{ "name": "Magical Botany", "icon": "minecraft:oak_sapling", "category": "intro", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "As many readers may be aware, there are several branches of $(item)Botany$(), the study of $(thing)plants$(). A lot of botanists have, in the past, focused on the magical properties of plants in the form of flowers, such as the peculiar and pure daisy.$(br)However, botany is a lot more than that, especially $(item)Magical Botany$(), because not only are there more things to be discovered in nature than" }, { "type": "text", "text": "just flowers, but there are also most likely more powerful things that the world hasn't learned about yet.$(br)When becoming a botanist and studying the influences of trees, flowers and the like, one will stumble upon natural mechanics that seem familiar, yet are, at their core, entirely different. Studying and understanding these is the goal of magical botany." } ] }