{ "name": "Everlasting Spring", "icon": "naturesaura:spring", "category": "using", "advancement": "naturesaura:offering", "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "The $(item)Everlasting Spring$() packages the many abilities of $(thing)water$() elegantly into a solid structure, one that can even be used in areas that are usually deemed $(thing)too hot$() for water to exist there. As for simple actions, the $(item)Everlasting Spring$() can fill $(item)cauldrons$() on top of it, $(item)sponges$() close to it and $(item)buckets$() used on it with water. It also irrigates $(thing)farmland$() in an area of five blocks around it." }, { "type": "text", "text": "Additionally, any more advanced mechanics like $(item)pipes$() can pull water out of it. Additionally, the spring is able to interact with $(item)lava$() in the following ways: If lava is placed one block away horizontally from it, a block of $(item)cobblestone$() will be generated. If the same is done, but vertically, $(item)stone$() is created instead. A block of lava directly next to the spring will turn into $(item)obsidian$().$(n)Of course, all of these actions require varying amounts of $(aura)." }, { "type": "crafting", "text": "Assembling the $(item)Everlasting Spring$()", "recipe": "naturesaura:spring" } ] }