{ "name": "On Creating Aura", "icon": "naturesaura:gold_leaf", "category": "creating", "advancement": "naturesaura:wood_stand", "priority": true, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "$(thing)Creating$() $(aura) is a practice that will quickly be required by any magical botanist making use of it. Before getting into the matter, it should be noted that there are several $(thing)devices$() whose sole purpose is to create $(aura), most of which the reader may discover later down the line. By default, most of these devices do not have the $(thing)creational strength$() to create $(aura) beyond the range of the $(l:items/eye)Environmental Eye$()." }, { "type": "text", "text": "Once an amount of $(aura) close to that is reached in the area, these creational devices will behave in different ways, some shutting off completely, others continuing their behavior without creating any $(aura) in the process. Of course, they can be stopped manually using an $(l:devices/aura_detector)Aura Detector$() or similar. $(p)Later on, this behavior can be changed using the $(l:creating/generator_limit_remover)Creational Catalyst$()." } ] }