using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using MLEM.Extensions; using MLEM.Font; using MLEM.Textures; using MLEM.Ui.Format; using MLEM.Ui.Style; namespace MLEM.Ui.Elements { public class Paragraph : Element { private string text; private float lineHeight; private float longestLineLength; private string[] splitText; private Dictionary codeLocations; private IGenericFont regularFont; private IGenericFont boldFont; private IGenericFont italicFont; public NinePatch Background; public Color BackgroundColor; public Color TextColor = Color.White; public float TextScale; public string Text { get => this.text; set { if (this.text != value) { this.text = value; this.SetAreaDirty(); } } } public bool AutoAdjustWidth; public TextCallback GetTextCallback; public float LineSpace = 1; public Paragraph(Anchor anchor, float width, TextCallback textCallback, bool centerText = false) : this(anchor, width, "", centerText) { this.GetTextCallback = textCallback; this.Text = textCallback(this); } public Paragraph(Anchor anchor, float width, string text, bool centerText = false) : base(anchor, new Vector2(width, 0)) { this.text = text; this.AutoAdjustWidth = centerText; this.IgnoresMouse = true; } protected override Point CalcActualSize(Rectangle parentArea) { var size = base.CalcActualSize(parentArea); var sc = this.TextScale * this.Scale; this.splitText = this.regularFont.SplitString(this.text.RemoveFormatting(), size.X - this.ScaledPadding.X * 2, sc).ToArray(); this.codeLocations = this.text.GetFormattingCodes(); this.lineHeight = 0; this.longestLineLength = 0; foreach (var strg in this.splitText) { var strgScale = this.regularFont.MeasureString(strg) * sc; if (strgScale.Y + 1 > this.lineHeight) this.lineHeight = strgScale.Y + 1; if (strgScale.X > this.longestLineLength) this.longestLineLength = strgScale.X; } this.lineHeight *= this.LineSpace; return new Point(this.AutoAdjustWidth ? this.longestLineLength.Ceil() + this.ScaledPadding.X * 2 : size.X, (this.lineHeight * this.splitText.Length).Ceil() + this.ScaledPadding.Y * 2); } public override void Update(GameTime time) { base.Update(time); if (this.GetTextCallback != null) this.Text = this.GetTextCallback(this); } public override void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, float alpha, Point offset) { if (this.Background != null) batch.Draw(this.Background, this.Area.OffsetCopy(offset), this.BackgroundColor * alpha); var pos = this.DisplayArea.Location.ToVector2(); var off = offset.ToVector2(); var sc = this.TextScale * this.Scale; // if we don't have any formatting codes, then we don't need to do complex drawing if (this.codeLocations.Count <= 0) { foreach (var line in this.splitText) { this.regularFont.DrawString(batch, line, pos + off, this.TextColor * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, sc, SpriteEffects.None, 0); off.Y += this.lineHeight; } } else { // if we have formatting codes, we need to go through each index and see how it should be drawn var characterCounter = 0; var currColor = this.TextColor; var currFont = this.regularFont; foreach (var line in this.splitText) { var lineOffset = new Vector2(); foreach (var c in line) { // check if the current character's index has a formatting code this.codeLocations.TryGetValue(characterCounter, out var code); if (code != null) { // if so, apply it if (code.IsColorCode) { currColor = code.Color; } else { switch (code.Style) { case TextStyle.Regular: currFont = this.regularFont; break; case TextStyle.Bold: currFont = this.boldFont; break; case TextStyle.Italic: currFont = this.italicFont; break; } } } var cSt = c.ToString(); currFont.DrawString(batch, cSt, pos + off + lineOffset, currColor * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, sc, SpriteEffects.None, 0); // get the width based on the regular font so that the split text doesn't overshoot the borders // this is a bit of a hack, but bold fonts shouldn't be that much thicker so it won't look bad lineOffset.X += this.regularFont.MeasureString(cSt).X * sc; characterCounter++; } // spaces are replaced by newline characters, account for that characterCounter++; off.Y += this.lineHeight; } } base.Draw(time, batch, alpha, offset); } protected override void InitStyle(UiStyle style) { base.InitStyle(style); this.TextScale = style.TextScale; this.regularFont = style.Font; this.boldFont = style.BoldFont ?? style.Font; this.italicFont = style.ItalicFont ?? style.Font; } public delegate string TextCallback(Paragraph paragraph); } }