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synced 2024-12-22 14:59:22 +01:00
finished the Armorer's Aid
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 121 additions and 0 deletions
@ -8,14 +8,25 @@ import net.minecraft.block.HorizontalBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.BlockItemUseContext;
import net.minecraft.state.DirectionProperty;
import net.minecraft.state.StateContainer;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.shapes.ISelectionContext;
import net.minecraft.util.math.shapes.VoxelShape;
import net.minecraft.util.math.shapes.VoxelShapes;
import net.minecraft.world.IBlockReader;
public class BlockBlastFurnaceBooster extends BlockContainerImpl {
public static final DirectionProperty FACING = HorizontalBlock.HORIZONTAL_FACING;
private static final VoxelShape SHAPE = VoxelShapes.create(1 / 16F, 0, 1 / 16F, 15 / 16F, 1, 15 / 16F);
public BlockBlastFurnaceBooster() {
super("blast_furnace_booster", TileEntityBlastFurnaceBooster::new, Block.Properties.from(Blocks.BLAST_FURNACE));
public VoxelShape getShape(BlockState state, IBlockReader worldIn, BlockPos pos, ISelectionContext context) {
return SHAPE;
protected void fillStateContainer(StateContainer.Builder<Block, BlockState> builder) {
@ -8,8 +8,14 @@ import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.BlastFurnaceTileEntity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.ITickableTileEntity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.IIntArray;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraftforge.items.CapabilityItemHandler;
import net.minecraftforge.items.IItemHandler;
import net.minecraftforge.items.IItemHandlerModifiable;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TileEntityBlastFurnaceBooster extends TileEntityImpl implements ITickableTileEntity {
@ -58,4 +64,58 @@ public class TileEntityBlastFurnaceBooster extends TileEntityImpl implements ITi
PacketHandler.sendToAllAround(this.world, this.pos, 32,
new PacketParticles(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), PacketParticles.Type.BLAST_FURNACE_BOOSTER, 1));
public IItemHandlerModifiable getItemHandler(Direction facing) {
TileEntity below = this.world.getTileEntity(this.pos.down());
if (!(below instanceof BlastFurnaceTileEntity))
return null;
IItemHandler handler = below.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, Direction.UP).orElse(null);
if (handler == null)
return null;
return new IItemHandlerModifiable() {
public void setStackInSlot(int slot, @Nonnull ItemStack stack) {
if (handler instanceof IItemHandlerModifiable)
((IItemHandlerModifiable) handler).setStackInSlot(0, stack);
public int getSlots() {
return 1;
public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int slot) {
return handler.getStackInSlot(0);
public ItemStack insertItem(int slot, @Nonnull ItemStack stack, boolean simulate) {
return handler.insertItem(0, stack, simulate);
public ItemStack extractItem(int slot, int amount, boolean simulate) {
return handler.extractItem(0, amount, simulate);
public int getSlotLimit(int slot) {
return handler.getSlotLimit(0);
public boolean isItemValid(int slot, @Nonnull ItemStack stack) {
return handler.isItemValid(0, stack);
public void dropInventory() {
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"block.naturesaura.dimension_rail_end": "Rail of the End",
"block.naturesaura.dimension_rail_nether": "Rail of the Nether",
"block.naturesaura.projectile_generator": "Shooting Mark",
"block.naturesaura.blast_furnace_booster": "Armorer's Aid",
"item.naturesaura.eye": "Environmental Eye",
"item.naturesaura.eye_improved": "Environmental Ocular",
"item.naturesaura.gold_fiber": "Brilliant Fiber",
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"name": "Armorer's Aid",
"icon": "naturesaura:blast_furnace_booster",
"category": "using",
"advancement": "naturesaura:offering",
"pages": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Ever since villager scientists have discovered the use of higher tier materials to create a $(item)Blast Furnace$(), magical botanists have attempted to further improve upon this technology. They have found that $(aura) might be capable of purifying any kind of $(thing)ore$() to a point where it has a chance of producing $(thing)two ingots$() rather than one."
"type": "text",
"text": "These capabilities can be introduced through an $(item)Armorer's Aid$(), which simply has to be placed on top of a $(item)Blast Furnace$().$(p)It should be noted, for the sake of $(thing)automation$(), that ores can be inserted into any side of the $(item)Armorer's Aid$() using a $(item)Hopper$() or similar device. This will cause the items to end up in the smelting area as if they were fed directly into the top of the $(item)Blast Furnace$()."
"type": "crafting",
"text": "Creating the $(item)Armorer's Aid$()",
"recipe": "naturesaura:blast_furnace_booster"
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped",
"pattern": [
"key": {
"H": {
"item": "naturesaura:furnace_heater"
"B": {
"item": "minecraft:blast_furnace"
"T": {
"item": "naturesaura:token_terror"
"C": {
"item": "minecraft:cobblestone"
"I": {
"item": "naturesaura:infused_iron"
"result": {
"item": "naturesaura:blast_furnace_booster"
Reference in a new issue