pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build Projects') { steps { sh '''for i in **/MLEM*.csproj; do dotnet build $i done''' sh 'dotnet build **/Demos.csproj' } } stage('Pack and Publish (Master)') { when { branch 'master' } steps { sh 'find . -type f -name \'*.nupkg\' -delete' sh '''for i in **/MLEM*.csproj; do dotnet pack $i --version-suffix ${BUILD_NUMBER} done''' sh '''for i in **/*.nupkg; do dotnet nuget push -s http://localhost:5000/v3/index.json $i -k $BAGET -n true done''' } } stage('Pack and Publish (Release)') { when { branch 'release' } steps { sh 'find . -type f -name \'*.nupkg\' -delete' sh '''for i in **/MLEM*.csproj; do dotnet pack $i done''' sh '''for i in **/*.nupkg; do dotnet nuget push -s https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json $i -k $NUGET -n true done''' sh '''/opt/docfx/docfx.exe "Docs/docfx.json" cp Docs/_site /var/www/MLEM/ -r''' } } } environment { BAGET = credentials('3db850d0-e6b5-43d5-b607-d180f4eab676') NUGET = credentials('e1bf7f6c-6047-4f7e-b639-15240a8f8351') } }