using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using MLEM.Cameras; using MLEM.Content; using MLEM.Data; using MLEM.Extended.Extensions; using MLEM.Extended.Tiled; using MLEM.Extensions; using MLEM.Font; using MLEM.Formatting; using MLEM.Misc; using MLEM.Startup; using MLEM.Textures; using MLEM.Ui; using MLEM.Ui.Elements; using MLEM.Ui.Style; using MonoGame.Extended; using MonoGame.Extended.Tiled; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using RectangleF = MonoGame.Extended.RectangleF; namespace Sandbox { public class GameImpl : MlemGame { private Camera camera; private TiledMap map; private IndividualTiledMapRenderer mapRenderer; private TiledMapCollisions collisions; private RawContentManager rawContent; private TokenizedString tokenized; public GameImpl() { this.IsMouseVisible = true; this.Window.ClientSizeChanged += (o, args) => { Console.WriteLine("Size changed"); }; } protected override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); this.Components.Add(this.rawContent = new RawContentManager(this.Services)); = LoadContent("Tiled/Map"); this.mapRenderer = new IndividualTiledMapRenderer(; this.collisions = new TiledMapCollisions(; = new Camera(this.GraphicsDevice) { AutoScaleWithScreen = true, Scale = 2, LookingPosition = new Vector2(25, 25) *, MinScale = 0.25F, MaxScale = 4 }; var tex = this.rawContent.Load("Textures/Test"); var font = new GenericSpriteFont(LoadContent("Fonts/TestFont")); this.UiSystem.Style = new UntexturedStyle(this.SpriteBatch) { Font = font, TextScale = 0.1F, PanelTexture = new NinePatch(new TextureRegion(tex, 0, 8, 24, 24), 8), ButtonTexture = new NinePatch(new TextureRegion(tex, 24, 8, 16, 16), 4) }; this.UiSystem.AutoScaleReferenceSize = new Point(1280, 720); this.UiSystem.AutoScaleWithScreen = true; this.UiSystem.GlobalScale = 5; var panel = new Panel(Anchor.Center, new Vector2(0, 100), Vector2.Zero) {SetWidthBasedOnChildren = true}; panel.AddChild(new Button(Anchor.AutoLeft, new Vector2(100, 10))); panel.AddChild(new Button(Anchor.AutoCenter, new Vector2(80, 10))); this.UiSystem.Add("Panel", panel); panel.SetData("TestKey", new Vector2(10, 2)); //Console.WriteLine(panel.GetData("TestKey")); var obj = new Test { Vec = new Vector2(10, 20), Point = new Point(20, 30), Rectangle = new Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4), RectangleF = new RectangleF(4, 5, 6, 7).ToMlem(), Dir = Direction2.Left }; var writer = new StringWriter(); this.Content.GetJsonSerializer().Serialize(writer, obj); //Console.WriteLine(writer.ToString()); // {"Vec":"10 20","Point":"20 30","Rectangle":"1 2 3 4","RectangleF":"4 5 6 7"} // Also: //this.Content.AddJsonConverter(new CustomConverter()); var res = this.Content.LoadJson("Test"); //Console.WriteLine(res); /*this.OnDraw += (game, time) => { this.SpriteBatch.Begin(); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, "Left Aligned\nover multiple lines", new Vector2(640, 0), TextAlign.Left, Color.White); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, "Center Aligned\nover multiple lines", new Vector2(640, 100), TextAlign.Center, Color.White); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, "Right Aligned\nover multiple lines", new Vector2(640, 200), TextAlign.Right, Color.White); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, "Center Aligned on both axes", new Vector2(640, 360), TextAlign.CenterBothAxes, Color.White); this.SpriteBatch.Draw(this.SpriteBatch.GetBlankTexture(), new Rectangle(640 - 4, 360 - 4, 8, 8), Color.Green); this.SpriteBatch.Draw(this.SpriteBatch.GetBlankTexture(), new Rectangle(200, 400, 200, 400), Color.Green); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, font.TruncateString("This is a very long string", 200, 1), new Vector2(200, 400), Color.White); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, font.TruncateString("This is a very long string", 200, 1, ellipsis: "..."), new Vector2(200, 450), Color.White); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, font.TruncateString("This is a very long string", 200, 1, true), new Vector2(200, 500), Color.White); font.DrawString(this.SpriteBatch, font.TruncateString("This is a very long string", 200, 1, true, "..."), new Vector2(200, 550), Color.White); this.SpriteBatch.End(); };*/ var formatter = new TextFormatter(); var strg = "This is a formatted string with two bits of formatting! It also includesaverylongwordthatisformattedaswell."; this.tokenized = formatter.Tokenize(strg); this.tokenized.Split(font, 400, 1); this.OnDraw += (g, time) => { this.SpriteBatch.Begin(); this.tokenized.Draw(time, this.SpriteBatch, new Vector2(100, 20), font, Color.White, 1, 0); this.SpriteBatch.End(); }; } protected override void DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) { base.DoUpdate(gameTime); if (this.InputHandler.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F11)) this.GraphicsDeviceManager.SetFullscreen(!this.GraphicsDeviceManager.IsFullScreen); var delta = this.InputHandler.ScrollWheel - this.InputHandler.LastScrollWheel; if (delta != 0) { * Math.Sign(delta), this.InputHandler.MousePosition.ToVector2()); } } protected override void DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) { this.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); this.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null,; /*this.mapRenderer.Draw(this.SpriteBatch,; foreach (var tile in this.collisions.GetCollidingTiles(new RectangleF(0, 0,, { foreach (var area in tile.Collisions) { this.SpriteBatch.DrawRectangle(area.Position *, area.Size *, Color.Red); } }*/ this.SpriteBatch.End(); base.DoDraw(gameTime); } private class Test { public Vector2 Vec; public Point Point; public Rectangle Rectangle; public MLEM.Misc.RectangleF RectangleF; public Direction2 Dir; public override string ToString() { return $"{nameof(this.Vec)}: {this.Vec}, {nameof(this.Point)}: {this.Point}, {nameof(this.Rectangle)}: {this.Rectangle}, {nameof(this.RectangleF)}: {this.RectangleF}, {nameof(this.Dir)}: {this.Dir}"; } } } }