# Changelog MLEM tries to adhere to [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/). Potentially breaking changes are written in **bold**. Jump to version: - [7.0.0](#700-in-development) - [6.3.1](#631) - [6.3.0](#630) - [6.2.0](#620) - [6.1.0](#610) - [6.0.0](#600) - [5.3.0](#530) - [5.2.0](#520) - [5.1.0](#510) - [5.0.0](#500) ## 7.0.0 (In Development) ### MLEM Additions - **Added the ability for formatted (tokenized) strings to be drawn with custom rotation, origin and flipping** - Added a RectangleF.FromCorners overload that accepts points Improvements - Allow NumberExtensions.GetPoints to include bottom and right coordinates ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added the ability to set the anchor that should be used when a tooltip attaches to an element or the mouse - Added the ability to display tooltips using the auto-nav style even when using the mouse - Added the ScissorGroup element, which applies a scissor rectangle when drawing its content Improvements - **Include the SpriteBatchContext in OnDrawn, OnElementDrawn and OnSelectedElementDrawn** - Allow scrolling panels to set height based on children by setting TreatSizeAsMaximum Fixes - Fixed hidden scroll bars inhibiting scrolling on their parent panel - Fixed scroll bars doing unnecessary calculations when hidden - Fixed auto-sized elements sometimes updating their location based on outdated parent positions ## 6.3.1 No code changes ## 6.3.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added GraphicsExtensions.WithRenderTargets, a multi-target version of WithRenderTarget - Added Zero, One, Linear and Clamp to Easings - Added GetRandomEntry and GetRandomWeightedEntry to SingleRandom - Added the ability to draw single corners of AutoTiling's extended auto tiles - Added ColorHelper.TryFromHexString, a non-throwing version of FromHexString - Added ToHexStringRgba and ToHexStringRgb to ColorExtensions Improvements - Stopped the text formatter throwing if a color can't be parsed - Improved text formatter tokenization performance - Allow using control and arrow keys to move the visible area of a text input - Allow formatting codes applied later to override settings of earlier ones Fixes - Fixed TextInput not working correctly when using surrogate pairs - Fixed InputHandler touch states being initialized incorrectly when touch handling is disabled - Fixed empty NinePatch regions stalling when using tile mode - Fixed bold and italic formatting code closing tags working on each other ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added UiControls.NavType, which stores the most recently used type of ui navigation - Added SetWidthBasedOnAspect and SetHeightBasedOnAspect to images - Added the ability to set a custom SamplerState for images - Added some useful additional constructors to various elements Improvements - Allow scrolling panels to contain other scrolling panels - Allow dropdowns to have scrolling panels - Improved Panel performance when adding and removing a lot of children - Don't reset the caret position of a text field when selecting or deselecting it - Improved UiParser.ParseImage with locks and a callback action Fixes - Fixed panels updating their relevant children too much when the scroll bar is hidden - Fixed a stack overflow exception when a panel's scroll bar auto-hiding causes elements to gain height - Fixed scrolling panels calculating their height incorrectly when their first child is hidden ### MLEM.Extended Improvements - Updated to FontStashSharp 1.3.0's API - Expose character and line spacing in GenericStashFont ### MLEM.Data Fixes - Fixed various exception types not being wrapped by ContentLoadExceptions when loading raw or JSON content ## 6.2.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added a simple outline formatting code - Added the ability to add inverse modifiers to a Keybind - Added GenericInput collections AllKeys, AllMouseButtons, AllButtons and AllInputs - Added TextFormatter.StripAllFormatting Improvements - Increased TextFormatter macro recursion limit to 64 - Allow changing the default values used by default TextFormatter codes - Allow setting ExternalGestureHandling through the InputHandler constructor - Allow specifying start and end indices when drawing a TokenizedString - Include control characters in TextInput FileNames and PathNames rules Fixes - Fixed control characters being included in TextInput - Fixed TextInputs behaving incorrectly when switching between multiline and single-line modes - Fixed TextInput drawing characters with the wrong width if a masking character is used - Fixed a multiline TextInput's cursor not returning to the default position when the last character is removed - Fixed GetRandomWeightedEntry distribution not being equal for equal weights Removals - Marked GetDownTime, GetUpTime and GetTimeSincePress in Keybind and Combination as obsolete ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added AutoInlineCenter and AutoInlineBottom anchors - Added UiAnimation system - Added AddCustomStyle and ApplyCustomStyle to UiStyle to allow for easy custom styling of elements - Added UiControls.PressElement - Added TextField.EnterReceiver - Added a copy constructor to UiStyle Improvements - Increased Element area calculation recursion limit to 64 - Improved the SquishingGroup algorithm by prioritizing each element's final size - Allow specifying start and end indices when drawing a Paragraph - Allow elements with larger children to influence a panel's scrollable area - Remove all elements from a UiSystem when it is disposed - Made elements' ui styles be inherited by their children Fixes - Fixed images not updating their hidden state properly when the displayed texture changes - Fixed AutoInline elements overflowing into their parent if it's taller - Fixed Paragraph and Checkbox not reacting to SquishingGroup sizing properly - Fixed TextInput and Slider still reacting to input when they are selected, but not part of the active root - Fixed dropdown menu panels not updating their width when the dropdown's width changes - Fixed removing and later adding children to a scrolling panel showing the scroll bar erroneously ### MLEM.Data Improvements - Improved RuntimeTexturePacker performance for differently sized textures - Allow querying the amount of RuntimeTexturePacker regions ## 6.1.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added TokenizedString.Realign - Added GetFlags and GetUniqueFlags to EnumHelper - Added GetDownTime, GetUpTime, GetTimeSincePress, WasModifierDown and WasDown to Keybind and Combination - Added the ability for UniformTextureAtlases to have padding for each region - Added UniformTextureAtlas methods ToList and ToDictionary - Added SingleRandom and SeedSource - Added TokenizedString.GetArea - Added InputHandler.WasPressedForLess and related methods as well as InputHandler.IsPressedIgnoreRepeats - Added RandomExtensions.NextSingle with minimum and maximum values - Added subscript and superscript formatting codes - **Added the ability to find paths to one of multiple goals using AStar** Improvements - Improved EnumHelper.GetValues signature to return an array - Allow using external gesture handling alongside InputHandler through ExternalGestureHandling - Discard old data when updating a StaticSpriteBatch - Multi-target net452, making MLEM compatible with MonoGame for consoles - Allow retrieving the cost of a calculated path when using AStar - Added trimming and AOT annotations and made MLEM trimmable - Allow specifying percentage-based padding for a NinePatch - Improved the way InputHandler down time calculation works - Allow explicitly specifying each region for extended auto tiles - Added a generic version of IGenericDataHolder.SetData - Allow formatting codes to have an arbitrary custom width - Allow initializing text formatters without default codes and macros - **Drastically improved StaticSpriteBatch batching performance** - **Made GenericFont and TokenizedString support UTF-32 characters like emoji** Fixes - Fixed TokenizedString handling trailing spaces incorrectly in the last line of non-left aligned text - Fixed some TokenizedString tokens starting with a line break not being split correctly - Fixed InputHandler maintaining old input states when input types are toggled off - Fixed Combination.IsModifierDown querying one of its modifiers instead of all of them Removals - Removed DataContract attribute from GenericDataHolder - Marked EnumHelper as obsolete due to its reimplementation in [DynamicEnums](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DynamicEnums) - Marked Code.GetReplacementString as obsolete - Marked TokenizedString.Measure as obsolete in favor of GetArea - Marked non-GenericInput versions of IsDown, IsUp, IsPressed and related methods as obsolete in favor of GenericInput ones ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added some extension methods for querying Anchor types - Added Element.AutoSizeAddedAbsolute to allow for more granular control of auto-sizing - Added Element.OnAddedToUi and Element.OnRemovedFromUi - Added ScrollBar.MouseDragScrolling - Added Panel.ScrollToElement - Added ElementHelper.MakeGrid - Added Button.AutoDisableCondition Improvements - Allow elements to auto-adjust their size even when their children are aligned oddly - Close other dropdowns when opening a dropdown - Generified UiMarkdownParser by adding abstract UiParser - Multi-target net452, making MLEM compatible with MonoGame for consoles - Added trimming and AOT annotations and made MLEM.Ui trimmable - Ensure paragraphs display up-to-date versions of their text callbacks - Set cornflower blue as the default link color - Added TextField.OnCopyPasteException to allow handling exceptions thrown by TextCopy - Avoid paragraphs splitting or truncating their text unnecessarily - Automatically mark elements dirty when various member values are changed - Allow initializing a ui system's text formatter without default codes and macros Fixes - Fixed parents of elements that prevent spill not being notified properly - Fixed paragraphs sometimes not updating their position properly when hidden because they're empty - Fixed panels sometimes not drawing children that came into view when their positions changed unexpectedly - Fixed UiMarkdownParser not parsing formatting in headings and blockquotes - Fixed Element.OnChildAdded and Element.OnChildRemoved being called for grandchildren when a child is added - Fixed an exception when trying to force-update the area of an element without a ui system - Fixed the scroll bar of an empty panel being positioned incorrectly - Fixed UiControls maintaining old input states when input types are toggled off - Fixed an occasional deadlock when a game is disposed with a scrolling Panel present - Fixed UiStyle.LinkColor not being applied to the ui system when changed Removals - Marked Element.OnDisposed as obsolete in favor of the more predictable OnRemovedFromUi ### MLEM.Data Additions - Added data, from, and copy instructions to DataTextureAtlas - Added the ability to add additional regions to a RuntimeTexturePacker after packing - Added GetFlags, GetUniqueFlags and IsDefined to DynamicEnum - Added DataTextureAtlas.ToDictionary Improvements - Allow data texture atlas pivots and offsets to be negative - Made RuntimeTexturePacker restore texture region name and pivot when packing - Multi-target net452, making MLEM compatible with MonoGame for consoles - Added trimming and AOT annotations and made MLEM.Data trimmable - Store a RuntimeTexturePacker packed texture region's source region - Use JSON.NET attributes in favor of DataContract and DataMember - Made JsonTypeSafeWrapper.Of generic to potentially avoid reflective instantiation Fixes - Fixed data texture atlases not allowing most characters in their region names Removals - Marked DynamicEnum as obsolete due to its reimplementation in [DynamicEnums](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DynamicEnums) ### MLEM.Extended Additions - Added Range extension methods GetPercentage and FromPercentage Improvements - Multi-target net452, making MLEM compatible with MonoGame for consoles - Added trimming and AOT annotations and made MLEM.Extended trimmable - **Made GenericBitmapFont and GenericStashFont support UTF-32 characters like emoji** ### MLEM.Startup Improvements - Multi-target net452, making MLEM compatible with MonoGame for consoles - Added trimming and AOT annotations and made MLEM.Startup trimmable ## 6.0.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added consuming variants of IsPressed methods to InputHandler and Keybind - Added SpriteBatchContext struct and extensions - Added InputHandler.InvertPressBehavior - Added ReverseInput, ReverseOutput and AndThen to Easings - Added an Enum constructor to GenericInput - Added RandomPitchModifier and GetRandomPitch to SoundEffectInfo - Added TextInput class, which is an isolated version of MLEM.Ui's TextField logic - Added MLEM.FNA, which is fully compatible with FNA - Added TryGetUpTime, GetUpTime, TryGetTimeSincePress and GetTimeSincePress to InputHandler Improvements - Allow comparing Keybind and Combination based on the amount of modifiers they have - Allow using multiple textures in a StaticSpriteBatch - Added GenericInput support for Buttons.None - Improved the way terminating formatting codes work by introducing SimpleEndCode - Allow RandomExtensions to operate on any ICollection Removals - Marked AStar.InfiniteCost as obsolete ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added Element.AutoNavGroup which allows forming groups for auto-navigation - Added UiMarkdownParser - Added MLEM.Ui.FNA, which is fully compatible with FNA Improvements - Ensure that Element.IsMouseOver is always accurate by making it an auto-property - Started using SpriteBatchContext for Draw and DrawTransformed methods - Make use of the new consuming variants in InputHandler and Keybind to consume UiControls inputs - Allow Tooltip to manage more than one paragraph and make it easier to add new lines - Allow adding dropdown elements at a specified index - Turned Tooltip paragraph styling into style properties - Improved ElementHelper.AddTooltip overloads - Don't query a paragraph's text callback in the constructor - Allow manually hiding a paragraph without its text overriding the hidden state - Added optional isKeybindAllowed parameter to KeybindButton - Allow manually setting a RootElement as CanBeActive Fixes - Fixed auto-nav tooltip displaying on the selected element even when not in auto-nav mode - Fixed radio buttons not unchecking all other radio buttons with the same root element - Fixed elements not being deselected when removed through RemoveChild - Fixed elements sometimes staying hidden when they shouldn't in scrolling panels - Fixed elements' OnDeselected events not being raised when CanBeSelected is set to false while selected - Fixed gamepad auto-nav angle being incorrect for some elements Removals - Marked old Draw and DrawTransformed overloads as obsolete in favor of SpriteBatchContext ones - Marked Tooltip.Paragraph as obsolete in favor of new Paragraphs collection ### MLEM.Extended Additions - Added LayerPositionF - Added MLEM.Extended.FNA, which is fully compatible with FNA Improvements - Allow using a StaticSpriteBatch to render an IndividualTiledMapRenderer ### MLEM.Data Additions - Added the ability to add padding to RuntimeTexturePacker texture regions - Added the ability to pack UniformTextureAtlas and DataTextureAtlas using RuntimeTexturePacker - Added MLEM.Data.FNA, which is fully compatible with FNA Improvements - Premultiply textures when using RawContentManager - Allow enumerating all region names of a DataTextureAtlas - Cache RuntimeTexturePacker texture data while packing to improve performance - Greatly improved RuntimeTexturePacker performance - Allow specifying multiple names for a DataTextureAtlas region Fixes - Fixed SoundEffectReader incorrectly claiming it could read ogg and mp3 files ### MLEM.Startup Additions - Added MLEM.Startup.FNA, which is fully compatible with FNA ### MLEM.Templates Improvements - Updated to MonoGame 3.8.1 ## 5.3.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added StringBuilder overloads to GenericFont - Added ColorExtensions.Multiply - Added SoundEffectInstanceHandler.Stop - Added TextureRegion.OffsetCopy - Added RectangleF.DistanceSquared and RectangleF.Distance - Added GamepadExtensions.GetAnalogValue to get the analog value of any gamepad button - Added InputHandler.TryGetDownTime Improvements - Generify GenericFont's string drawing - Added InputHandler mouse and touch position querying that preserves the game's viewport - Added float version of GetRandomWeightedEntry - Allow LinkCode to specify a color to draw with - Allow better control over the order and layout of a Keybind's combinations - Allow setting a gamepad button deadzone in InputHandler - Trigger InputHandler key and gamepad repeats for the most recently pressed input - Added properties and constructors for existing operator overloads to GenericInput Fixes - **Fixed a formatting Code only knowing about the last Token that it is applied in** - Fixed Code.Draw receiving the index in the current line rather than the current token - Fixed StaticSpriteBatch handling rotated sprites incorrectly - Fixed InputHandler.InputsPressed ignoring repeat events for keyboards and gamepads Removals - **Removed InputHandler.StoreAllActiveInputs and always store all active inputs** - Renamed GenericFont.OneEmSpace to Emsp (and marked OneEmSpace as obsolete) ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added Element.OnStyleInit event - Added UiControls.AutoNavModeChanged event Improvements - Allow for checkboxes and radio buttons to be disabled - Only set a paragraph's area dirty when a text change would cause it to change size - Ensure that a panel gets notified of all relevant changes by calling OnChildAreaDirty for all grandchildren - Avoid unnecessary panel updates by using an Epsilon comparison when scrolling children - Allow setting a default text alignment for paragraphs in UiStyle - Made custom values of Element.Style persist when a new ui style is set - Update elements less aggressively when changing a ui system's style - Automatically update all elements when changing a ui system's viewport - Allow setting a default color for clickable links in UiStyle - Allow ElementHelper's KeybindButton to query a combination at a given index - Allow ElementHelper's KeybindButton to accept a Keybind for clearing a combination - Automatically select the first element when a dropdown is opened in auto nav mode - Improved gamepad navigation by employing angles between elements - Prefer elements that have the same parent as the currently selected element when using gamepad navigation - Allow specifying a custom position for a tooltip to snap to - Allow tooltips to display for elements when selected in auto-nav mode Fixes - Fixed paragraph links having incorrect hover locations when using special text alignments - Fixed the graphics device's viewport being ignored for mouse and touch queries - Fixed auto-navigating panels not scrolling to the center of elements properly - Fixed UiControls allowing for non-selectable or non-mouseable elements to be marked as selected or moused - Fixed buttons and checkboxes changing their CanBeSelected and CanBePressed values when being disabled - Fixed children of Panel scroll bars also being scrolled - Fixed RootElement.CanSelectContent and Element.IsSelected returning incorrect results when CanBeSelected changes - Fixed dropdowns with some non-selectable children failing to navigate when using gamepad controls - Fixed UiMetrics.ForceAreaUpdateTime being inaccurate for nested elements - Fixed tooltips sometimes ignoring manually set IsHidden values - Fixed delayed tooltips sometimes displaying in the wrong location for one frame Removals - Marked StyleProp equality members as obsolete - Marked Element.BeginDelegate and Element.BeginImpl as obsolete - Marked Element.DrawEarly and UiSystem.DrawEarly as obsolete ### MLEM.Extended Improvements - Preserve texture region names when converting between MLEM and MG.Extended ### MLEM.Data Improvements - Rethrow exceptions when no RawContentManager readers could be constructed - Make Newtonsoft.Json dependency optional Removals - Marked CopyExtensions as obsolete ## 5.2.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added a strikethrough formatting code - Added GenericFont SplitStringSeparate which differentiates between existing newline characters and splits due to maximum width - Added StaticSpriteBatch class - Added missing easing functions Quart and Quint to Easings - Added RotationVector extension methods for Matrix and Quaternion - Added DrawExtendedAutoTile to the AutoTiling class Improvements - **Moved AutoTiling to Graphics namespace** - Cache TokenizedString inner offsets for non-Left text alignments to improve performance - Exposed Camera's RoundPosition - Exposed the epsilon value used by Camera - Added Padding.Empty - Throw an exception when text formatter macros resolve recursively too many times - Allow using StaticSpriteBatch for AutoTiling - Made TextFormatter string size based on the currently active font rather than the default one - Allow storing multiple texture regions per SpriteAnimation frame Fixes - Fixed some end-of-line inconsistencies when using the Right text alignment Removals - **Removed deprecated Misc versions of SoundEffectInfo and SoundEffectInstanceHandler** ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Allow specifying a maximum amount of characters for a TextField - Added a multiline editing mode to TextField - Added a formatting code to allow for inline font changes - Added a SquishingGroup element - Added UiMetrics Improvements - **Made Image ScaleToImage take ui scale into account** - **Added style properties for a lot of hardcoded default element styles** - **Allow setting a custom effect and depth stencil state for ui drawing** - **Made StyleProp immutable** - Exposed the epsilon value used by Element calculations - Allow style properties to set style values with a higher priority, which allows elements to style their default children - Allow changing the entire ui style for a single element - Skip unnecessary area updates for elements with dirty parents - Calculate panel scroll bar height based on content height - Remember the location that a scroll bar scroller was grabbed in when scrolling - Automatically set area dirty when changing child padding or paragraph fonts Fixes - Fixed VerticalSpace height parameter being an integer - Fixed text not being pasted into a text field at all if it contains characters that don't match the input rule - Fixed panels that don't auto-hide their scroll bars ignoring their width for child padding - Fixed some inconsistencies with element transformations and mouse interaction Removals - **Removed ScrollBar ScrollerOffset** ### MLEM.Data Additions - Allow RuntimeTexturePacker to automatically dispose submitted textures when packing - Added JsonTypeSafeWrapper and JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder Improvements - **Use TitleContainer for opening streams where possible** - Set GraphicsResource Name when loading assets using RawContentManager Removals - Marked features related to Lidgren.Network as obsolete ### MLEM.Startup Additions - Added virtual InitializeDefaultUiStyle to MlemGame - Added PreDraw and PreUpdate events and coroutine events ## 5.1.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added RotateBy to Direction2Helper Improvements - **Moved ColorHelper.Invert to ColorExtensions.Invert** - **Allow enumerating SoundEffectInstanceHandler entries** - Improved NinePatch memory usage - Moved sound-related classes into Sound namespace - Added customizable overloads for Keybind, Combination and GenericInput ToString methods - Removed LINQ Any and All usage in various methods to improve memory usage - Improved KeysExtensions memory usage Fixes - Set default values for InputHandler held and pressed keys to avoid an exception if buttons are held in the very first frame - Fixed GenericFont MeasureString using incorrect width for Zwsp and OneEmSpace - Fixed tiled NinePatches missing pixels with some scales ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added a masking character to TextField to allow for password-style text fields Improvements - **Explicitly disallow creating Paragraphs without fonts to make starting out with MLEM.Ui less confusing** - Removed LINQ Any and All usage in various methods to improve memory usage - Allow adding Link children to non-Paragraph elements Fixes - Fixed a crash if a paragraph has a link formatting code, but no font - Fixed tooltips with custom text scale not snapping to the mouse correctly in their first displayed frame - Fixed tooltips not displaying correctly with auto-hiding paragraphs - Fixed rounding errors causing AutoInline elements to be pushed into the next line with some ui scales ### MLEM.Extended Improvements - Use FontStashSharp's built-in LineHeight property for GenericStashFont ### MLEM.Data Additions - Added the ability to specify a coordinate offset in data texture atlases Improvements - Improved RawContentManager's reader loading and added better exception handling - Improved CopyExtensions construction speed - Improved DynamicEnum caching Fixes - Fixed DynamicEnum AddFlag going into an infinite loop ## 5.0.0 ### MLEM Additions - Added some Collection extensions, namely for dealing with combinations - Added repeat-ignoring versions of IsKeyPressed and IsGamepadButtonPressed - Added SoundExtensions - Added string truncation to TokenizedString - Added a sprite batch extension to generate a gradient - Added InputsDown and InputsPressed properties to InputHandler - Added text alignment options to tokenized strings Improvements - **Replaced TextInputWrapper with a more refined MlemPlatform that includes the ability to open links on various platforms** - Allow NinePatches to be drawn tiled rather than stretched - Added the ability for Direction2 to be used as flags - Made Padding and Direction2 DataContracts - Expose the viewport of cameras - Greatly improved the efficiency of line splitting for GenericFont and TokenizedString - Improved performance of TextFormatter tokenization - Allow for underline and shadow formatting codes to be mixed with font changing codes - Exposed Keybind Combinations Fixes - Fixed the input handler querying input when the window is inactive - Fixed UnderlineCode ending in the wrong places because it was marked as a font-changing code Removals - **Removed the array-based GetRandomEntry method** - **Removed obsolete ColorExtension methods** ### MLEM.Ui Additions - Added a text scale multiplier value to Paragraph - Added an option to limit auto-height and auto-width in elements to a maximum and minimum size - Added the ability to set a custom viewport for ui systems - Added string truncation to Paragraph - Added a simple way to change the action that is executed when a link is pressed in a paragraph - Added events for when a root element is added or removed - Added an ElementHelper method to create a keybind button - Added text alignment options to paragraphs Improvements - **Removed unnecessary GraphicsDevice references from UiSystem** - Stop a panel's scroll bar from being removed from its children list automatically - Dispose of panels' render targets to avoid memory leaks - Allow changing the color that a panel renders its texture with Fixes - Fixed auto-sized elements doing too many area update calculations - Fixed a rare stack overflow where scroll bars could get stuck in an auto-hide loop - Fixed auto-sized elements without children not updating their size correctly - Fixed panels drawing children early within the render target (instead of regularly) ### MLEM.Extended Additions - Added GenericFont compatibility for FontStashSharp - Added a method to make sidescrolling collision detection easier with TiledMapCollisions - Added some more TiledMapExtension utility methods Improvements - Reversed the y loop in GetCollidingTiles to account for gravity which is usually more important Fixes - Fixed some number parsing not using the invariant culture ### MLEM.Data Additions - Added StaticJsonConverter - Added DynamicEnum, a cursed custom enumeration class that supports arbitrarily many values Fixes - Fixed some number parsing not using the invariant culture - Fixed RawContentManager crashing with dynamic assemblies present