using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch; using MLEM.Extensions; using MLEM.Input; using MLEM.Textures; using MLEM.Ui.Style; namespace MLEM.Ui.Elements { public class ScrollBar : Element { public NinePatch Background; public NinePatch ScrollerTexture; public Point ScrollerOffset; public Point ScrollerSize; private float maxValue; public float MaxValue { get => this.maxValue; set { this.maxValue = Math.Max(0, value); // force current value to be clamped this.CurrentValue = this.currValue; if (this.AutoHideWhenEmpty) this.IsHidden = this.maxValue <= 0; } } private float currValue; public float CurrentValue { get => this.currValue; set { var val = MathHelper.Clamp(value, 0, this.maxValue); if (this.currValue != val) { this.currValue = val; this.OnValueChanged?.Invoke(this, val); } } } public readonly bool Horizontal; public float StepPerScroll = 1; public ValueChanged OnValueChanged; private bool isMouseHeld; private bool isDragging; private bool isTouchHeld; public bool AutoHideWhenEmpty; static ScrollBar() { InputHandler.EnableGestures(GestureType.HorizontalDrag, GestureType.VerticalDrag); } public ScrollBar(Anchor anchor, Vector2 size, int scrollerSize, float maxValue, bool horizontal = false) : base(anchor, size) { this.maxValue = maxValue; this.Horizontal = horizontal; this.ScrollerSize = new Point(horizontal ? scrollerSize : size.X.Floor(), !horizontal ? scrollerSize : size.Y.Floor()); this.CanBeSelected = false; } public override void Update(GameTime time) { base.Update(time); // MOUSE INPUT var moused = this.Controls.MousedElement; if (moused == this && this.Controls.Input.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left)) { this.isMouseHeld = true; } else if (this.isMouseHeld && !this.Controls.Input.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left)) { this.isMouseHeld = false; } if (this.isMouseHeld) this.ScrollToPos(this.Input.MousePosition); if (!this.Horizontal && moused != null && (moused == this.Parent || moused.GetParentTree().Contains(this.Parent))) { var scroll = this.Input.LastScrollWheel - this.Input.ScrollWheel; if (scroll != 0) this.CurrentValue += this.StepPerScroll * Math.Sign(scroll); } // TOUCH INPUT if (!this.Horizontal) { // are we dragging on top of the panel? if (this.Input.GetGesture(GestureType.VerticalDrag, out var drag)) { // if the element under the drag's start position is on top of the panel, start dragging var touched = this.Parent.GetElementUnderPos(drag.Position.ToPoint()); if (touched != null && touched != this) this.isDragging = true; // if we're dragging at all, then move the scroller if (this.isDragging) this.CurrentValue -= drag.Delta.Y / this.Scale; } else { this.isDragging = false; } } if (this.Input.TouchState.Count <= 0) { // if no touch has occured this tick, then reset the variable this.isTouchHeld = false; } else { foreach (var loc in this.Input.TouchState) { // if we just started touching and are on top of the scroller, then we should start scrolling if (this.DisplayArea.Contains(loc.Position) && !loc.TryGetPreviousLocation(out _)) { this.isTouchHeld = true; break; } // scroll no matter if we're on the scroller right now if (this.isTouchHeld) this.ScrollToPos(loc.Position.ToPoint()); } } } private void ScrollToPos(Point position) { if (this.Horizontal) { var internalX = position.X - this.Area.X - this.ScrollerSize.X * this.Scale / 2; this.CurrentValue = internalX / (this.Area.Width - this.ScrollerSize.X * this.Scale) * this.MaxValue; } else { var internalY = position.Y - this.Area.Y - this.ScrollerSize.Y * this.Scale / 2; this.CurrentValue = internalY / (this.Area.Height - this.ScrollerSize.Y * this.Scale) * this.MaxValue; } } public override void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, float alpha, Point offset) { batch.Draw(this.Background, this.DisplayArea.OffsetCopy(offset), Color.White * alpha, this.Scale); var scrollerPos = new Point(this.DisplayArea.X + offset.X + this.ScrollerOffset.X, this.DisplayArea.Y + offset.Y + this.ScrollerOffset.Y); var scrollerOffset = new Point( !this.Horizontal ? 0 : (this.currValue / this.maxValue * (this.DisplayArea.Width - this.ScrollerSize.X * this.Scale)).Floor(), this.Horizontal ? 0 : (this.currValue / this.maxValue * (this.DisplayArea.Height - this.ScrollerSize.Y * this.Scale)).Floor()); var scrollerRect = new Rectangle(scrollerPos + scrollerOffset, this.ScrollerSize.Multiply(this.Scale)); batch.Draw(this.ScrollerTexture, scrollerRect, Color.White * alpha, this.Scale); base.Draw(time, batch, alpha, offset); } protected override void InitStyle(UiStyle style) { base.InitStyle(style); this.Background = style.ScrollBarBackground; this.ScrollerTexture = style.ScrollBarScrollerTexture; } public delegate void ValueChanged(Element element, float value); } }