{ "name": "Ancient Trees", "icon": "naturesaura:ancient_leaves", "category": "creating", "advancement": "naturesaura:wood_stand", "priority": true, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "A basic way of replenishing the $(thing)Aura$() in an area are $(item)Ancient Trees$(). Once an $(item)Ancient Sapling$() is created, it will grow like a normal tree, but its leaves will start increasing the $(thing)Aura$() levels back to normal slowly.$(br)The tree, however, does not fare well during this process: As its leaves' $(thing)Aura$() is drained into the world, the leaves start dying, leaving the tree bare if enough is drained." }, { "type": "naturesaura:tree_ritual", "text": "Creating the $(item)Ancient Sapling$() using the $(l:practices/tree_ritual)Ritual of the Forest$()", "recipe": "naturesaura:ancient_sapling" }, { "type": "crafting", "recipe": "naturesaura:ancient_planks", "recipe2": "naturesaura:ancient_stick" } ] }