using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using MLEM.Extensions; using MLEM.Font; using MLEM.Formatting.Codes; using MLEM.Misc; namespace MLEM.Formatting { public class TextFormatter : GenericDataHolder { public readonly Dictionary Codes = new Dictionary(); public TextFormatter(Func boldFont = null, Func italicFont = null) { // font codes this.Codes.Add(new Regex(""), (f, m, r) => new FontCode(m, r, boldFont?.Invoke())); this.Codes.Add(new Regex(""), (f, m, r) => new FontCode(m, r, italicFont?.Invoke())); this.Codes.Add(new Regex(@""), (f, m, r) => new ShadowCode(m, r, m.Groups[1].Success ? ColorExtensions.FromHex(m.Groups[1].Value) : Color.Black, new Vector2(float.TryParse(m.Groups[2].Value, out var offset) ? offset : 2))); this.Codes.Add(new Regex(""), (f, m, r) => new FontCode(m, r, null)); // color codes foreach (var c in typeof(Color).GetProperties()) { if (c.GetGetMethod().IsStatic) { var value = (Color) c.GetValue(null); this.Codes.Add(new Regex($""), (f, m, r) => new ColorCode(m, r, value)); } } this.Codes.Add(new Regex(@""), (f, m, r) => new ColorCode(m, r, ColorExtensions.FromHex(m.Groups[1].Value))); this.Codes.Add(new Regex(""), (f, m, r) => new ColorCode(m, r, null)); // animation codes this.Codes.Add(new Regex(@""), (f, m, r) => new WobblyCode(m, r, float.TryParse(m.Groups[1].Value, out var mod) ? mod : 5, float.TryParse(m.Groups[2].Value, out var heightMod) ? heightMod : 1 / 8F)); this.Codes.Add(new Regex(""), (f, m, r) => new AnimatedCode(m, r)); } public TokenizedString Tokenize(GenericFont font, string s) { var tokens = new List(); var codes = new List(); var rawIndex = 0; while (rawIndex < s.Length) { var index = StripFormatting(font, s.Substring(0, rawIndex), tokens.SelectMany(t => t.AppliedCodes)).Length; var next = this.GetNextCode(s, rawIndex + 1); // if we've reached the end of the string if (next == null) { var sub = s.Substring(rawIndex, s.Length - rawIndex); tokens.Add(new Token(codes.ToArray(), index, rawIndex, StripFormatting(font, sub, codes), sub)); break; } // create a new token for the content up to the next code var ret = s.Substring(rawIndex, next.Match.Index - rawIndex); tokens.Add(new Token(codes.ToArray(), index, rawIndex, StripFormatting(font, ret, codes), ret)); // move to the start of the next code rawIndex = next.Match.Index; // remove all codes that are incompatible with the next one and apply it codes.RemoveAll(c => c.EndsHere(next)); codes.Add(next); } return new TokenizedString(s, StripFormatting(font, s, tokens.SelectMany(t => t.AppliedCodes)), tokens.ToArray()); } private Code GetNextCode(string s, int index) { var (c, m, r) = this.Codes .Select(kv => (c: kv.Value, m: kv.Key.Match(s, index), r: kv.Key)) .Where(kv => kv.m.Success) .OrderBy(kv => kv.m.Index) .FirstOrDefault(); return c?.Invoke(this, m, r); } private static string StripFormatting(GenericFont font, string s, IEnumerable codes) { foreach (var code in codes) s = code.Regex.Replace(s, code.GetReplacementString(font)); return s; } } }