using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using MLEM.Font; using MLEM.Formatting; using MLEM.Formatting.Codes; using MLEM.Graphics; using MLEM.Maths; using MLEM.Misc; using MLEM.Ui.Style; namespace MLEM.Ui.Elements { /// /// A paragraph element for use inside of a . /// A paragraph is an element that contains text. /// A paragraph's text can be formatted using the ui system's . /// public class Paragraph : Element { /// /// The font that this paragraph draws text with. /// To set its bold and italic font, use and . /// public StyleProp RegularFont { get => this.regularFont; set { this.regularFont = value; this.SetTextDirty(); } } /// /// The tokenized version of the /// public TokenizedString TokenizedText { get { this.CheckTextChange(); this.TokenizeIfNecessary(); return this.tokenizedText; } } /// /// The color that the text will be rendered with /// public StyleProp TextColor; /// /// The scale that the text will be rendered with. /// To add a multiplier rather than changing the scale directly, use . /// public StyleProp TextScale { get => this.textScale; set { this.textScale = value; this.SetTextDirty(); } } /// /// A multiplier that will be applied to . /// To change the text scale itself, use . /// public float TextScaleMultiplier { get => this.textScaleMultiplier; set { if (this.textScaleMultiplier != value) { this.textScaleMultiplier = value; this.SetTextDirty(); } } } /// /// The text to render inside of this paragraph. /// Use if the text changes frequently. /// public string Text { get { this.CheckTextChange(); return this.displayedText; } set { this.explicitlySetText = value; this.CheckTextChange(); } } /// /// If this paragraph should automatically adjust its width based on the width of the text within it /// public bool AutoAdjustWidth { get => this.autoAdjustWidth; set { if (this.autoAdjustWidth != value) { this.autoAdjustWidth = value; this.SetAreaDirty(); } } } /// /// Whether this paragraph should be truncated instead of split if the displayed 's width exceeds the provided width. /// When the string is truncated, the is added to its end. /// public bool TruncateIfLong { get => this.truncateIfLong; set { if (this.truncateIfLong != value) { this.truncateIfLong = value; this.SetAlignSplitDirty(); } } } /// /// The ellipsis characters to use if is enabled and the string is truncated. /// If this is set to an empty string, no ellipsis will be attached to the truncated string. /// public string Ellipsis { get => this.ellipsis; set { if (this.ellipsis != value) { this.ellipsis = value; this.SetAlignSplitDirty(); } } } /// /// An event that gets called when this paragraph's is queried. /// Use this event for setting this paragraph's text if it changes frequently. /// public TextCallback GetTextCallback; /// /// The action that is executed if objects inside of this paragraph are pressed. /// By default, is executed. /// public Action LinkAction; /// /// The that this paragraph's text should be rendered with /// public StyleProp Alignment { get => this.alignment; set { this.alignment = value; this.SetTextDirty(); } } /// /// The inclusive index in this paragraph's to start drawing at. /// This value is passed to . /// public int? DrawStartIndex; /// /// The exclusive index in this paragraph's to stop drawing at. /// This value is passed to . /// public int? DrawEndIndex; /// public override bool IsHidden => base.IsHidden || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Text); private string displayedText; private string explicitlySetText; private StyleProp alignment; private StyleProp regularFont; private StyleProp textScale; private TokenizedString tokenizedText; private float? lastAlignSplitWidth; private float? lastAlignSplitScale; private string ellipsis = "..."; private bool truncateIfLong; private float textScaleMultiplier = 1; private bool autoAdjustWidth; /// /// Creates a new paragraph with the given settings. /// /// The paragraph's anchor /// The paragraph's width. Note that its height is automatically calculated. /// The paragraph's text /// The paragraph's text alignment. /// Whether the paragraph's width should automatically be calculated based on the text within it. public Paragraph(Anchor anchor, float width, TextCallback textCallback, TextAlignment alignment, bool autoAdjustWidth = false) : this(anchor, width, textCallback, autoAdjustWidth) { this.Alignment = alignment; } /// /// Creates a new paragraph with the given settings. /// /// The paragraph's anchor /// The paragraph's width. Note that its height is automatically calculated. /// The paragraph's text /// The paragraph's text alignment. /// Whether the paragraph's width should automatically be calculated based on the text within it. public Paragraph(Anchor anchor, float width, string text, TextAlignment alignment, bool autoAdjustWidth = false) : this(anchor, width, text, autoAdjustWidth) { this.Alignment = alignment; } /// /// Creates a new paragraph with the given settings. /// /// The paragraph's anchor /// The paragraph's width. Note that its height is automatically calculated. /// The paragraph's text /// Whether the paragraph's width should automatically be calculated based on the text within it. public Paragraph(Anchor anchor, float width, TextCallback textCallback, bool autoAdjustWidth = false) : this(anchor, width, string.Empty, autoAdjustWidth) { this.GetTextCallback = textCallback; } /// /// Creates a new paragraph with the given settings. /// /// The paragraph's anchor /// The paragraph's width. Note that its height is automatically calculated. /// The paragraph's text /// Whether the paragraph's width should automatically be calculated based on the text within it. public Paragraph(Anchor anchor, float width, string text, bool autoAdjustWidth = false) : base(anchor, new Vector2(width, 0)) { this.Text = text; this.AutoAdjustWidth = autoAdjustWidth; this.CanBeSelected = false; this.CanBeMoused = false; } /// public override void SetAreaAndUpdateChildren(RectangleF area) { base.SetAreaAndUpdateChildren(area); // in case an outside source sets our area, we still want to display our text correctly this.AlignAndSplitIfNecessary(area.Size); } /// protected override Vector2 CalcActualSize(RectangleF parentArea) { var size = base.CalcActualSize(parentArea); this.CheckTextChange(); this.TokenizeIfNecessary(); this.AlignAndSplitIfNecessary(size); var textSize = this.tokenizedText.GetArea(scale: this.TextScale * this.TextScaleMultiplier * this.Scale).Size; // if we auto-adjust our width, then we would also split the same way with our adjusted width, so cache that if (this.AutoAdjustWidth) this.lastAlignSplitWidth = textSize.X; return new Vector2(this.AutoAdjustWidth ? textSize.X + this.ScaledPadding.Width : size.X, textSize.Y + this.ScaledPadding.Height); } /// public override void Update(GameTime time) { this.TokenizedText?.Update(time); base.Update(time); } /// public override void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, float alpha, SpriteBatchContext context) { var pos = this.DisplayArea.Location + new Vector2(this.GetAlignmentOffset(), 0); var sc = this.TextScale * this.TextScaleMultiplier * this.Scale; var color = this.TextColor.OrDefault(Color.White) * alpha; this.TokenizedText.Draw(time, batch, pos, this.RegularFont, color, sc, 0, 0, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, this.DrawStartIndex, this.DrawEndIndex); base.Draw(time, batch, alpha, context); } /// protected override void InitStyle(UiStyle style) { base.InitStyle(style); this.RegularFont = this.RegularFont.OrStyle(style.Font ?? throw new NotSupportedException("Paragraphs cannot use ui styles that don't have a font. Please supply a custom font by setting UiStyle.Font.")); this.TextScale = this.TextScale.OrStyle(style.TextScale); this.TextColor = this.TextColor.OrStyle(style.TextColor); this.Alignment = this.Alignment.OrStyle(style.TextAlignment); } private void SetTextDirty() { this.tokenizedText = null; // only set our area dirty if our size changed as a result of this action if (!this.AreaDirty && (this.System == null || !this.CalcActualSize(this.ParentArea).Equals(this.DisplayArea.Size, Element.Epsilon))) this.SetAreaDirty(); } private void CheckTextChange() { var newText = this.GetTextCallback?.Invoke(this) ?? this.explicitlySetText; if (this.displayedText == newText) return; var emptyChanged = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.displayedText) != string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newText); this.displayedText = newText; if (emptyChanged) this.SetAreaDirty(); this.SetTextDirty(); } private float GetAlignmentOffset() { switch (this.Alignment.Value) { case TextAlignment.Center: return this.DisplayArea.Width / 2; case TextAlignment.Right: return this.DisplayArea.Width; } return 0; } private void TokenizeIfNecessary() { if (this.tokenizedText != null) return; // tokenize the text this.tokenizedText = this.System.TextFormatter.Tokenize(this.RegularFont, this.Text, this.Alignment); this.SetAlignSplitDirty(); // add links to the paragraph this.RemoveChildren(c => c is Link); foreach (var link in this.tokenizedText.Tokens.Where(t => t.AppliedCodes.Any(c => c is LinkCode))) this.AddChild(new Link(Anchor.TopLeft, link, this.TextScale * this.TextScaleMultiplier)); } private void AlignAndSplitIfNecessary(Vector2 size) { var width = size.X - this.ScaledPadding.Width; var scale = this.TextScale * this.TextScaleMultiplier * this.Scale; if (this.lastAlignSplitWidth?.Equals(width, Element.Epsilon) == true && this.lastAlignSplitScale?.Equals(scale, Element.Epsilon) == true) return; this.lastAlignSplitWidth = width; this.lastAlignSplitScale = scale; if (this.TruncateIfLong) { this.tokenizedText.Truncate(this.RegularFont, width, scale, this.Ellipsis, this.Alignment); } else { this.tokenizedText.Split(this.RegularFont, width, scale, this.Alignment); } } private void SetAlignSplitDirty() { this.lastAlignSplitWidth = null; this.lastAlignSplitScale = null; } /// /// A delegate method used for /// /// The current paragraph public delegate string TextCallback(Paragraph paragraph); /// /// A link is a sub-element of the that is added onto it as a child for any tokens that contain , to make them selectable and clickable. /// public class Link : Element { /// /// The token that this link represents /// public readonly Token Token; private readonly float textScale; /// /// Creates a new link element with the given settings /// /// The link's anchor /// The token that this link represents /// The scale that text is rendered with public Link(Anchor anchor, Token token, float textScale) : base(anchor, Vector2.Zero) { this.Token = token; this.textScale = textScale; this.OnPressed += e => { foreach (var code in token.AppliedCodes.OfType()) { if (this.Parent is Paragraph p && p.LinkAction != null) { p.LinkAction.Invoke(this, code); } else { MlemPlatform.Current.OpenLinkOrFile(code.Match.Groups[1].Value); } } }; } /// public override void ForceUpdateArea() { // set the position offset and size to the token's first area var area = this.Token.GetArea(Vector2.Zero, this.textScale).FirstOrDefault(); if (this.Parent is Paragraph p) area.Location += new Vector2(p.GetAlignmentOffset() / p.Scale, 0); this.PositionOffset = area.Location; this.IsHidden = area.IsEmpty; this.Size = area.Size; base.ForceUpdateArea(); } /// public override Element GetElementUnderPos(Vector2 position) { var ret = base.GetElementUnderPos(position); if (ret != null) return ret; // check if any of our token's parts are hovered var location = this.Parent.DisplayArea.Location; if (this.Parent is Paragraph p) location.X += p.GetAlignmentOffset(); foreach (var rect in this.Token.GetArea(location, this.Scale * this.textScale)) { if (rect.Contains(this.TransformInverse(position))) return this; } return null; } } } }