package de.ellpeck.naturesaura; import de.ellpeck.naturesaura.api.NaturesAuraAPI; import de.ellpeck.naturesaura.api.aura.type.BasicAuraType; import de.ellpeck.naturesaura.api.aura.type.IAuraType; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config.Comment; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config.RangeDouble; @Config(modid = NaturesAura.MOD_ID, category = "") public final class ModConfig { public static General general = new General(); public static Features enabledFeatures = new Features(); public static Client client = new Client(); public static class General { @Comment("Additional conversion recipes for the Botanist's Pickaxe right click function. Each entry needs to be formatted as modid:input_block[prop1=value1,...]->modid:output_block[prop1=value1,...] where block state properties are optional") public String[] additionalBotanistPickaxeConversions = new String[0]; @Comment("Additional blocks that several mechanics identify as flowers. Each entry needs to be formatted as modid:block[prop1=value1,...] where block state properties are optional") public String[] additionalFlowers = new String[0]; @Comment("Additional dimensions that map to Aura types that should be present in them. This is useful if you have a modpack with custom dimensions that should have Aura act similarly to an existing dimension in them. Each entry needs to be formatted as dimension_name->aura_type, where aura_type can be any of naturesaura:overworld, naturesaura:nether and naturesaura:end.") public String[] auraTypeOverrides = new String[0]; @Comment("The amount of blocks that can be between two Aura Field Creators for them to be connectable and work together") public int fieldCreatorRange = 10; @Comment("The Aura to RF ratio used by the RF converter, read as aura*ratio = rf") public float auraToRFRatio = 0.05F; } public static class Features { @Comment("If using Dragon's Breath in a Brewing Stand should not cause a glass bottle to appear") public boolean removeDragonBreathContainerItem = true; @Comment("If the RF converter block should be enabled") public boolean rfConverter = true; @Comment("If the Aura Imbalance effect of grass and trees dying in the area if the Aura levels are too low should occur") public boolean grassDieEffect = true; @Comment("If the Aura Imbalance effect of plant growth being boosted if the Aura levels are high enough should occur") public boolean plantBoostEffect = true; @Comment("If the Aura Imbalance effect of aura containers in players' inventories being filled if the Aura levels are high enough should occur") public boolean cacheRechargeEffect = true; @Comment("If the Aura Imbalance effect of explosions happening randomly if Aura levels are too low should occur") public boolean explosionEffect = true; @Comment("If the Aura Imbalance effect of breathlessness if Aura levels are too low should occur") public boolean breathlessEffect = true; @Comment("If the Aura Imbalance effect of farm animals being affected in positive ways if Aura levels are too high should occur") public boolean animalEffect = true; } public static class Client { @Comment("The percentage of particles that should be displayed, where 1 is 100% and 0 is 0%") @RangeDouble(min = 0, max = 1) public double particleAmount = 1; @Comment("If particle spawning should respect the particle setting in Minecraft's video settings screen") public boolean respectVanillaParticleSettings = true; @Comment("The percentage of particles that should spawn when there is an excess amount of Aura in the environment, where 1 is 100% and 0 is 0%") public double excessParticleAmount = 1; @Comment("If debug information about Aura around the player should be displayed in the F3 debug menu if the player is in creative mode") public boolean debugText = true; @Comment("If, when the F3 debug menu is open and the player is in creative mode, every Aura spot should be highlighted in the world for debug purposes") public boolean debugWorld = false; } public static void initOrReload(boolean reload) { if (!reload) { try { for (String s : general.additionalBotanistPickaxeConversions) { String[] split = s.split("->"); NaturesAuraAPI.BOTANIST_PICKAXE_CONVERSIONS.put( Helper.getStateFromString(split[0]), Helper.getStateFromString(split[1])); } } catch (Exception e) { NaturesAura.LOGGER.warn("Error parsing additionalBotanistPickaxeConversions", e); } try { for (String s : general.additionalFlowers) NaturesAuraAPI.FLOWERS.add(Helper.getStateFromString(s)); } catch (Exception e) { NaturesAura.LOGGER.warn("Error parsing additionalFlowers", e); } try { for (String s : general.auraTypeOverrides) { String[] split = s.split("->"); IAuraType type = NaturesAuraAPI.AURA_TYPES.get(new ResourceLocation(split[1])); if (type instanceof BasicAuraType) ((BasicAuraType) type).addDimensionType(DimensionType.byName(split[0])); } } catch (Exception e) { NaturesAura.LOGGER.warn("Error parsing auraTypeOverrides", e); } } } }