### YamlMime:ManagedReference items: - uid: MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation.Completed commentId: T:MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation.Completed id: SpriteAnimation.Completed parent: MLEM.Animations children: [] langs: - csharp - vb name: SpriteAnimation.Completed nameWithType: SpriteAnimation.Completed fullName: MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation.Completed type: Delegate source: remote: path: MLEM/Animations/SpriteAnimation.cs branch: main repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM id: Completed path: ../MLEM/Animations/SpriteAnimation.cs startLine: 166 assemblies: - MLEM namespace: MLEM.Animations summary: A callback for when a sprite animation is completed. example: [] syntax: content: public delegate void SpriteAnimation.Completed(SpriteAnimation animation) parameters: - id: animation type: MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation description: The animation that has completed content.vb: Public Delegate Sub SpriteAnimation.Completed(animation As SpriteAnimation) references: - uid: MLEM.Animations commentId: N:MLEM.Animations href: MLEM.html name: MLEM.Animations nameWithType: MLEM.Animations fullName: MLEM.Animations spec.csharp: - uid: MLEM name: MLEM href: MLEM.html - name: . - uid: MLEM.Animations name: Animations href: MLEM.Animations.html spec.vb: - uid: MLEM name: MLEM href: MLEM.html - name: . - uid: MLEM.Animations name: Animations href: MLEM.Animations.html - uid: MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation commentId: T:MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation parent: MLEM.Animations href: MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation.html name: SpriteAnimation nameWithType: SpriteAnimation fullName: MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation