle style, InputHandler inputHandler = null) { this.Controls = new UiControls(this, inputHandler); this.GraphicsDevice = device; = style; this.Viewport = device.Viewport.Bounds; this.AutoScaleReferenceSize = this.Viewport.Size; window.ClientSizeChanged += (sender, args) => { this.Viewport = device.Viewport.Bounds; foreach (var root in this.rootElements) root.Element.ForceUpdateArea(); }; if (InputHandler.TextInputSupported) { // this needs to be done using reflection because the event and // its argument class don't exist on non-Desktop devices annoyingly new TextInputReflector((sender, key, character) => { foreach (var root in this.rootElements) root.Element.Propagate(e => e.OnTextInput?.Invoke(e, key, character)); }).AddToWindow(window); } this.OnSelectedElementDrawn = (element, time, batch, alpha, offset) => { if (!this.Controls.SelectedLastElementWithMouse && element.SelectionIndicator != null) { batch.Draw(element.SelectionIndicator, element.DisplayArea.OffsetCopy(offset), Color.White * alpha); } }; } public void Update(GameTime time) { this.Controls.Update(); foreach (var root in this.rootElements) root.Element.Update(time); } public void DrawEarly(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { foreach (var root in this.rootElements) { if (!root.Element.IsHidden) root.Element.DrawEarly(time, batch, this.DrawAlpha * root.Element.DrawAlpha, this.BlendState, this.SamplerState); } } public void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { foreach (var root in this.rootElements) { if (root.Element.IsHidden) continue; batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, this.BlendState, this.SamplerState); root.Element.Draw(time, batch, this.DrawAlpha * root.Element.DrawAlpha, Point.Zero); batch.End(); } } public RootElement Add(string name, Element element) { var root = new RootElement(name, element, this); return !this.Add(root) ? null : root; } internal bool Add(RootElement root, int index = -1) { if (this.IndexOf(root.Name) >= 0) return false; if (index < 0 || index > this.rootElements.Count) index = this.rootElements.Count; this.rootElements.Insert(index, root); root.Element.Propagate(e => { e.Root = root; e.System = this; }); return true; } public void Remove(string name) { var root = this.Get(name); if (root == null) return; this.rootElements.Remove(root); root.Element.Propagate(e => { e.Root = null; e.System = null; }); } public RootElement Get(string name) { var index = this.IndexOf(name); return index < 0 ? null : this.rootElements[index]; } private int IndexOf(string name) { return this.rootElements.FindIndex(element => element.Name == name); } public IEnumerable GetRootElements() { for (var i = this.rootElements.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) yield return this.rootElements[i]; } internal void Propagate(Action action) { foreach (var root in this.rootElements) root.Element.Propagate(action); } } public class RootElement { public readonly string Name; public readonly Element Element; public readonly UiSystem System; private float scale = 1; public float Scale { get => this.scale; set { if (this.scale == value) return; this.scale = value; this.Element.ForceUpdateArea(); } } public float ActualScale => this.System.GlobalScale * this.Scale; public bool CanSelectContent = true; public RootElement(string name, Element element, UiSystem system) { this.Name = name; this.Element = element; this.System = system; } public void MoveToFront() { this.System.Remove(this.Name); this.System.Add(this); } public void MoveToBack() { this.System.Remove(this.Name); this.System.Add(this, 0); } } }