using System; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using MLEM.Data; using MLEM.Textures; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Tests { public class TexturePackerTests { private Texture2D testTexture; private Texture2D disposedTestTexture; private TestGame game; [SetUp] public void SetUp() { = TestGame.Create(); this.testTexture = new Texture2D(, 256, 256); this.disposedTestTexture = new Texture2D(, 16, 16); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() {; this.testTexture?.Dispose(); this.disposedTestTexture?.Dispose(); } [Test] public void TestPacking() { using var packer = new RuntimeTexturePacker(); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var width = 16 * (i + 1); packer.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, width, 64), r => { Assert.AreEqual(r.Width, width); Assert.AreEqual(r.Height, 64); }); } packer.Pack(; Assert.AreEqual(packer.PackedTexture.Width, 16 + 32 + 48 + 64 + 80); Assert.AreEqual(packer.PackedTexture.Height, 64); } [Test] public void TestDisposal() { using var packer = new RuntimeTexturePacker(128, disposeTextures: true); packer.Add(new TextureRegion(this.disposedTestTexture), TexturePackerTests.StubResult); packer.Add(new TextureRegion(this.disposedTestTexture, 0, 0, 8, 8), TexturePackerTests.StubResult); packer.Pack(; Assert.True(this.disposedTestTexture.IsDisposed); Assert.False(packer.PackedTexture.IsDisposed); } [Test] public void TestBounds() { // test forced max width using var packer = new RuntimeTexturePacker(128); Assert.Throws(() => { packer.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, 256, 128), TexturePackerTests.StubResult); }); // test auto-expanding width using var packer2 = new RuntimeTexturePacker(128, true); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { packer2.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, 256, 128), TexturePackerTests.StubResult); }); packer2.Pack(; // test power of two forcing using var packer3 = new RuntimeTexturePacker(128, forcePowerOfTwo: true); packer3.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, 37, 170), TexturePackerTests.StubResult); packer3.Pack(; Assert.AreEqual(64, packer3.PackedTexture.Width); Assert.AreEqual(256, packer3.PackedTexture.Height); // test square forcing using var packer4 = new RuntimeTexturePacker(128, forceSquare: true); packer4.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, 37, 170), TexturePackerTests.StubResult); packer4.Pack(; Assert.AreEqual(170, packer4.PackedTexture.Width); Assert.AreEqual(170, packer4.PackedTexture.Height); } [Test] public void TestPackMultipleTimes() { using var packer = new RuntimeTexturePacker(1024); // pack the first time var results = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) packer.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, 64, 64), _ => results++); packer.Pack(; Assert.AreEqual(10, results); // pack without resizing packer.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, 0, 0), _ => results++); packer.Pack(; Assert.AreEqual(11, results); // pack and force a resize packer.Add(new TextureRegion(this.testTexture, 0, 0, 64, 64), _ => results++); packer.Pack(; // all callbacks are called again, so we add 11 again, as well as the callback we just added Assert.AreEqual(2 * 11 + 1, results); } private static void StubResult(TextureRegion region) {} } }