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MLEM tries to adhere to semantic versioning. Breaking changes are written in bold.

Jump to version:

5.3.0 (Unreleased)



  • Added StringBuilder overloads to GenericFont
  • Added ColorExtensions.Multiply
  • Added SoundEffectInstanceHandler.Stop
  • Added TextureRegion.OffsetCopy


  • Generify GenericFont's string drawing
  • Added InputHandler mouse and touch position querying that preserves the game's viewport
  • Added float version of GetRandomWeightedEntry
  • Allow LinkCode to specify a color to draw with
  • Allow better control over the order and layout of a Keybind's combinations


  • Fixed a formatting Code only knowing about the last Token that it is applied in
  • Fixed Code.Draw receiving the index in the current line rather than the current token
  • Fixed StaticSpriteBatch handling rotated sprites incorrectly


  • Renamed GenericFont.OneEmSpace to Emsp (and marked OneEmSpace as obsolete)



  • Added Element.OnStyleInit event


  • Allow for checkboxes and radio buttons to be disabled
  • Only set a paragraph's area dirty when a text change would cause it to change size
  • Ensure that a panel gets notified of all relevant changes by calling OnChildAreaDirty for all grandchildren
  • Avoid unnecessary panel updates by using an Epsilon comparison when scrolling children
  • Allow setting a default text alignment for paragraphs in UiStyle
  • Made custom values of Element.Style persist when a new ui style is set
  • Update elements less aggressively when changing a ui system's style
  • Automatically update all elements when changing a ui system's viewport
  • Allow setting a default color for clickable links in UiStyle
  • Allow ElementHelper's KeybindButton to query a combination at a given index
  • Automatically select the first element when a dropdown is opened in auto nav mode
  • Improved gamepad navigation by employing angles between elements
  • Prefer elements that have the same parent as the currently selected element when using gamepad navigation


  • Fixed paragraph links having incorrect hover locations when using special text alignments
  • Fixed the graphics device's viewport being ignored for mouse and touch queries


  • Marked StyleProp equality members as obsolete
  • Marked BeginDelegate and BeginImpl as obsolete



  • Preserve texture region names when converting between MLEM and MG.Extended



  • Rethrow exceptions when no RawContentManager readers could be constructed
  • Make Newtonsoft.Json dependency optional


  • Marked CopyExtensions as obsolete




  • Added a strikethrough formatting code
  • Added GenericFont SplitStringSeparate which differentiates between existing newline characters and splits due to maximum width
  • Added StaticSpriteBatch class
  • Added missing easing functions Quart and Quint to Easings
  • Added RotationVector extension methods for Matrix and Quaternion
  • Added DrawExtendedAutoTile to the AutoTiling class


  • Moved AutoTiling to Graphics namespace
  • Cache TokenizedString inner offsets for non-Left text alignments to improve performance
  • Exposed Camera's RoundPosition
  • Exposed the epsilon value used by Camera
  • Added Padding.Empty
  • Throw an exception when text formatter macros resolve recursively too many times
  • Allow using StaticSpriteBatch for AutoTiling
  • Made TextFormatter string size based on the currently active font rather than the default one
  • Allow storing multiple texture regions per SpriteAnimation frame


  • Fixed some end-of-line inconsistencies when using the Right text alignment


  • Removed deprecated Misc versions of SoundEffectInfo and SoundEffectInstanceHandler



  • Allow specifying a maximum amount of characters for a TextField
  • Added a multiline editing mode to TextField
  • Added a formatting code to allow for inline font changes
  • Added a SquishingGroup element
  • Added UiMetrics


  • Made Image ScaleToImage take ui scale into account
  • Added style properties for a lot of hardcoded default element styles
  • Allow setting a custom effect and depth stencil state for ui drawing
  • Made StyleProp immutable
  • Exposed the epsilon value used by Element calculations
  • Allow style properties to set style values with a higher priority, which allows elements to style their default children
  • Allow changing the entire ui style for a single element
  • Skip unnecessary area updates for elements with dirty parents
  • Calculate panel scroll bar height based on content height
  • Remember the location that a scroll bar scroller was grabbed in when scrolling
  • Automatically set area dirty when changing child padding or paragraph fonts


  • Fixed VerticalSpace height parameter being an integer
  • Fixed text not being pasted into a text field at all if it contains characters that don't match the input rule
  • Fixed panels that don't auto-hide their scroll bars ignoring their width for child padding
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with element transformations and mouse interaction


  • Removed ScrollBar ScrollerOffset



  • Allow RuntimeTexturePacker to automatically dispose submitted textures when packing
  • Added JsonTypeSafeWrapper and JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder


  • Use TitleContainer for opening streams where possible
  • Set GraphicsResource Name when loading assets using RawContentManager


  • Marked features related to Lidgren.Network as obsolete



  • Added virtual InitializeDefaultUiStyle to MlemGame
  • Added PreDraw and PreUpdate events and coroutine events




  • Added RotateBy to Direction2Helper


  • Moved ColorHelper.Invert to ColorExtensions.Invert
  • Allow enumerating SoundEffectInstanceHandler entries
  • Improved NinePatch memory usage
  • Moved sound-related classes into Sound namespace
  • Added customizable overloads for Keybind, Combination and GenericInput ToString methods
  • Removed LINQ Any and All usage in various methods to improve memory usage
  • Improved KeysExtensions memory usage


  • Set default values for InputHandler held and pressed keys to avoid an exception if buttons are held in the very first frame
  • Fixed GenericFont MeasureString using incorrect width for Zwsp and OneEmSpace
  • Fixed tiled NinePatches missing pixels with some scales



  • Added a masking character to TextField to allow for password-style text fields


  • Explicitly disallow creating Paragraphs without fonts to make starting out with MLEM.Ui less confusing
  • Removed LINQ Any and All usage in various methods to improve memory usage
  • Allow adding Link children to non-Paragraph elements


  • Fixed a crash if a paragraph has a link formatting code, but no font
  • Fixed tooltips with custom text scale not snapping to the mouse correctly in their first displayed frame
  • Fixed tooltips not displaying correctly with auto-hiding paragraphs
  • Fixed rounding errors causing AutoInline elements to be pushed into the next line with some ui scales



  • Use FontStashSharp's built-in LineHeight property for GenericStashFont



  • Added the ability to specify a coordinate offset in data texture atlases


  • Improved RawContentManager's reader loading and added better exception handling
  • Improved CopyExtensions construction speed
  • Improved DynamicEnum caching


  • Fixed DynamicEnum AddFlag going into an infinite loop




  • Added some Collection extensions, namely for dealing with combinations
  • Added repeat-ignoring versions of IsKeyPressed and IsGamepadButtonPressed
  • Added SoundExtensions
  • Added string truncation to TokenizedString
  • Added a sprite batch extension to generate a gradient
  • Added InputsDown and InputsPressed properties to InputHandler
  • Added text alignment options to tokenized strings


  • Replaced TextInputWrapper with a more refined MlemPlatform that includes the ability to open links on various platforms
  • Allow NinePatches to be drawn tiled rather than stretched
  • Added the ability for Direction2 to be used as flags
  • Made Padding and Direction2 DataContracts
  • Expose the viewport of cameras
  • Greatly improved the efficiency of line splitting for GenericFont and TokenizedString
  • Improved performance of TextFormatter tokenization
  • Allow for underline and shadow formatting codes to be mixed with font changing codes
  • Exposed Keybind Combinations


  • Fixed the input handler querying input when the window is inactive
  • Fixed UnderlineCode ending in the wrong places because it was marked as a font-changing code


  • Removed the array-based GetRandomEntry method
  • Removed obsolete ColorExtension methods



  • Added a text scale multiplier value to Paragraph
  • Added an option to limit auto-height and auto-width in elements to a maximum and minimum size
  • Added the ability to set a custom viewport for ui systems
  • Added string truncation to Paragraph
  • Added a simple way to change the action that is executed when a link is pressed in a paragraph
  • Added events for when a root element is added or removed
  • Added an ElementHelper method to create a keybind button
  • Added text alignment options to paragraphs


  • Removed unnecessary GraphicsDevice references from UiSystem
  • Stop a panel's scroll bar from being removed from its children list automatically
  • Dispose of panels' render targets to avoid memory leaks
  • Allow changing the color that a panel renders its texture with


  • Fixed auto-sized elements doing too many area update calculations
  • Fixed a rare stack overflow where scroll bars could get stuck in an auto-hide loop
  • Fixed auto-sized elements without children not updating their size correctly
  • Fixed panels drawing children early within the render target (instead of regularly)



  • Added GenericFont compatibility for FontStashSharp
  • Added a method to make sidescrolling collision detection easier with TiledMapCollisions
  • Added some more TiledMapExtension utility methods


  • Reversed the y loop in GetCollidingTiles to account for gravity which is usually more important


  • Fixed some number parsing not using the invariant culture



  • Added StaticJsonConverter
  • Added DynamicEnum, a cursed custom enumeration class that supports arbitrarily many values


  • Fixed some number parsing not using the invariant culture
  • Fixed RawContentManager crashing with dynamic assemblies present