### YamlMime:ManagedReference items: - uid: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode commentId: T:MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode id: NinePatchMode parent: MLEM.Textures children: - MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Stretch - MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Tile langs: - csharp - vb name: NinePatchMode nameWithType: NinePatchMode fullName: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode type: Enum source: remote: path: MLEM/Textures/NinePatch.cs branch: main repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM id: NinePatchMode path: ../MLEM/Textures/NinePatch.cs startLine: 117 assemblies: - MLEM namespace: MLEM.Textures summary: An enumeration that represents the modes that a uses to be drawn example: [] syntax: content: public enum NinePatchMode content.vb: Public Enum NinePatchMode - uid: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Stretch commentId: F:MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Stretch id: Stretch parent: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode langs: - csharp - vb name: Stretch nameWithType: NinePatchMode.Stretch fullName: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Stretch type: Field source: remote: path: MLEM/Textures/NinePatch.cs branch: main repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM id: Stretch path: ../MLEM/Textures/NinePatch.cs startLine: 123 assemblies: - MLEM namespace: MLEM.Textures summary: >- The nine resulting patches will each be stretched. This mode is fitting for textures that don't have an intricate design on their edges. example: [] syntax: content: Stretch = 0 return: type: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode - uid: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Tile commentId: F:MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Tile id: Tile parent: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode langs: - csharp - vb name: Tile nameWithType: NinePatchMode.Tile fullName: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.Tile type: Field source: remote: path: MLEM/Textures/NinePatch.cs branch: main repo: https://github.com/Ellpeck/MLEM id: Tile path: ../MLEM/Textures/NinePatch.cs startLine: 128 assemblies: - MLEM namespace: MLEM.Textures summary: >- The nine resulting paches will be tiled, repeating the texture multiple times. This mode is fitting for textures that have a more complex design on their edges. example: [] syntax: content: Tile = 1 return: type: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode references: - uid: MLEM.Textures.NinePatch commentId: T:MLEM.Textures.NinePatch parent: MLEM.Textures href: MLEM.Textures.NinePatch.html name: NinePatch nameWithType: NinePatch fullName: MLEM.Textures.NinePatch - uid: MLEM.Textures commentId: N:MLEM.Textures href: MLEM.html name: MLEM.Textures nameWithType: MLEM.Textures fullName: MLEM.Textures spec.csharp: - uid: MLEM name: MLEM href: MLEM.html - name: . - uid: MLEM.Textures name: Textures href: MLEM.Textures.html spec.vb: - uid: MLEM name: MLEM href: MLEM.html - name: . - uid: MLEM.Textures name: Textures href: MLEM.Textures.html - uid: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode commentId: T:MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode parent: MLEM.Textures href: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode.html name: NinePatchMode nameWithType: NinePatchMode fullName: MLEM.Textures.NinePatchMode