using System; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using MLEM.Extensions; using MLEM.Misc; namespace MLEM.Ui.Elements { /// /// A squishing group is a whose automatically get resized so that they do not overlap each other. /// The order in which elements are squished depends on their , where elements with a lower priority will move out of the way of elements with a higher priority. /// If all elements have the same priority, their addition order (their order in ) determines squish order. /// public class SquishingGroup : Group { /// /// Creates a new squishing group with the given settings. /// /// The group's anchor. /// The group's size. public SquishingGroup(Anchor anchor, Vector2 size) : base(anchor, size, false) {} /// public override void SetAreaAndUpdateChildren(RectangleF area) { base.SetAreaAndUpdateChildren(area); // we squish children in order of priority, since auto-anchoring is based on addition order for (var i = 0; i < this.SortedChildren.Count; i++) { var child = this.SortedChildren[i]; if (SquishChild(child, out var squished)) child.SetAreaAndUpdateChildren(squished); } } /// protected override void OnChildAreaDirty(Element child, bool grandchild) { base.OnChildAreaDirty(child, grandchild); if (!grandchild) this.SetAreaDirty(); } private static bool SquishChild(Element element, out RectangleF squishedArea) { squishedArea = default; if (element.IsHidden) return false; var pos = element.Area.Location; var size = element.Area.Size; foreach (var sibling in element.GetSiblings(e => !e.IsHidden)) { var siblingArea = sibling.Area; var leftIntersect = siblingArea.Right - pos.X; var rightIntersect = pos.X + size.X - siblingArea.Left; var bottomIntersect = siblingArea.Bottom - pos.Y; var topIntersect = pos.Y + size.Y - siblingArea.Top; if (leftIntersect > 0 && rightIntersect > 0 && bottomIntersect > 0 && topIntersect > 0) { if (rightIntersect + leftIntersect < topIntersect + bottomIntersect) { if (rightIntersect > leftIntersect) { size.X -= siblingArea.Right - pos.X; pos.X = Math.Max(pos.X, siblingArea.Right); } else { size.X = Math.Min(pos.X + size.X, siblingArea.Left) - pos.X; } } else { if (topIntersect > bottomIntersect) { size.Y -= siblingArea.Bottom - pos.Y; pos.Y = Math.Max(pos.Y, siblingArea.Bottom); } else { size.Y = Math.Min(pos.Y + size.Y, siblingArea.Top) - pos.Y; } } } } if (!pos.Equals(element.Area.Location, Epsilon) || !size.Equals(element.Area.Size, Epsilon)) { squishedArea = new RectangleF(pos, size); return true; } return false; } } }