{ "name": "Aura, conceptually", "icon": "naturesaura:gold_leaf", "category": "intro", "priority": true, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Contrary to popular belief, $(aura) isn't stored in single, floating $(italic)nodes$(), but rather, it is present everywhere in the world.$(br)While touching it is impossible, making use of its powers certainly is not. When $(aura) is used right, it can assist in the production of materials, the creation of new ideas and the harnessing of the world and its components." }, { "type": "text", "text": "However, it isn't always as easy as that. Making use of it wrongly, specifically draining it completely from an area, will face the culprit with diminishing returns.$(br)So while $(aura) is plentiful and useful, abusing it would certainly be ill-advised." } ] }